3  A Bayesian Approach to PK/PD using Stan and Torsten


3.1 Introduction

We can use Stan and Torsten for the whole PK/PD workflow. In this section we will talk briefly about simulation and extensively about fitting a PopPK model to observed data and simulating/predicting future data given the results of the model fit.

3.2 Simple Example - Single Dose, Single Individual

First we will show a very simple example - a single oral dose for a single individual:

3.2.1 PK Model

The data-generating model is:

\[\begin{align} C_i &= f(\mathbf{\theta}, t_i)*e^{\epsilon_i}, \; \epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma^2) \notag \\ &= \frac{D}{V}\frac{k_a}{k_a - k_e}\left(e^{-k_e(t-t_D)} - e^{-k_a(t-t_D)} \right)*e^{\epsilon_i} \end{align}\]

where \(\mathbf{\theta} = \left[k_a, CL, V\right]^\top\) is a vector containing the individual parameters for this individual, \(k_e = \frac{CL}{V}\), \(D\) is the dose amount, and \(t_D\) is the time of the dose. We will have observations at times 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 12, and 24 and simulate the data with a dose of 200 mg and true parameter values as follows:

True Parameter Values for Single Individual
Parameter Value Units Description
\(CL\) 5.0 \(\frac{L}{h}\) Clearance
\(V\) 50.0 \(L\) Central compartment volume
\(k_a\) 0.5 \(h^{-1}\) Absorption rate constant
\(\sigma\) 0.2 - Standard deviation for lognormal residual error

3.2.2 Simulating Data

Many of you who simulate data in R probably use a package like mrgsolve or RxODE, and those are perfectly good tools, but we can also do our simulations directly in Stan.

model_simulate_stan <- cmdstan_model(

// First Order Absorption (oral/subcutaneous)
// One-compartment PK Model
// Single subject
// lognormal error - DV = CP*exp(eps)
// Closed form solution using a self-written function

  real depot_1cmt(real dose, real cl, real v, real ka, 
                  real time_since_dose){
    real ke = cl/v;
    real cp = dose/v * ka/(ka - ke) * 
              (exp(-ke*time_since_dose) - exp(-ka*time_since_dose));
    return cp;

  int n_obs;
  real<lower = 0> dose;
  array[n_obs] real time;
  real time_of_first_dose;
  real<lower = 0> CL;     
  real<lower = 0> V;      
  real<lower = CL/V> KA;     
  real<lower = 0> sigma;  
transformed data{ 
  vector[n_obs] time_since_dose = to_vector(time) - time_of_first_dose;

generated quantities{

  vector[n_obs] cp;
  vector[n_obs] dv;

  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    if(time_since_dose[i] <= 0){
      cp[i] = 0;
      dv[i] = 0;
      cp[i] = depot_1cmt(dose, CL, V, KA, time_since_dose[i]);
      dv[i] = lognormal_rng(log(cp[i]), sigma);
times_to_observe <- c(0.5, 1, 2, 4, 12, 24)

times_to_simulate <- times_to_observe %>% 
  c(seq(0, 24, by = 0.25)) %>% 
  sort() %>% 

stan_data_simulate <- list(n_obs = length(times_to_simulate),
                           dose = 200,
                           time = times_to_simulate,
                           time_of_first_dose = 0,
                           CL = 5,
                           V = 50,
                           KA = 0.5, 
                           sigma = 0.2)

simulated_data_stan <- model_simulate_stan$sample(data = stan_data_simulate,
                                                  fixed_param = TRUE,
                                                  seed = 1,
                                                  iter_warmup = 0,
                                                  iter_sampling = 1,
                                                  chains = 1,
                                                  parallel_chains = 1,
                                                  show_messages = TRUE) 

data_stan <- simulated_data_stan$draws(format = "draws_df") %>%
  spread_draws(cp[i], dv[i]) %>% 
  mutate(time = times_to_simulate[i]) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  select(time, cp, dv)

observed_data_stan <- data_stan %>%  
  filter(time %in% times_to_observe) %>% 
  select(time, dv)
observed_data_stan %>% 
  mutate(dv = round(dv, 3)) %>% 
  knitr::kable(col.names = c("Time", "Concentration"),
               caption = "Observed Data for a Single Individual") %>% 
  kableExtra::kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Observed Data for a Single Individual
Time Concentration
0.5 0.537
1.0 1.692
2.0 2.299
4.0 2.853
12.0 1.833
24.0 0.507

And here we can see the observed data overlayed on top of the “truth”.

ggplot(mapping = aes(x = time)) +
  geom_line(data = data_stan,
            mapping = aes(y = cp)) +
  geom_point(data = observed_data_stan,
             mapping = aes(y = dv), 
             color = "red", size = 3) +
  theme_bw(18) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Time (h)") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Drug Concentration (ug/mL)")


model_simulate_torsten <- cmdstan_model(
// First Order Absorption (oral/subcutaneous)
// One-compartment PK Model
// Single subject
// lognormal error - DV = CP*exp(eps)
// Closed form solution using a Torsten function

  int n_obs;
  array[n_obs] real amt;
  array[n_obs] int cmt;
  array[n_obs] int evid;
  array[n_obs] real rate;
  array[n_obs] real ii;
  array[n_obs] int addl;
  array[n_obs] int ss;
  array[n_obs] real time;
  real<lower = 0> CL;     
  real<lower = 0> V;      
  real<lower = CL/V> KA;     
  real<lower = 0> sigma;  

generated quantities{

  vector[n_obs] cp;
  vector[n_obs] dv;

    matrix[n_obs, 2] x_cp;
    array[3] real theta_params = {CL, V, KA}; 
    x_cp = pmx_solve_onecpt(time,
    cp = x_cp[, 2] ./ V;

  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    if(cp[i] == 0){
      dv[i] = 0;
      dv[i] = lognormal_rng(log(cp[i]), sigma);  

times_to_observe <- c(0.5, 1, 2, 4, 12, 24)

times_to_simulate <- times_to_observe %>% 
  c(seq(0.25, 24, by = 0.25)) %>% 
  sort() %>% 

nonmem_data_single <- mrgsolve::ev(ID = 1, amt = 200, cmt = 1, evid = 1,
                                   rate = 0, ii = 0, addl = 0, ss = 0) %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  bind_rows(tibble(ID = 1, time = times_to_simulate, amt = 0, cmt = 2, evid = 0,
                   rate = 0, ii = 0, addl = 0, ss = 0))

torsten_data_simulate <- with(nonmem_data_single,
                              list(n_obs = nrow(nonmem_data_single),
                                   amt = amt,
                                   cmt = cmt,
                                   evid = evid,
                                   rate = rate,
                                   ii = ii,
                                   addl = addl,
                                   ss = ss,
                                   time = time,
                                   CL = 5,
                                   V = 50,
                                   KA = 0.5,
                                   sigma = 0.2))

simulated_data_torsten <- model_simulate_torsten$sample(data = torsten_data_simulate,
                                                        fixed_param = TRUE,
                                                        seed = 1,
                                                        iter_warmup = 0,
                                                        iter_sampling = 1,
                                                        chains = 1,
                                                        parallel_chains = 1,
                                                        show_messages = TRUE)

data_torsten <- simulated_data_torsten$draws(format = "draws_df") %>%
  spread_draws(cp[i], dv[i]) %>%
  mutate(time = times_to_simulate[i]) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(time, cp, dv)

observed_data_torsten <- data_torsten %>%
  filter(time %in% times_to_observe) %>%
  select(time, dv)
observed_data_torsten %>%
  mutate(dv = round(dv, 3)) %>%
  knitr::kable(col.names = c("Time", "Concentration"),
               caption = "Observed Data for a Single Individual") %>%
  kableExtra::kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Observed Data for a Single Individual
Time Concentration
0.5 0.474
1.0 1.668
2.0 2.059
4.0 2.931
12.0 1.502
24.0 0.615

And here we can see the observed data overlayed on top of the “truth”.

3.2.3 Fitting the Data

Now we want to fit the data1 to our model. We write the model in a .stan file2 (analogous to a .ctl or .mod file in NONMEM):

I’ve first written a model using pure Stan code. Let’s look at the model.

model_fit_stan <- cmdstan_model(

// First Order Absorption (oral/subcutaneous)
// One-compartment PK Model
// Single subject
// lognormal error - DV = CP*exp(eps)
// Closed form solution using a self-written function

  real depot_1cmt(real dose, real cl, real v, real ka, 
                  real time_since_dose){
    real ke = cl/v;
    real cp = dose/v * ka/(ka - ke) * 
              (exp(-ke*time_since_dose) - exp(-ka*time_since_dose));
    return cp;

  int n_obs;
  real<lower = 0> dose;
  array[n_obs] real time;
  real time_of_first_dose;
  vector[n_obs] dv;
  real<lower = 0> scale_cl;     // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_v;      // Prior Scale parameter for V
  real<lower = 0> scale_ka;     // Prior Scale parameter for KA
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma;  // Prior Scale parameter for lognormal error
  int n_pred;                   // Number of new times at which to make a prediction
  array[n_pred] real time_pred; // New times at which to make a prediction
transformed data{ 
  vector[n_obs] time_since_dose = to_vector(time) - time_of_first_dose;
  vector[n_pred] time_since_dose_pred = to_vector(time_pred) - 
  real<lower = 0> CL;
  real<lower = 0> V;
  real<lower = CL/V> KA;
  real<lower = 0> sigma;
transformed parameters{

  vector[n_obs] ipred;
  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    ipred[i] = depot_1cmt(dose, CL, V, KA, time_since_dose[i]);

  // Priors
  CL ~ cauchy(0, scale_cl);
  V ~ cauchy(0, scale_v);
  KA ~ normal(0, scale_ka) T[CL/V, ];
  sigma ~ normal(0, scale_sigma);
  // Likelihood
  dv ~ lognormal(log(ipred), sigma);

generated quantities{
  real<lower = 0> KE = CL/V;
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq = square(sigma);

  vector[n_obs] dv_ppc;
  vector[n_obs] log_lik;
  vector[n_pred] cp;
  vector[n_pred] dv_pred;

  vector[n_obs] ires = log(dv) - log(ipred);
  vector[n_obs] iwres = ires/sigma;
  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    dv_ppc[i] = lognormal_rng(log(ipred[i]), sigma);
    log_lik[i] = lognormal_lpdf(dv[i] | log(ipred[i]), sigma);

  for(j in 1:n_pred){
    if(time_since_dose_pred[j] <= 0){
      cp[j] = 0;
      dv_pred[j] = 0;
      cp[j] = depot_1cmt(dose, CL, V, KA, time_since_dose_pred[j]);
      dv_pred[j] = lognormal_rng(log(cp[j]), sigma);

Now we prepare the data for Stan and fit it:

stan_data_fit <- list(n_obs = nrow(observed_data_torsten),
                      dose = 200,
                      time = observed_data_torsten$time,
                      time_of_first_dose = 0,
                      dv = observed_data_torsten$dv,
                      scale_cl = 10,
                      scale_v = 10,
                      scale_ka = 1,
                      scale_sigma = 0.5,
                      n_pred = length(times_to_simulate),
                      time_pred = times_to_simulate)

fit_single_stan <- model_fit_stan$sample(data = stan_data_fit,
                                         chains = 4,
                                         # parallel_chains = 4,
                                         iter_warmup = 1000,
                                         iter_sampling = 1000,
                                         adapt_delta = 0.95,
                                         refresh = 500,
                                         max_treedepth = 15,
                                         seed = 8675309,
                                         init = function() 
                                           list(CL = rlnorm(1, log(8), 0.3),
                                                V = rlnorm(1, log(40), 0.3),
                                                KA = rlnorm(1, log(0.8), 0.3),
                                                sigma = rlnorm(1, log(0.3), 0.3)))
Running MCMC with 4 sequential chains...

Chain 1 Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  500 / 2000 [ 25%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1500 / 2000 [ 75%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 finished in 0.5 seconds.
Chain 2 Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  500 / 2000 [ 25%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1500 / 2000 [ 75%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 finished in 0.5 seconds.
Chain 3 Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  500 / 2000 [ 25%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1500 / 2000 [ 75%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 finished in 0.5 seconds.
Chain 4 Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  500 / 2000 [ 25%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 1500 / 2000 [ 75%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 finished in 0.5 seconds.

All 4 chains finished successfully.
Mean chain execution time: 0.5 seconds.
Total execution time: 2.9 seconds.

I’ve now written a model that uses Torsten’s built-in function for a one-compartment PK model. Let’s look at the model.

model_fit_torsten <- cmdstan_model(

// First Order Absorption (oral/subcutaneous)
// One-compartment PK Model
// Single subject
// lognormal error - DV = CP*exp(eps)
// Closed form solution using a Torsten function

  int n_total;
  int n_obs;
  array[n_obs] int i_obs;
  array[n_total] real amt;
  array[n_total] int cmt;
  array[n_total] int evid;
  array[n_total] real rate;
  array[n_total] real ii;
  array[n_total] int addl;
  array[n_total] int ss;
  array[n_total] real time;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_total] dv;
  real<lower = 0> scale_cl;     // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_v;      // Prior Scale parameter for V
  real<lower = 0> scale_ka;     // Prior Scale parameter for KA
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma;  // Prior Scale parameter for lognormal error
  // These are data variables needed to make predictions at unobserved 
  // timepoints
  int n_pred;               // Number of new times at which to make a prediction
  array[n_pred] real amt_pred;
  array[n_pred] int cmt_pred;
  array[n_pred] int evid_pred;
  array[n_pred] real rate_pred;
  array[n_pred] real ii_pred;
  array[n_pred] int addl_pred;
  array[n_pred] int ss_pred;
  array[n_pred] real time_pred;

transformed data{
  vector<lower = 0>[n_obs] dv_obs = dv[i_obs];
  real<lower = 0> CL;
  real<lower = 0> V;
  real<lower = CL/V> KA;
  real<lower = 0> sigma;
transformed parameters{
  vector[n_obs] ipred;
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;
    matrix[n_total, 2] x_ipred = pmx_solve_onecpt(time,
                                                  {CL, V, KA})';
    dv_ipred = x_ipred[, 2] ./ V;
    ipred = dv_ipred[i_obs];

  // Priors
  CL ~ cauchy(0, scale_cl);
  V ~ cauchy(0, scale_v);
  KA ~ normal(0, scale_ka) T[CL/V, ];
  sigma ~ normal(0, scale_sigma);
  // Likelihood
  dv_obs ~ lognormal(log(ipred), sigma);

generated quantities{

  real<lower = 0> KE = CL/V;
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq = square(sigma);

  vector[n_obs] dv_ppc;
  vector[n_obs] log_lik;
  vector[n_pred] cp;
  vector[n_pred] dv_pred;

  vector[n_obs] ires = log(dv_obs) - log(ipred);
  vector[n_obs] iwres = ires/sigma;
  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    dv_ppc[i] = lognormal_rng(log(ipred[i]), sigma);
    log_lik[i] = lognormal_lpdf(dv[i] | log(ipred[i]), sigma);

    matrix[n_pred, 2] x_cp;
    array[3] real theta_params = {CL, V, KA}; 
    x_cp = pmx_solve_onecpt(time_pred,
    cp = x_cp[, 2] ./ V;

  for(i in 1:n_pred){
    if(cp[i] == 0){
      dv_pred[i] = 0;
      dv_pred[i] = lognormal_rng(log(cp[i]), sigma);  


Now we prepare the data for the Stan model with Torsten functions and fit it:

nonmem_data_single_fit <- nonmem_data_single %>% 
  inner_join(observed_data_torsten, by = "time") %>% 
  bind_rows(nonmem_data_single %>% 
              filter(evid == 1)) %>% 
  arrange(time) %>% 
  mutate(dv = if_else(is.na(dv), 5555555, dv))

i_obs <- nonmem_data_single_fit %>%
  mutate(row_num = 1:n()) %>%
  filter(evid == 0) %>%
  select(row_num) %>%

n_obs <- length(i_obs)

torsten_data_fit <- list(n_total = nrow(nonmem_data_single_fit),
                         n_obs = n_obs,
                         i_obs = i_obs,
                         amt = nonmem_data_single_fit$amt,
                         cmt = nonmem_data_single_fit$cmt,
                         evid = nonmem_data_single_fit$evid,
                         rate = nonmem_data_single_fit$rate,
                         ii = nonmem_data_single_fit$ii,
                         addl = nonmem_data_single_fit$addl,
                         ss = nonmem_data_single_fit$ss,
                         time = nonmem_data_single_fit$time,
                         dv = nonmem_data_single_fit$dv,
                         scale_cl = 10,
                         scale_v = 10,
                         scale_ka = 1,
                         scale_sigma = 0.5,
                         n_pred = nrow(nonmem_data_single),
                         amt_pred = nonmem_data_single$amt,
                         cmt_pred = nonmem_data_single$cmt,
                         evid_pred = nonmem_data_single$evid,
                         rate_pred = nonmem_data_single$rate,
                         ii_pred = nonmem_data_single$ii,
                         addl_pred = nonmem_data_single$addl,
                         ss_pred = nonmem_data_single$ss,
                         time_pred = nonmem_data_single$time)

fit_single_torsten <- model_fit_torsten$sample(data = torsten_data_fit,
                                         chains = 4,
                                         # parallel_chains = 4,
                                         iter_warmup = 1000,
                                         iter_sampling = 1000,
                                         adapt_delta = 0.95,
                                         refresh = 500,
                                         max_treedepth = 15,
                                         seed = 8675309,
                                         init = function() 
                                           list(CL = rlnorm(1, log(8), 0.3),
                                                V = rlnorm(1, log(40), 0.3),
                                                KA = rlnorm(1, log(0.8), 0.3),
                                                sigma = rlnorm(1, log(0.3), 0.3)))
Running MCMC with 4 sequential chains...

Chain 1 Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  500 / 2000 [ 25%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1500 / 2000 [ 75%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 finished in 2.8 seconds.
Chain 2 Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  500 / 2000 [ 25%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1500 / 2000 [ 75%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 finished in 3.8 seconds.
Chain 3 Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  500 / 2000 [ 25%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1500 / 2000 [ 75%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 finished in 3.3 seconds.
Chain 4 Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  500 / 2000 [ 25%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 1500 / 2000 [ 75%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 finished in 4.0 seconds.

All 4 chains finished successfully.
Mean chain execution time: 3.5 seconds.
Total execution time: 14.6 seconds.

3.2.4 Post-Processing and What is Happening

In the post-processing section, we will go through some of the MCMC sampler checking that we should do here, but we will skip it for brevity and go through it more thoroughly later.

We want to look at summaries of the posterior (posterior mean, median, quantiles, and standard deviation), posterior densities for our parameters, and 2D joint posterior densities:

                mean, median, sd, mcse_mean,
                ~quantile2(.x, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)), rhat,
                ess_bulk, ess_tail) %>%
  mutate(rse = sd/mean*100,
         across(where(is.numeric), round, 3)) %>%
  select(variable, mean, sd, rse, q2.5, median, q97.5, rhat,
         starts_with("ess")) %>%
  knitr::kable(col.names = c("Variable", "Mean", "Std. Dev.", "RSE", "2.5%",
                             "Median", "97.5%", "$\\hat{R}$", "ESS Bulk",
                             "ESS Tail")) %>%
  kableExtra::column_spec(column = 1:10, width = "30em") %>%
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "800px", height = "200px")
Variable Mean Std. Dev. RSE 2.5% Median 97.5% $\hat{R}$ ESS Bulk ESS Tail
lp__ -2.137 1.798 -84.121 -6.661 -1.756 0.246 1.008 794.635 626.653
CL 4.355 1.068 24.532 1.930 4.359 6.456 1.007 980.970 440.209
V 55.489 22.499 40.546 25.248 51.614 110.525 1.006 896.816 774.931
KA 0.501 0.296 59.088 0.179 0.422 1.307 1.004 1020.112 1324.258
sigma 0.371 0.148 39.986 0.176 0.339 0.742 1.003 1084.815 1698.531
ipred[1] 0.754 0.207 27.408 0.469 0.719 1.248 1.001 3461.336 2169.805
ipred[2] 1.303 0.305 23.432 0.846 1.261 2.018 1.001 3386.615 1826.139
ipred[3] 1.992 0.399 20.052 1.340 1.955 2.903 1.001 2202.822 1550.524
ipred[4] 2.490 0.505 20.283 1.542 2.475 3.576 1.001 1359.165 1227.544
ipred[5] 1.725 0.386 22.363 1.046 1.693 2.548 1.002 1528.417 1836.612
ipred[6] 0.666 0.273 41.025 0.303 0.609 1.385 1.006 1125.416 521.467
KE 0.090 0.036 40.192 0.023 0.087 0.167 1.008 662.649 369.039
sigma_sq 0.159 0.146 91.314 0.031 0.115 0.551 1.003 1084.813 1698.531
dv_ppc[1] 0.820 0.524 63.912 0.303 0.714 1.948 1.001 4063.930 3293.956
dv_ppc[2] 1.422 0.832 58.515 0.518 1.260 3.273 1.002 3765.599 3200.819
dv_ppc[3] 2.169 1.212 55.865 0.799 1.952 4.747 1.000 3722.851 2800.842
dv_ppc[4] 2.729 1.402 51.371 0.970 2.489 6.261 1.001 2989.344 3079.407
dv_ppc[5] 1.869 1.068 57.139 0.655 1.689 4.260 1.001 3148.926 3017.194
dv_ppc[6] 0.718 0.474 65.960 0.227 0.615 1.887 1.002 2113.095 1669.165
log_lik[1] -1376.388 1010.713 -73.432 -4067.306 -1112.035 -235.805 1.003 1084.735 1707.823
log_lik[2] -4.392 3.738 -85.112 -14.704 -3.391 -0.242 1.003 1289.555 2157.140
log_lik[3] -0.621 0.406 -65.335 -1.534 -0.590 0.073 1.002 1528.992 1968.758
log_lik[4] -0.910 0.419 -46.061 -1.839 -0.872 -0.197 1.001 1677.842 2479.918
log_lik[5] -2.688 1.400 -52.078 -6.329 -2.310 -1.112 1.003 1682.743 2385.087
log_lik[6] -5.129 4.289 -83.623 -16.118 -3.965 -0.677 1.005 1085.823 1085.114
cp[1] 0.000 0.000 NaN 0.000 0.000 0.000 NA NA NA
cp[2] 0.407 0.123 30.280 0.246 0.384 0.709 1.001 3310.127 2035.722
cp[3] 0.754 0.207 27.408 0.469 0.719 1.248 1.001 3461.336 2169.805
cp[4] 1.050 0.264 25.162 0.674 1.008 1.676 1.001 3507.971 2083.616
cp[5] 1.303 0.305 23.432 0.846 1.261 2.018 1.001 3386.615 1826.139
cp[6] 1.518 0.336 22.127 1.008 1.477 2.291 1.001 3120.881 1913.441
cp[7] 1.702 0.360 21.171 1.142 1.662 2.530 1.001 2804.595 1958.569
cp[8] 1.859 0.381 20.498 1.257 1.822 2.723 1.001 2493.777 1976.229
cp[9] 1.992 0.399 20.052 1.340 1.955 2.903 1.001 2202.822 1550.524
cp[10] 2.105 0.416 19.783 1.403 2.071 3.056 1.001 1979.723 1408.983
cp[11] 2.199 0.432 19.652 1.455 2.168 3.166 1.001 1808.311 1262.649
cp[12] 2.277 0.447 19.626 1.487 2.250 3.269 1.001 1678.486 1192.524
cp[13] 2.342 0.461 19.677 1.506 2.319 3.356 1.001 1580.388 1225.115
cp[14] 2.394 0.474 19.783 1.524 2.372 3.438 1.001 1505.590 1266.716
cp[15] 2.435 0.485 19.928 1.533 2.418 3.501 1.001 1444.723 1240.637
cp[16] 2.467 0.496 20.098 1.536 2.454 3.531 1.001 1397.028 1178.269
cp[17] 2.490 0.505 20.283 1.542 2.475 3.576 1.001 1359.165 1227.544
cp[18] 2.506 0.513 20.474 1.542 2.493 3.611 1.001 1330.739 1196.487
cp[19] 2.515 0.520 20.667 1.536 2.502 3.637 1.001 1307.819 1232.699
cp[20] 2.519 0.525 20.856 1.527 2.506 3.628 1.001 1292.332 1274.479
cp[21] 2.517 0.530 21.038 1.520 2.503 3.633 1.001 1283.851 1266.188
cp[22] 2.511 0.533 21.211 1.506 2.501 3.624 1.001 1277.842 1258.189
cp[23] 2.500 0.534 21.373 1.491 2.492 3.613 1.001 1276.192 1362.440
cp[24] 2.486 0.535 21.522 1.477 2.481 3.607 1.001 1276.340 1402.978
cp[25] 2.469 0.535 21.660 1.466 2.463 3.586 1.001 1278.436 1451.027
cp[26] 2.450 0.534 21.784 1.454 2.444 3.552 1.001 1283.296 1442.900
cp[27] 2.428 0.532 21.895 1.443 2.423 3.513 1.001 1288.360 1453.902
cp[28] 2.403 0.529 21.993 1.426 2.397 3.493 1.001 1290.774 1537.526
cp[29] 2.377 0.525 22.078 1.412 2.369 3.453 1.001 1295.857 1615.410
cp[30] 2.350 0.521 22.152 1.397 2.340 3.414 1.001 1301.703 1594.963
cp[31] 2.321 0.516 22.214 1.380 2.308 3.371 1.001 1308.465 1581.257
cp[32] 2.291 0.510 22.265 1.366 2.274 3.328 1.001 1315.960 1571.063
cp[33] 2.260 0.504 22.306 1.349 2.243 3.286 1.001 1323.902 1587.716
cp[34] 2.228 0.498 22.338 1.331 2.209 3.253 1.001 1333.695 1608.290
cp[35] 2.196 0.491 22.362 1.310 2.175 3.198 1.001 1344.288 1641.653
cp[36] 2.163 0.484 22.378 1.297 2.140 3.136 1.001 1354.873 1658.188
cp[37] 2.129 0.477 22.387 1.278 2.104 3.082 1.001 1367.972 1694.652
cp[38] 2.095 0.469 22.392 1.260 2.069 3.027 1.001 1380.645 1710.939
cp[39] 2.061 0.462 22.391 1.244 2.034 2.981 1.001 1396.104 1698.673
cp[40] 2.027 0.454 22.387 1.227 2.001 2.932 1.001 1409.412 1713.934
cp[41] 1.993 0.446 22.380 1.206 1.965 2.885 1.001 1424.609 1736.742
cp[42] 1.959 0.438 22.372 1.188 1.933 2.839 1.001 1440.164 1751.570
cp[43] 1.925 0.430 22.364 1.167 1.897 2.799 1.002 1456.632 1737.198
cp[44] 1.891 0.423 22.356 1.143 1.861 2.756 1.002 1470.886 1777.634
cp[45] 1.857 0.415 22.350 1.124 1.828 2.714 1.002 1482.206 1802.901
cp[46] 1.824 0.408 22.346 1.101 1.795 2.669 1.002 1493.578 1751.658
cp[47] 1.791 0.400 22.347 1.081 1.760 2.615 1.002 1505.000 1759.474
cp[48] 1.758 0.393 22.352 1.062 1.725 2.577 1.002 1516.146 1784.567
cp[49] 1.725 0.386 22.363 1.046 1.693 2.548 1.002 1528.417 1836.612
cp[50] 1.693 0.379 22.382 1.026 1.660 2.500 1.002 1540.168 1776.184
cp[51] 1.661 0.372 22.408 1.006 1.627 2.477 1.002 1551.693 1767.806
cp[52] 1.629 0.366 22.444 0.985 1.598 2.427 1.002 1562.940 1793.044
cp[53] 1.598 0.359 22.490 0.966 1.565 2.389 1.002 1573.531 1768.172
cp[54] 1.568 0.353 22.547 0.952 1.536 2.343 1.003 1583.789 1768.061
cp[55] 1.537 0.348 22.616 0.928 1.506 2.316 1.003 1593.857 1819.014
cp[56] 1.508 0.342 22.697 0.910 1.478 2.277 1.003 1604.120 1836.960
cp[57] 1.478 0.337 22.793 0.892 1.445 2.240 1.003 1611.359 1828.081
cp[58] 1.449 0.332 22.903 0.874 1.418 2.211 1.003 1618.564 1845.886
cp[59] 1.421 0.327 23.028 0.858 1.389 2.183 1.003 1624.614 1819.721
cp[60] 1.393 0.323 23.170 0.842 1.361 2.151 1.003 1629.936 1777.485
cp[61] 1.366 0.319 23.328 0.823 1.334 2.116 1.003 1636.732 1778.602
cp[62] 1.339 0.315 23.503 0.806 1.307 2.079 1.004 1640.799 1604.642
cp[63] 1.312 0.311 23.696 0.790 1.282 2.053 1.004 1643.837 1643.536
cp[64] 1.286 0.308 23.907 0.774 1.254 2.020 1.004 1645.462 1628.331
cp[65] 1.261 0.304 24.136 0.756 1.229 1.983 1.004 1648.545 1685.239
cp[66] 1.236 0.301 24.385 0.739 1.203 1.952 1.004 1648.489 1576.650
cp[67] 1.211 0.299 24.652 0.722 1.177 1.929 1.004 1647.030 1486.980
cp[68] 1.187 0.296 24.939 0.705 1.154 1.899 1.004 1645.640 1420.064
cp[69] 1.163 0.294 25.246 0.687 1.130 1.865 1.004 1642.638 1399.048
cp[70] 1.140 0.292 25.572 0.667 1.107 1.847 1.004 1638.386 1285.087
cp[71] 1.117 0.290 25.917 0.654 1.082 1.819 1.004 1623.986 1208.491
cp[72] 1.095 0.288 26.282 0.638 1.059 1.785 1.005 1595.945 1213.554
cp[73] 1.073 0.286 26.666 0.620 1.038 1.752 1.005 1569.831 1097.293
cp[74] 1.052 0.285 27.070 0.602 1.015 1.731 1.005 1544.207 1024.219
cp[75] 1.031 0.283 27.492 0.585 0.994 1.698 1.005 1524.407 988.078
cp[76] 1.010 0.282 27.934 0.569 0.974 1.676 1.005 1497.156 942.142
cp[77] 0.990 0.281 28.394 0.554 0.953 1.666 1.005 1475.116 962.647
cp[78] 0.971 0.280 28.873 0.539 0.933 1.650 1.005 1454.016 922.148
cp[79] 0.951 0.279 29.370 0.526 0.913 1.631 1.005 1432.645 858.267
cp[80] 0.932 0.279 29.884 0.512 0.893 1.618 1.005 1409.768 820.635
cp[81] 0.914 0.278 30.416 0.498 0.874 1.597 1.005 1387.063 786.689
cp[82] 0.896 0.277 30.965 0.485 0.856 1.584 1.006 1365.755 754.001
cp[83] 0.878 0.277 31.531 0.471 0.838 1.568 1.005 1346.028 659.163
cp[84] 0.861 0.276 32.114 0.456 0.820 1.551 1.006 1323.575 637.459
cp[85] 0.844 0.276 32.712 0.440 0.803 1.523 1.006 1304.414 638.258
cp[86] 0.827 0.276 33.326 0.429 0.784 1.509 1.007 1287.176 579.739
cp[87] 0.811 0.275 33.956 0.414 0.766 1.497 1.006 1270.700 573.326
cp[88] 0.795 0.275 34.601 0.402 0.749 1.480 1.007 1252.582 569.384
cp[89] 0.779 0.275 35.260 0.391 0.731 1.462 1.007 1237.987 579.076
cp[90] 0.764 0.275 35.934 0.378 0.715 1.445 1.007 1221.935 578.209
cp[91] 0.749 0.274 36.622 0.367 0.698 1.442 1.007 1207.200 561.965
cp[92] 0.735 0.274 37.323 0.357 0.683 1.437 1.007 1192.217 557.030
cp[93] 0.720 0.274 38.038 0.346 0.668 1.423 1.007 1177.631 545.579
cp[94] 0.706 0.274 38.766 0.335 0.652 1.410 1.007 1165.204 544.430
cp[95] 0.693 0.274 39.506 0.324 0.637 1.406 1.006 1151.520 524.779
cp[96] 0.679 0.274 40.259 0.313 0.623 1.399 1.006 1139.034 522.412
cp[97] 0.666 0.273 41.025 0.303 0.609 1.385 1.006 1125.416 521.467
dv_pred[1] 0.000 0.000 NaN 0.000 0.000 0.000 NA NA NA
dv_pred[2] 0.447 0.266 59.625 0.159 0.389 1.085 1.001 3818.070 2957.421
dv_pred[3] 0.804 0.450 55.960 0.292 0.720 1.759 1.002 3843.261 3291.723
dv_pred[4] 1.135 0.699 61.579 0.393 1.015 2.640 1.000 3923.071 3046.939
dv_pred[5] 1.413 0.801 56.687 0.489 1.258 3.272 1.000 3927.959 2966.367
dv_pred[6] 1.665 1.100 66.080 0.624 1.498 3.648 1.000 3941.923 3108.647
dv_pred[7] 1.858 1.235 66.450 0.720 1.662 4.104 1.001 4184.315 3265.967
dv_pred[8] 2.016 1.129 55.995 0.734 1.802 4.624 1.001 3870.380 2754.671
dv_pred[9] 2.152 1.230 57.157 0.754 1.951 4.587 1.001 3639.027 2924.317
dv_pred[10] 2.315 1.960 84.658 0.819 2.080 4.983 1.000 3872.531 3057.195
dv_pred[11] 2.406 1.619 67.306 0.866 2.161 5.262 1.000 3624.962 2850.676
dv_pred[12] 2.443 1.262 51.682 0.874 2.244 5.293 1.000 3141.947 2718.986
dv_pred[13] 2.532 1.465 57.850 0.899 2.318 5.533 1.001 3364.679 2789.529
dv_pred[14] 2.603 1.440 55.327 0.927 2.381 5.679 1.001 3435.816 3177.955
dv_pred[15] 2.678 1.644 61.384 0.940 2.425 5.831 1.001 2767.301 2814.226
dv_pred[16] 2.668 1.457 54.582 0.933 2.445 5.660 1.000 2908.415 2344.151
dv_pred[17] 2.689 1.372 51.007 0.961 2.459 6.012 1.000 2959.315 2660.712
dv_pred[18] 2.748 1.618 58.879 0.960 2.478 5.981 1.002 2959.956 2526.857
dv_pred[19] 2.712 1.381 50.912 0.964 2.469 6.082 1.001 2561.149 2693.410
dv_pred[20] 2.760 1.486 53.850 0.973 2.508 5.980 1.000 3038.825 3001.176
dv_pred[21] 2.716 1.423 52.374 0.990 2.471 5.859 1.000 3005.574 2681.790
dv_pred[22] 2.725 1.392 51.082 0.948 2.485 5.887 1.001 2759.230 2728.163
dv_pred[23] 2.688 1.329 49.441 0.939 2.481 5.703 1.001 2908.465 3197.180
dv_pred[24] 2.710 1.438 53.054 0.930 2.479 5.849 1.000 2653.094 2828.734
dv_pred[25] 2.695 1.552 57.601 0.901 2.468 5.762 1.001 3026.305 2909.133
dv_pred[26] 2.676 1.447 54.080 0.908 2.434 5.769 1.000 2895.777 2734.100
dv_pred[27] 2.626 1.365 51.983 0.925 2.397 5.762 1.001 2890.257 2802.849
dv_pred[28] 2.577 1.368 53.088 0.936 2.344 5.662 1.001 2797.384 2698.817
dv_pred[29] 2.574 1.431 55.607 0.851 2.331 5.516 1.000 2870.321 2939.255
dv_pred[30] 2.519 1.287 51.087 0.809 2.317 5.444 1.001 2657.040 2702.597
dv_pred[31] 2.547 1.631 64.032 0.870 2.285 5.755 1.001 2524.845 2924.445
dv_pred[32] 2.497 1.305 52.270 0.843 2.268 5.437 1.002 2269.055 2652.609
dv_pred[33] 2.430 1.278 52.598 0.783 2.212 5.297 1.002 2806.445 2925.347
dv_pred[34] 2.432 1.470 60.451 0.808 2.236 5.162 1.002 2789.945 2688.141
dv_pred[35] 2.391 2.861 119.671 0.778 2.155 5.236 1.000 2483.533 2763.568
dv_pred[36] 2.325 1.168 50.239 0.795 2.143 5.192 1.001 2775.385 2890.691
dv_pred[37] 2.307 1.166 50.533 0.748 2.102 4.904 1.001 2751.990 2824.307
dv_pred[38] 2.264 1.166 51.498 0.743 2.059 4.990 1.000 2776.428 2570.533
dv_pred[39] 2.239 1.219 54.425 0.725 2.041 5.031 1.001 2669.571 2681.213
dv_pred[40] 2.172 1.040 47.879 0.742 1.983 4.706 1.002 2574.518 2963.137
dv_pred[41] 2.157 1.368 63.422 0.723 1.966 4.655 1.002 2678.576 2785.044
dv_pred[42] 2.139 1.155 54.012 0.716 1.940 4.806 1.001 2875.284 2896.157
dv_pred[43] 2.097 1.181 56.328 0.704 1.897 4.638 1.000 2581.940 2493.340
dv_pred[44] 2.046 1.064 52.020 0.718 1.861 4.500 1.000 2451.147 3136.163
dv_pred[45] 2.019 1.053 52.170 0.708 1.828 4.444 1.000 3238.931 3281.057
dv_pred[46] 1.949 0.969 49.713 0.669 1.795 4.373 1.001 2896.901 2754.905
dv_pred[47] 1.927 1.032 53.575 0.649 1.745 4.134 1.002 2863.391 2765.566
dv_pred[48] 1.913 1.002 52.398 0.690 1.726 4.194 1.001 2635.603 2999.175
dv_pred[49] 1.886 1.175 62.274 0.658 1.697 4.143 1.000 3218.694 2735.446
dv_pred[50] 1.836 1.115 60.714 0.642 1.651 4.131 1.002 3100.467 3110.115
dv_pred[51] 1.801 0.966 53.655 0.637 1.633 3.945 1.001 2979.938 2768.123
dv_pred[52] 1.748 0.939 53.733 0.577 1.589 4.008 1.000 2551.083 2835.196
dv_pred[53] 1.764 1.103 62.507 0.601 1.577 3.935 1.002 3189.534 3284.027
dv_pred[54] 1.699 1.004 59.119 0.599 1.536 3.783 1.002 3036.695 3297.585
dv_pred[55] 1.668 0.864 51.833 0.587 1.514 3.693 1.001 2899.314 3047.590
dv_pred[56] 1.641 0.844 51.446 0.586 1.475 3.639 1.000 3112.393 2624.276
dv_pred[57] 1.611 0.882 54.741 0.585 1.463 3.605 1.000 3139.052 3347.912
dv_pred[58] 1.572 0.827 52.637 0.538 1.415 3.515 1.000 2895.760 3023.591
dv_pred[59] 1.547 0.899 58.113 0.529 1.402 3.478 1.001 2849.552 2984.601
dv_pred[60] 1.518 0.850 55.979 0.556 1.356 3.523 1.002 2945.537 2982.626
dv_pred[61] 1.478 0.825 55.859 0.529 1.330 3.346 1.001 3464.706 3008.463
dv_pred[62] 1.474 0.851 57.749 0.518 1.315 3.293 1.002 2399.661 3133.712
dv_pred[63] 1.418 0.807 56.941 0.514 1.275 3.252 1.001 2867.998 2951.121
dv_pred[64] 1.388 0.801 57.697 0.493 1.253 3.212 1.001 2946.870 2750.863
dv_pred[65] 1.371 0.713 51.970 0.484 1.247 3.098 1.001 3029.518 2766.086
dv_pred[66] 1.369 0.966 70.506 0.473 1.218 3.195 1.002 3153.732 2654.869
dv_pred[67] 1.310 0.777 59.357 0.447 1.163 2.969 1.002 3008.766 2682.113
dv_pred[68] 1.314 0.763 58.070 0.434 1.175 3.176 1.001 2801.894 2580.734
dv_pred[69] 1.248 0.758 60.711 0.438 1.131 2.799 1.001 3022.266 2021.036
dv_pred[70] 1.236 0.697 56.347 0.432 1.106 2.882 1.000 3047.656 2688.365
dv_pred[71] 1.199 0.703 58.614 0.419 1.075 2.675 1.001 3070.487 2440.910
dv_pred[72] 1.168 0.661 56.571 0.397 1.054 2.715 1.001 2964.047 2496.541
dv_pred[73] 1.175 0.727 61.888 0.403 1.037 2.756 1.001 2759.395 2378.120
dv_pred[74] 1.147 0.636 55.400 0.380 1.024 2.669 1.002 2609.560 1751.163
dv_pred[75] 1.147 1.181 102.950 0.352 1.001 2.733 1.002 2838.048 2265.052
dv_pred[76] 1.094 0.607 55.514 0.386 0.976 2.431 1.000 2898.406 2367.640
dv_pred[77] 1.073 0.605 56.428 0.353 0.952 2.598 1.004 2517.548 1849.124
dv_pred[78] 1.045 0.615 58.835 0.348 0.930 2.419 1.002 3078.508 2414.908
dv_pred[79] 1.030 0.642 62.325 0.343 0.908 2.457 1.002 2842.938 2372.292
dv_pred[80] 1.016 0.663 65.204 0.338 0.892 2.491 1.001 2522.017 2042.289
dv_pred[81] 0.988 0.731 73.932 0.325 0.864 2.486 1.002 2343.766 1934.742
dv_pred[82] 0.984 0.770 78.300 0.327 0.852 2.402 1.002 2478.733 1501.345
dv_pred[83] 0.964 0.669 69.449 0.317 0.838 2.341 1.001 2987.248 2264.714
dv_pred[84] 0.921 0.540 58.685 0.301 0.815 2.187 1.003 2557.602 2063.966
dv_pred[85] 0.917 0.586 63.869 0.298 0.797 2.309 1.003 2567.302 2507.972
dv_pred[86] 0.900 0.581 64.528 0.305 0.784 2.180 1.003 2752.548 1796.800
dv_pred[87] 0.884 0.876 99.088 0.285 0.754 2.198 1.003 2414.141 1951.958
dv_pred[88] 0.861 0.590 68.583 0.284 0.744 2.103 1.002 2202.549 1522.078
dv_pred[89] 0.844 0.515 61.053 0.287 0.728 2.112 1.001 2527.825 1930.587
dv_pred[90] 0.822 0.535 65.106 0.268 0.716 2.079 1.003 1804.574 1470.038
dv_pred[91] 0.809 0.543 67.127 0.245 0.702 2.011 1.002 2761.356 1656.639
dv_pred[92] 0.810 0.713 88.048 0.249 0.684 2.079 1.002 2117.533 1880.745
dv_pred[93] 0.784 0.501 63.936 0.240 0.664 2.043 1.002 2115.718 1632.866
dv_pred[94] 0.776 0.574 73.969 0.238 0.660 2.057 1.003 1907.815 1368.044
dv_pred[95] 0.763 0.719 94.317 0.235 0.646 1.989 1.003 1914.341 1561.765
dv_pred[96] 0.746 0.544 73.010 0.218 0.635 2.004 1.004 1606.362 1149.605
dv_pred[97] 0.725 0.518 71.512 0.205 0.607 2.011 1.003 1842.228 1037.075
ires[1] -0.434 0.240 -55.298 -0.969 -0.418 0.010 1.001 3461.309 2169.805
ires[2] 0.271 0.212 78.353 -0.190 0.280 0.679 1.001 3386.622 1826.139
ires[3] 0.051 0.190 369.214 -0.343 0.052 0.430 1.002 2202.833 1550.524
ires[4] 0.184 0.205 111.721 -0.199 0.169 0.642 1.001 1359.157 1227.544
ires[5] -0.114 0.225 -198.597 -0.528 -0.120 0.362 1.002 1528.414 1836.612
ires[6] -0.011 0.367 -3341.167 -0.812 0.010 0.708 1.005 1125.416 521.467
iwres[1] -1.303 0.712 -54.614 -2.798 -1.275 0.020 1.001 2163.697 2827.847
iwres[2] 0.861 0.646 75.064 -0.358 0.841 2.161 1.001 2238.880 1976.552
iwres[3] 0.157 0.477 304.638 -0.777 0.159 1.070 1.000 3015.700 2458.927
iwres[4] 0.538 0.536 99.688 -0.454 0.512 1.629 1.000 1996.959 2733.015
iwres[5] -0.378 0.647 -171.053 -1.669 -0.352 0.815 1.002 1617.519 2248.742
iwres[6] 0.004 0.946 21979.166 -1.849 0.032 1.849 1.004 1529.114 1270.987
mcmc_pairs(fit_single_torsten$draws(c("CL", "V", "KA", "sigma")),
           diag_fun = "dens")

We have also created a predicted curve for each draw from the posterior ( cp in the code). Here, 5 draws are highlighted, and you can see the curve corresponding to each of these draws, along with a few others:

draws_single <- fit_single_torsten$draws(format = "draws_df")

draws_to_highlight <- seq(1, 9, by = 2)
colors_to_highlight <- c("red", "blue", "green", "purple", "orange")

draws_single %>%
  filter(.draw <= 100) %>%
  select(starts_with("."), CL, V, KA, KE, sigma, starts_with(c("cp", "dv"))) %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.double), round, 3)) %>%
  DT::datatable(rownames = FALSE, filter = "top",
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE,
                               columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center',
                                                      targets = "_all")))) %>%
  DT::formatStyle(".draw", target = "row",
                  backgroundColor = DT::styleEqual(draws_to_highlight,
preds_single <- draws_single %>%
  spread_draws(cp[i], dv_pred[i]) %>%
  mutate(time = torsten_data_fit$time_pred[i]) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(.draw, time)

preds_single %>%
  mutate(sample_draws = .draw %in% draws_to_highlight,
         color = case_when(.draw == draws_to_highlight[1] ~
                           .draw == draws_to_highlight[2] ~
                           .draw == draws_to_highlight[3] ~
                           .draw == draws_to_highlight[4] ~
                           .draw == draws_to_highlight[5] ~
                           TRUE ~ "black")) %>%
  # filter(.draw %in% c(draws_to_highlight, sample(11:max(.draw), 100))) %>%
  filter(.draw <= 100) %>%
  arrange(desc(.draw)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = cp, group = .draw)) +
  geom_line(aes(size = sample_draws, alpha = sample_draws, color = color),
            show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_color_manual(name = NULL,
                     breaks = c("red", "blue", "green", "purple", "orange",
                     values = c("red", "blue", "green", "purple", "orange",
                                "black")) +
  scale_size_manual(name = NULL,
                    breaks = c(FALSE, TRUE),
                    values = c(1, 1.5)) +
  scale_alpha_manual(name = NULL,
                     breaks = c(FALSE, TRUE),
                     values = c(0.10, 1))  +
  theme_bw(20) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Time (h)") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Drug Concentration (ug/mL)")

This collection of predicted concentration curves, one for each sample from the posterior distribution, gives us a distribution for the “true” concentration at each time point. From this distribution we can plot our mean prediction (essentially an IPRED curve) and 95% credible interval (the Bayesian version of a confidence interval) for that mean:

(mean_and_ci <- preds_single %>%
  group_by(time) %>%
  mean_qi(cp, .width = 0.95) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = cp)) +
  geom_line(size = 1.5) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = .lower, ymax = .upper),
              fill = "yellow", alpha = 0.25) +
  theme_bw(20) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Time (h)") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Drug Concentration (ug/mL)") +
   coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 4.5)))

To do some model checking and to make future predictions, we can also get a mean prediction and 95% prediction interval from our replicates of the concentration (one replicate, dv, for each draw from the posterior):

(mean_and_pi <- preds_single %>%
  group_by(time) %>%
  mean_qi(dv_pred, .width = 0.95) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = dv_pred)) +
  geom_line(size = 1.5) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = .lower, ymax = .upper),
              fill = "yellow", alpha = 0.25) +
  theme_bw(20) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Time (h)") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Drug Concentration (ug/mL)") +
   coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 6)))

What’s actually happening is that we get the posterior density of the prediction for a given time3

Let’s look at the posterior density for the time points that were actually observed:

mean_and_pi +
  stat_halfeye(data = preds_single %>%
                 filter(time %in% times_to_observe),
               aes(x = time, y = dv_pred, group = time),
               scale = 2, interval_size = 2, .width = 0.95,
               point_interval = mean_qi, normalize = "xy") +
  geom_point(data = observed_data_torsten,
             mapping = aes(x = time, y = dv), color = "red", size = 3) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 6))

3.3 Two-Compartment Model with IV Infusion

We will use a simple, easily understood, and commonly used model to show many of the elements of the workflow of PopPK modeling in Stan with Torsten. We will talk about

  • Simulation
  • Methods for selection of priors
  • Handling BLOQ values
  • Prediction for observed subjects and potential future patients
  • Covariate effects
  • Within-Chain parallelization to speed up the MCMC sampling

3.3.1 PK Model

In this example I have simulated data from a two-compartment model with IV infusion with proportional-plus-additive error. The data-generating model is \[C_{ij} = f(\mathbf{\theta}_i, t_{ij})*\left( 1 + \epsilon_{p_{ij}} \right) + \epsilon_{a_{ij}}\] where \(\mathbf{\theta}_i = \left[CL_i, \, V_{c_i}, \, Q_i, \,V_{p_i}\right]^\top\) is a vector containing the individual parameters for individual \(i\)4, and \(f(\cdot, \cdot)\) is the two-compartment model mean function seen here. The corresponding system of ODEs is:

\[\begin{align} \frac{dA_d}{dt} &= -K_a*A_d \notag \\ \frac{dA_c}{dt} &= rate_{in} + K_a*A_d - \left(\frac{CL}{V_c} + \frac{Q}{V_c}\right)A_C + \frac{Q}{V_p}A_p \notag \\ \frac{dA_p}{dt} &= \frac{Q}{V_c}A_c - \frac{Q}{V_p}A_p \\ \end{align} \tag{3.1}\]

and then \(C = \frac{A_c}{V_c}\)5.

The true parameters used to simulate the data are as follows:

Table 3.1: True Parameter Values
Parameter Value Units Description
TVCL 0.20 \(\frac{L}{d}\) Population value for clearance
TVVC 3.00 \(L\) Population value for central compartment volume
TVQ 1.40 \(\frac{L}{d}\) Population value for intercompartmental clearance
TVVP 4.00 \(L\) Population value for peripheral compartment volume
\(\omega_{CL}\) 0.30 - Standard deviation for IIV in \(CL\)
\(\omega_{V_c}\) 0.25 - Standard deviation for IIV in \(V_c\)
\(\omega_{Q}\) 0.20 - Standard deviation for IIV in \(Q\)
\(\omega_{V_p}\) 0.15 - Standard deviation for IIV in \(V_p\)
\(\rho_{CL,V_c}\) 0.10 - Correlation between \(\eta_{CL}\) and \(\eta_{V_c}\)
\(\rho_{CL,Q}\) 0.00 - Correlation between \(\eta_{CL}\) and \(\eta_{Q}\)
\(\rho_{CL,V_p}\) 0.10 - Correlation between \(\eta_{CL}\) and \(\eta_{V_p}\)
\(\rho_{V_c,Q}\) -0.10 - Correlation between \(\eta_{V_c}\) and \(\eta_{Q}\)
\(\rho_{V_c,V_p}\) 0.20 - Correlation between \(\eta_{V_c}\) and \(\eta_{V_p}\)
\(\rho_{Q,V_p}\) 0.15 - Correlation between \(\eta_{Q}\) and \(\eta_{V_p}\)
\(\sigma_p\) 0.20 - Standard deviation for proportional residual error
\(\sigma_a\) 0.03 \(\frac{\mu g}{mL}\) Standard deviation for additive residual error
\(\rho_{p,a}\) 0.00 - Correlation between \(\epsilon_p\) and \(\epsilon_a\)

3.3.2 Statistical Model

I’ll write down two models that are very similar with the only differences being the prior distributions on the population parameters.

In the interest of thoroughness and completeness, I’ll write down the full statistical model. For this presentation, I’ll just fit the data to the data-generating model. Letting \[\begin{align} \Omega &= \begin{pmatrix} \omega^2_{CL} & \omega_{CL, V_c} & \omega_{CL, Q} & \omega_{CL, V_p} \\ \omega_{CL, V_c} & \omega^2_{V_c} & \omega_{V_c, Q} & \omega_{V_c, V_p} \\ \omega_{CL, Q} & \omega_{V_c, Q} & \omega^2_{Q} & \omega_{Q, V_p} \\ \omega_{CL, V_p} & \omega_{V_c, V_p} & \omega_{Q, V_p} & \omega^2_{V_p} \\ \end{pmatrix} \\ &= \begin{pmatrix} \omega_{CL} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \omega_{V_c} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \omega_{Q} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \omega_{V_p} \\ \end{pmatrix} \mathbf{R_{\Omega}} \begin{pmatrix} \omega_{CL} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \omega_{V_c} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \omega_{Q} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \omega_{V_p} \\ \end{pmatrix} \\ &= \begin{pmatrix} \omega_{CL} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \omega_{V_c} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \omega_{Q} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \omega_{V_p} \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & \rho_{CL, V_c} & \rho_{CL, Q} & \rho_{CL, V_p} \\ \rho_{CL, V_c} & 1 & \rho_{V_c, Q} & \rho_{V_c, V_p} \\ \rho_{CL, Q} & \rho_{V_c, Q} & 1 & \rho_{Q, V_p} \\ \rho_{CL, V_p} & \rho_{V_c, V_p} & \rho_{Q, V_p} & 1 \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \omega_{CL} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \omega_{V_c} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \omega_{Q} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \omega_{V_p} \\ \end{pmatrix} \end{align}\] I’ll model the correlation matrix \(R_{\Omega}\) and standard deviations (\(\omega_p\)) of the random effects rather than the covariance matrix \(\Omega\) that is typically done in NONMEM. The full statistical model is \[\begin{align} C_{ij} \mid \mathbf{TV}, \; \mathbf{\eta}_i, \; \mathbf{\Omega}, \; \mathbf{\Sigma} &\sim Normal\left( f(\mathbf{\theta}_i, t_{ij}), \; \sigma_{ij} \right) I(C_{ij} > 0) \notag \\ \mathbf{\eta}_i \; | \; \Omega &\sim Normal\left( \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \end{pmatrix} , \; \Omega\right) \notag \\ TVCL &\sim Half-Cauchy\left(0, scale_{TVCL}\right) \notag \\ TVVC &\sim Half-Cauchy\left(0, scale_{TVVC}\right) \notag \\ TVQ &\sim Half-Cauchy\left(0, scale_{TVQ}\right) \notag \\ TVVP &\sim Half-Cauchy\left(0, scale_{TVVP}\right) \notag \\ \omega_{CL} &\sim Half-Normal(0, scale_{\omega_{CL}}) \notag \\ \omega_{V_c} &\sim Half-Normal(0, scale_{\omega_{V_c}}) \notag \\ \omega_{Q} &\sim Half-Normal(0, scale_{\omega_{Q}}) \notag \\ \omega_{V_p} &\sim Half-Normal(0, scale_{\omega_{V_p}}) \notag \\ R_{\Omega} &\sim LKJ(df_{R_{\Omega}}) \notag \\ \sigma_p &\sim Half-Normal(0, scale_{\sigma_p}) \\ \sigma_a &\sim Half-Normal(0, scale_{\sigma_a}) \\ R_{\Sigma} &\sim LKJ(df_{R_{\Sigma}}) \notag \\ CL_i &= TVCL \times e^{\eta_{CL_i}} \notag \\ V_{c_i} &= TVVC \times e^{\eta_{V_{c_i}}} \notag \\ Q_i &= TVQ \times e^{\eta_{Q_i}} \notag \\ V_{p_i} &= TVVP \times e^{\eta_{V_{p_i}}} \notag \\ \end{align}\] where \[\begin{align} \mathbf{TV} &= \begin{pmatrix} TVCL \\ TVVC \\ TVQ \\ TVVP \\ \end{pmatrix}, \; \mathbf{\theta}_i = \begin{pmatrix} CL_i \\ V_{c_i} \\ Q_i \\ V_{p_i} \\ \end{pmatrix}, \; \mathbf{\eta}_i = \begin{pmatrix} \eta_{CL_i} \\ \eta_{V_{c_i}} \\ \eta_{Q_i} \\ \eta_{V_{p_i}} \\ \end{pmatrix}, \; \mathbf{\Sigma} = \begin{pmatrix} \sigma^2_{p} & \rho_{p,a}\sigma_{p}\sigma_{a} \\ \rho_{p,a}\sigma_{p}\sigma_{a} & \sigma^2_{z} \\ \end{pmatrix} \\ \sigma_{ij} &= \sqrt{f(\mathbf{\theta}_i, t_{ij})^2\sigma^2_p + \sigma^2_a + 2f(\mathbf{\theta}_i, t_{ij})\rho_{p,a}\sigma_{p}\sigma_{a}} \end{align}\] Note: The indicator for \(C_{ij} | \ldots\) indicates that we are truncating the distribution of the observed concentrations to be greater than 0.

In the interest of thoroughness and completeness, I’ll write down the full statistical model. For this presentation, I’ll just fit the data to the data-generating model. Letting \[\begin{align} \Omega &= \begin{pmatrix} \omega^2_{CL} & \omega_{CL, V_c} & \omega_{CL, Q} & \omega_{CL, V_p} \\ \omega_{CL, V_c} & \omega^2_{V_c} & \omega_{V_c, Q} & \omega_{V_c, V_p} \\ \omega_{CL, Q} & \omega_{V_c, Q} & \omega^2_{Q} & \omega_{Q, V_p} \\ \omega_{CL, V_p} & \omega_{V_c, V_p} & \omega_{Q, V_p} & \omega^2_{V_p} \\ \end{pmatrix} \\ &= \begin{pmatrix} \omega_{CL} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \omega_{V_c} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \omega_{Q} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \omega_{V_p} \\ \end{pmatrix} \mathbf{R_{\Omega}} \begin{pmatrix} \omega_{CL} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \omega_{V_c} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \omega_{Q} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \omega_{V_p} \\ \end{pmatrix} \\ &= \begin{pmatrix} \omega_{CL} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \omega_{V_c} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \omega_{Q} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \omega_{V_p} \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & \rho_{CL, V_c} & \rho_{CL, Q} & \rho_{CL, V_p} \\ \rho_{CL, V_c} & 1 & \rho_{V_c, Q} & \rho_{V_c, V_p} \\ \rho_{CL, Q} & \rho_{V_c, Q} & 1 & \rho_{Q, V_p} \\ \rho_{CL, V_p} & \rho_{V_c, V_p} & \rho_{Q, V_p} & 1 \\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \omega_{CL} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \omega_{V_c} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \omega_{Q} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \omega_{V_p} \\ \end{pmatrix} \end{align}\] I’ll model the correlation matrix \(R_{\Omega}\) and standard deviations (\(\omega_p\)) of the random effects rather than the covariance matrix \(\Omega\) that is typically done in NONMEM. The full statistical model is \[\begin{align} C_{ij} \mid \mathbf{TV}, \; \mathbf{\eta}_i, \; \mathbf{\Omega}, \; \mathbf{\Sigma} &\sim Normal\left( f(\mathbf{\theta}_i, t_{ij}), \; \sigma_{ij} \right) I(C_{ij} > 0) \notag \\ \mathbf{\eta}_i \; | \; \Omega &\sim Normal\left( \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \end{pmatrix} , \; \Omega\right) \notag \\ TVCL &\sim Lognormal\left(log\left(location_{TVCL}\right), scale_{TVCL}\right) \notag \\ TVVC &\sim Lognormal\left(log\left(location_{TVVC}\right), scale_{TVVC}\right) \notag \\ TVQ &\sim Lognormal\left(log\left(location_{TVQ}\right), scale_{TVQ}\right) \notag \\ TVVP &\sim Lognormal\left(log\left(location_{TVVP}\right), scale_{TVVP}\right) \notag \\ \omega_{CL} &\sim Half-Normal(0, scale_{\omega_{CL}}) \notag \\ \omega_{V_c} &\sim Half-Normal(0, scale_{\omega_{V_c}}) \notag \\ \omega_{Q} &\sim Half-Normal(0, scale_{\omega_{Q}}) \notag \\ \omega_{V_p} &\sim Half-Normal(0, scale_{\omega_{V_p}}) \notag \\ R_{\Omega} &\sim LKJ(df_{R_{\Omega}}) \notag \\ \sigma_p &\sim Half-Normal(0, scale_{\sigma_p}) \\ \sigma_a &\sim Half-Normal(0, scale_{\sigma_a}) \\ R_{\Sigma} &\sim LKJ(df_{R_{\Sigma}}) \notag \\ CL_i &= TVCL \times e^{\eta_{CL_i}} \notag \\ V_{c_i} &= TVVC \times e^{\eta_{V_{c_i}}} \notag \\ Q_i &= TVQ \times e^{\eta_{Q_i}} \notag \\ V_{p_i} &= TVVP \times e^{\eta_{V_{p_i}}} \notag \\ \end{align}\] where \[\begin{align} \mathbf{TV} &= \begin{pmatrix} TVCL \\ TVVC \\ TVQ \\ TVVP \\ \end{pmatrix}, \; \mathbf{\theta}_i = \begin{pmatrix} CL_i \\ V_{c_i} \\ Q_i \\ V_{p_i} \\ \end{pmatrix}, \; \mathbf{\eta}_i = \begin{pmatrix} \eta_{CL_i} \\ \eta_{V_{c_i}} \\ \eta_{Q_i} \\ \eta_{V_{p_i}} \\ \end{pmatrix}, \; \mathbf{\Sigma} = \begin{pmatrix} \sigma^2_{p} & \rho_{p,a}\sigma_{p}\sigma_{a} \\ \rho_{p,a}\sigma_{p}\sigma_{a} & \sigma^2_{z} \\ \end{pmatrix} \\ \sigma_{ij} &= \sqrt{f(\mathbf{\theta}_i, t_{ij})^2\sigma^2_p + \sigma^2_a + 2f(\mathbf{\theta}_i, t_{ij})\rho_{p,a}\sigma_{p}\sigma_{a}} \end{align}\] Note: The indicator for \(C_{ij} | \ldots\) indicates that we are truncating the distribution of the observed concentrations to be greater than 0.

Note that for both of these models, I’ve used the non-centered parameterization (see here for more information on why the non-centered parameterization is often better from an MCMC algorithm standpoint), which is what we commonly use in the pharmacometrics world. You may also see the centered parameterization6. Also note7 and8.

3.3.3 Data

As mentioned previously, we can simulate data directly in Stan with Torsten. For this example, we will simulate 24 individuals total, 3 subjects at each of 5 mg Q4W, 10 mg Q4W, 20 mg Q4W, 50 mg Q4W, 100 mg Q4W, 200 mg Q4W, 400 mg Q4W, and 800 mg Q4W for 24 weeks (6 cycles), where each dose is a 1-hour infusion. We take observations at nominal times 1, 3, 5, 24, 72, 168, and 336 hours after the first and second doses, and then trough measurements just before the last 4 doses.

Here is the Stan code with Torsten functions used to simulate the data:

model_simulate <- cmdstan_model("Torsten/Simulate/iv_2cmt_ppa.stan")

// IV Infusion
// Two-compartment PK Model
// IIV on CL, VC, Q, VP
// proportional plus additive error - DV = CP(1 + eps_p) + eps_a
// Closed form solution using Torsten
// Observations are generated from a normal that is truncated below at 0
// Since we have a normal distribution on the error, but the DV must be > 0, it
//   generates values from a normal that is truncated below at 0

  real normal_lb_rng(real mu, real sigma, real lb){
    real p_lb = normal_cdf(lb | mu, sigma);
    real u = uniform_rng(p_lb, 1);
    real y = mu + sigma * inv_Phi(u);
    return y;

  int n_subjects;
  int n_total;                  
  array[n_total] real amt;
  array[n_total] int cmt;
  array[n_total] int evid;
  array[n_total] real rate;
  array[n_total] real ii;
  array[n_total] int addl;
  array[n_total] int ss;
  array[n_total] real time;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_start;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_end;
  real<lower = 0> TVCL;
  real<lower = 0> TVVC;
  real<lower = 0> TVQ;
  real<lower = 0> TVVP;
  real<lower = 0> omega_cl;
  real<lower = 0> omega_vc;
  real<lower = 0> omega_q;
  real<lower = 0> omega_vp;
  corr_matrix[4] R;  // Correlation matrix before transforming to Omega.
                     // Can in theory change this to having inputs for
                     // cor_cl_vc, cor_cl_q, ... and then construct the 
                     // correlation matrix in transformed data, but it's easy
                     // enough to do in R
  real<lower = 0> sigma_p;
  real<lower = 0> sigma_a;
  real<lower = -1, upper = 1> cor_p_a;
transformed data{
  int n_random = 4;
  int n_cmt = 3;

  vector[n_random] omega = [omega_cl, omega_vc, omega_q, omega_vp]';
  matrix[n_random, n_random] L = cholesky_decompose(R);

  vector[2] sigma = [sigma_p, sigma_a]';
  matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = rep_matrix(1, 2, 2);
  R_Sigma[1, 2] = cor_p_a;
  R_Sigma[2, 1] = cor_p_a;
  matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);
generated quantities{
  vector[n_total] cp; // concentration with no residual error
  vector[n_total] dv; // concentration with residual error
  vector[n_subjects] eta_cl;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vc;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_q;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vp;
  vector[n_subjects] CL;
  vector[n_subjects] VC;
  vector[n_subjects] Q;
  vector[n_subjects] VP;
    vector[n_random] typical_values = to_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});
    matrix[n_random, n_subjects] eta;   
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta; 
    matrix[n_total, n_cmt] x_cp;
    for(i in 1:n_subjects){
      eta[, i] = multi_normal_cholesky_rng(rep_vector(0, n_random),
                                           diag_pre_multiply(omega, L));
    theta = (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta))';
    eta_cl = row(eta, 1)';
    eta_vc = row(eta, 2)';
    eta_q = row(eta, 3)';
    eta_vp = row(eta, 4)';

    CL = col(theta, 1);
    VC = col(theta, 2);
    Q = col(theta, 3);
    VP = col(theta, 4);
    for(j in 1:n_subjects){
      array[n_random + 1] real theta_params = {CL[j], Q[j], VC[j], VP[j], 0};

      x_cp[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =

      cp[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = x_cp[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ VC[j];

    for(i in 1:n_total){
      if(cp[i] == 0){
        dv[i] = 0;
        real cp_tmp = cp[i];
        real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(cp_tmp) * Sigma[1, 1] + Sigma[2, 2] + 
                              2*cp_tmp*Sigma[2, 1]);
        dv[i] = normal_lb_rng(cp_tmp, sigma_tmp, 0.0);

For testing and illustration purposes, we often simulate a simple dataset where every subject is dosed and observed on a grid of nominal times9:

check_valid_cov_mat <- function(x){

  if(!is.matrix(x)) stop("'Matrix' is not a matrix.")
  if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("Matrix is not numeric.")
  if(!(nrow(x) == ncol(x))) stop("Matrix is not square.")
  # if(!(sum(x == t(x)) == (nrow(x)^2)))
  #   stop("Matrix is not symmetric")
  if(!(isTRUE(all.equal(x, t(x)))))
    stop("Matrix is not symmetric.")

  eigenvalues <- eigen(x, only.values = TRUE)$values
  eigenvalues[abs(eigenvalues) < 1e-8] <- 0
  if(any(eigenvalues < 0)){
    stop("Matrix is not positive semi-definite.")


check_valid_cor_mat <- function(x){

  if(any(diag(x) != 1)) stop("Diagonal of matrix is not all 1s.")


create_dosing_data <- function(n_subjects_per_dose = 6,
                               dose_amounts = c(100, 200, 400),
                               addl = 5, ii = 28, cmt = 2, tinf = 1,
                               sd_min_dose = 0){

  dosing_data <- expand.ev(ID = 1:n_subjects_per_dose, addl = addl, ii = ii,
                           cmt = cmt, amt = dose_amounts, tinf = tinf,
                           evid = 1) %>%
    realize_addl() %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    rename_all(toupper) %>%
    rowwise() %>%
    mutate(TIMENOM = TIME,
           TIME = if_else(TIMENOM == 0, TIMENOM,
                          TIMENOM + rnorm(1, 0, sd_min_dose/(60*24)))) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    select(ID, TIMENOM, TIME, everything())



create_nonmem_data <- function(dosing_data,
                               sd_min_obs = 3,
                               times_to_simulate = seq(0, 96, 1),
                               times_obs = seq(0, 96, 1)){

  data_set_obs <- tibble(TIMENOM = times_obs)
  data_set_all <- tibble(TIMENOM = times_to_simulate)

  data_set_times_obs <- create_times_nm(dosing_data, data_set_obs,
                                        sd_min_obs) %>%

  data_set_times_pred <- bind_rows(replicate(max(dosing_data$ID),
                                             simplify = FALSE)) %>%
    mutate(ID = rep(1:max(dosing_data$ID), each = nrow(data_set_all)),
           TIME = TIMENOM,
           NONMEM = FALSE) %>%

  data_set_times_all <- bind_rows(data_set_times_obs, data_set_times_pred) %>%
    arrange(ID, TIME) %>%
    select(ID, TIMENOM, TIME, NONMEM) %>%
    mutate(CMT = 2,
           EVID = 0,
           AMT = NA_real_,
           MDV = 0,
           RATE = 0,
           II = 0,
           ADDL = 0)

  nonmem_data_set <- bind_rows(data_set_times_all,
                               dosing_data %>%
                                 mutate(NONMEM = TRUE)) %>%
    arrange(ID, TIME, EVID) %>%
    filter(!(CMT == 2 & EVID == 0 & TIME == 0))



dosing_data <- expand.ev(ID = 1:3, addl = 5, ii = 28,
                         cmt = 2, amt = c(5, 10, 20, 50, 100,
                                          200, 400, 800),
                         tinf = 1/24, evid = 1) %>%
  realize_addl() %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  rename_all(toupper) %>%
  select(ID, TIME, everything())

TVCL <- 0.2 # L/d
TVVC <- 3   # L
TVQ <- 1.4  # L/d
TVVP <- 4   # L

omega_cl <- 0.30
omega_vc <- 0.25
omega_q <- 0.2
omega_vp <- 0.15

R <- matrix(1, nrow = 4, ncol = 4)
R[1, 2] <- R[2, 1] <- cor_cl_vc <- 0.1
R[1, 3] <- R[3, 1] <- cor_cl_q <- 0
R[1, 4] <- R[4, 1] <- cor_cl_vp <- 0.1
R[2, 3] <- R[3, 2] <- cor_vc_q <- -0.1
R[2, 4] <- R[4, 2] <- cor_vc_vp <- 0.2
R[3, 4] <- R[4, 3] <- cor_q_vp <- 0.15

times_to_simulate <- seq(12/24, max(dosing_data$TIME) + 28, by = 12/24)
times_obs <- c(c(1, 3, 5, 24, 72, 168, 336)/24, 28 +
                 c(0, 1, 3, 5, 24, 72, 168, 336)/24,
               seq(56, max(dosing_data$TIME) + 28, by = 28))
times_all <- sort(unique(c(times_to_simulate, times_obs)))

times_new <- tibble(time = times_all)

nonmem_data_simulate <- bind_rows(replicate(max(dosing_data$ID), times_new,
                                            simplify = FALSE)) %>%
  mutate(ID = rep(1:max(dosing_data$ID), each = nrow(times_new)),
         amt = 0,
         evid = 0,
         rate = 0,
         addl = 0,
         ii = 0,
         cmt = 2,
         mdv = 0,
         ss = 0,
         nonmem = if_else(time %in% times_obs, TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
  select(ID, time, everything()) %>%
  bind_rows(dosing_data %>%
              rename_all(tolower) %>%
              rename(ID = "id") %>%
              mutate(ss = 0,
                     nonmem = TRUE)) %>%
  arrange(ID, time)

n_subjects <- nonmem_data_simulate %>%  # number of individuals to simulate
  distinct(ID) %>%
  count() %>%

n_total <- nrow(nonmem_data_simulate) # total number of time points at which to predict

subj_start <- nonmem_data_simulate %>%
  mutate(row_num = 1:n()) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  slice_head(n = 1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(row_num) %>%

subj_end <- c(subj_start[-1] - 1, n_total)

stan_data_simulate <- list(n_subjects = n_subjects,
                           n_total = n_total,
                           amt = nonmem_data_simulate$amt,
                           cmt = nonmem_data_simulate$cmt,
                           evid = nonmem_data_simulate$evid,
                           rate = nonmem_data_simulate$rate,
                           ii = nonmem_data_simulate$ii,
                           addl = nonmem_data_simulate$addl,
                           ss = nonmem_data_simulate$ss,
                           time = nonmem_data_simulate$time,
                           subj_start = subj_start,
                           subj_end = subj_end,
                           TVCL = TVCL,
                           TVVC = TVVC,
                           TVQ = TVQ,
                           TVVP = TVVP,
                           omega_cl = omega_cl,
                           omega_vc = omega_vc,
                           omega_q = omega_q,
                           omega_vp = omega_vp,
                           R = R,
                           sigma_p = 0.2,
                           sigma_a = 0.05,
                           cor_p_a = 0)

simulated_data_grid <- model_simulate$sample(data = stan_data_simulate,
                                        fixed_param = TRUE,
                                        seed = 112358,
                                        iter_warmup = 0,
                                        iter_sampling = 1,
                                        chains = 1,
                                        parallel_chains = 1)

data_grid <- simulated_data_grid$draws(c("cp", "dv"), format = "draws_df") %>%
  spread_draws(cp[i], dv[i]) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(time = nonmem_data_simulate$time[i],
         ID = factor(nonmem_data_simulate$ID[i])) %>%
  select(ID, time, cp, dv)

nonmem_data_observed_grid <- nonmem_data_simulate %>%
  mutate(DV = data_grid$dv,
         mdv = if_else(evid == 1, 1, 0),
         ID = factor(ID)) %>%
  filter(nonmem == TRUE) %>%
  select(-nonmem, -tinf) %>%
  rename_all(toupper) %>%
  mutate(DV = if_else(EVID == 1, NA_real_, DV))
nonmem_data_observed_grid %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.double), round, 3)) %>%
  DT::datatable(rownames = FALSE, filter = "top",
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE,
                               columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center',
                                                      targets = "_all"))))

In reality, while doses and observations are scheduled at a nominal time, they tend to be off by a few minutes, and sometimes the observations are not made at all. So to make our dataset a bit more realistic, I have added a bit of jitter around the nominal time so that the subjects are taking their dose or getting their measurements in the neighborhood of the nominal time, rather than at the exact nominal time. I’ve also randomly removed an observation or two from some of the subjects10.

# Check if the NONMEM times are ok (ordered by time within an individual).
# Nominal time is automatically ok. This checks that the true measurement
# time is ordered within an individual
# Check if the NONMEM times are ok (ordered by time within an individual).
# Nominal time is automatically ok. This checks that the true measurement
# time is ordered within an individual
check_times_nm <- function(data_set_times_nm){

  minimum <- data_set_times_nm %>%
    group_by(ID) %>%
    mutate(across(TIME, ~.x - lag(.x))) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    na.omit() %>%
    summarize(min_time = min(TIME)) %>%
    deframe() %>%

  not_ok <- (minimum < 0)


# Simulate times to be slightly different from nominal time for something a bit
# more realistic. It'll check that the times are ordered within individuals so
# the time vector can be plugged into NONMEM and Stan. Trough measurements
# should come shortly before a dose, and measurements at the end of infusion
# should come slightly after the end of infusion
create_times_nm <- function(dosing_data, data_set_tmp, sd_min){

  not_ok <- TRUE

    data_set_times_nm <- bind_rows(replicate(max(dosing_data$ID), data_set_tmp,
                                             simplify = FALSE)) %>%
      mutate(ID = rep(1:max(dosing_data$ID), each = nrow(data_set_tmp))) %>%
      full_join(dosing_data %>%
                  select(ID, TIMENOM, TIME, AMT, EVID, TINF),
                by = c("TIMENOM", "ID")) %>%
      arrange(ID, TIMENOM) %>%
      mutate(end_inf_timenom = TIMENOM + TINF,
             end_inf = (TIMENOM %in% end_inf_timenom),
             AMT = if_else(is.na(AMT), 0, AMT),
             tmp_g = cumsum(c(FALSE, as.logical(diff(AMT)))),
             num_doses_taken = cumsum(as.logical(AMT > 0))) %>%
      group_by(ID) %>%
      mutate(tmp_a = c(0, diff(TIMENOM)) * !AMT) %>%
      group_by(tmp_g) %>%
      mutate(NTSLD = cumsum(tmp_a)) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      group_by(ID, num_doses_taken) %>%
      mutate(time_prev_dose = unique(TIME[!is.na(TIME)])) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      rowwise() %>%
      mutate(TIME = case_when((TIMENOM == 0 && EVID == 1) ~ 0, # First time is time 0
                              (TIMENOM > 0 && EVID == 1) ~       # trough measurement. Make sure
                                time_prev_dose - abs(rnorm(1, 0, # it's before the new dose
                              (TIMENOM > 0 && end_inf == TRUE && is.na(EVID)) ~ # End of infusion.
                                time_prev_dose + NTSLD +                        # Make sure it's after
                                abs(rnorm(1, 0, sd_min/(60*24))),               # end of infusion
                              (TIMENOM > 0 && end_inf == FALSE && is.na(EVID)) ~ # Everything else
                                time_prev_dose + NTSLD +
                                rnorm(1, 0, sd_min/(60*24)),
                              TRUE ~ NA_real_)) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      select(ID, TIMENOM, TIME) %>%
      mutate(NONMEM = TRUE)

    not_ok <- check_times_nm(data_set_times_nm)

create_cor_mat <- function(...){

  args <- list(...)

  for(i in 1:length(args)) {
    assign(x = names(args)[i], value = args[[i]])

  x <- matrix(1, ncol = 5, nrow = 5)
  x[2, 1] <- x[1, 2] <- cor_cl_vc
  x[3, 1] <- x[1, 3] <- cor_cl_q
  x[4, 1] <- x[1, 4] <- cor_cl_vp
  x[3, 2] <- x[2, 3] <- cor_vc_q
  x[4, 2] <- x[2, 4] <- cor_vc_vp
  x[4, 3] <- x[3, 4] <- cor_q_vp


check_valid_cov_mat <- function(x){

  if(!is.matrix(x)) stop("'Matrix' is not a matrix.")
  if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("Matrix is not numeric.")
  if(!(nrow(x) == ncol(x))) stop("Matrix is not square.")
  # if(!(sum(x == t(x)) == (nrow(x)^2)))
  #   stop("Matrix is not symmetric")
  if(!(isTRUE(all.equal(x, t(x)))))
    stop("Matrix is not symmetric.")

  eigenvalues <- eigen(x, only.values = TRUE)$values
  eigenvalues[abs(eigenvalues) < 1e-8] <- 0
  if(any(eigenvalues < 0)){
    stop("Matrix is not positive semi-definite.")


check_valid_cor_mat <- function(x){

  if(any(diag(x) != 1)) stop("Diagonal of matrix is not all 1s.")


create_dosing_data <- function(n_subjects_per_dose = 6,
                               dose_amounts = c(100, 200, 400),
                               addl = 5, ii = 28, cmt = 2, tinf = 1/24,
                               sd_min_dose = 0){

  dosing_data <- expand.ev(ID = 1:n_subjects_per_dose, addl = addl, ii = ii,
                           cmt = cmt, amt = dose_amounts, tinf = tinf,
                           evid = 1) %>%
    realize_addl() %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    rename_all(toupper) %>%
    rowwise() %>%
    mutate(TIMENOM = TIME,
           TIME = if_else(TIMENOM == 0, TIMENOM,
                          TIMENOM + rnorm(1, 0, sd_min_dose/(60*24)))) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    select(ID, TIMENOM, TIME, everything())



create_nonmem_data <- function(dosing_data,
                               sd_min_obs = 3,
                               times_to_simulate = seq(0, 96, 1),
                               times_obs = seq(0, 96, 1)){

  data_set_obs <- tibble(TIMENOM = times_obs)
  data_set_all <- tibble(TIMENOM = times_to_simulate)

  data_set_times_obs <- create_times_nm(dosing_data, data_set_obs,
                                        sd_min_obs) %>%

  data_set_times_pred <- bind_rows(replicate(max(dosing_data$ID),
                                             simplify = FALSE)) %>%
    mutate(ID = rep(1:max(dosing_data$ID), each = nrow(data_set_all)),
           TIME = TIMENOM,
           NONMEM = FALSE) %>%

  data_set_times_all <- bind_rows(data_set_times_obs, data_set_times_pred) %>%
    arrange(ID, TIME) %>%
    select(ID, TIMENOM, TIME, NONMEM) %>%
    mutate(CMT = 2,
           EVID = 0,
           AMT = NA_real_,
           MDV = 0,
           RATE = 0,
           II = 0,
           ADDL = 0)

  nonmem_data_set <- bind_rows(data_set_times_all,
                               dosing_data %>%
                                 mutate(NONMEM = TRUE)) %>%
    arrange(ID, TIME, EVID) %>%
    filter(!(CMT == 2 & EVID == 0 & TIME == 0))



dosing_data <- create_dosing_data(n_subjects_per_dose = 3,
                                  dose_amounts = c(5, 10, 20, 50, 100,
                                                   200, 400, 800), # mg
                                  addl = 5, ii = 28, cmt = 2, tinf = 1/24,
                                  sd_min_dose = 5)

TVCL <- 0.2 # L/d
TVVC <- 3   # L
TVQ <- 1.4  # L/d
TVVP <- 4   # L

omega_cl <- 0.30
omega_vc <- 0.25
omega_q <- 0.2
omega_vp <- 0.15

R <- matrix(1, nrow = 4, ncol = 4)
R[1, 2] <- R[2, 1] <- cor_cl_vc <- 0.1
R[1, 3] <- R[3, 1] <- cor_cl_q <- 0
R[1, 4] <- R[4, 1] <- cor_cl_vp <- 0.1
R[2, 3] <- R[3, 2] <- cor_vc_q <- -0.1
R[2, 4] <- R[4, 2] <- cor_vc_vp <- 0.2
R[3, 4] <- R[4, 3] <- cor_q_vp <- 0.15

sd_min_obs <- 5 # standard deviation in minutes for the observed true time
                # around the nominal time

times_to_simulate <- seq(0, max(dosing_data$TIMENOM) + 28, by = 12/24)
times_obs <- c(c(1, 3, 5, 24, 72, 168, 336)/24, 28 +
                 c(0, 1, 3, 5, 24, 72, 168, 336)/24,
               seq(56, max(dosing_data$TIMENOM) + 28, by = 28))

nonmem_data_simulate <- create_nonmem_data(
  sd_min_obs = sd_min_obs,
  times_to_simulate = times_to_simulate,
  times_obs = times_obs) %>%
  rename_all(tolower) %>%
  rename(ID = "id") %>%
  mutate(ss = 0,
         amt = if_else(is.na(amt), 0, amt))

n_subjects <- nonmem_data_simulate %>%  # number of individuals to simulate
  distinct(ID) %>%
  count() %>%

n_total <- nrow(nonmem_data_simulate) # total number of time points at which to predict

subj_start <- nonmem_data_simulate %>%
  mutate(row_num = 1:n()) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  slice_head(n = 1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(row_num) %>%

subj_end <- c(subj_start[-1] - 1, n_total)

stan_data_simulate <- list(n_subjects = n_subjects,
                           n_total = n_total,
                           amt = nonmem_data_simulate$amt,
                           cmt = nonmem_data_simulate$cmt,
                           evid = nonmem_data_simulate$evid,
                           rate = nonmem_data_simulate$rate,
                           ii = nonmem_data_simulate$ii,
                           addl = nonmem_data_simulate$addl,
                           ss = nonmem_data_simulate$ss,
                           time = nonmem_data_simulate$time,
                           subj_start = subj_start,
                           subj_end = subj_end,
                           TVCL = TVCL,
                           TVVC = TVVC,
                           TVQ = TVQ,
                           TVVP = TVVP,
                           omega_cl = omega_cl,
                           omega_vc = omega_vc,
                           omega_q = omega_q,
                           omega_vp = omega_vp,
                           R = R,
                           sigma_p = 0.2,
                           sigma_a = 0.05,
                           cor_p_a = 0)

simulated_data <- model_simulate$sample(data = stan_data_simulate,
                                        fixed_param = TRUE,
                                        seed = 112358,
                                        iter_warmup = 0,
                                        iter_sampling = 1,
                                        chains = 1,
                                        parallel_chains = 1)

data <- simulated_data$draws(c("cp", "dv"), format = "draws_df") %>%
  spread_draws(cp[i], dv[i]) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(time = nonmem_data_simulate$time[i],
         ID = factor(nonmem_data_simulate$ID[i])) %>%
  select(ID, time, cp, dv)

nonmem_data_observed_tmp <- nonmem_data_simulate %>%
  mutate(DV = data$dv,
         mdv = if_else(evid == 1, 1, 0),
         ID = factor(ID)) %>%
  filter(nonmem == TRUE) %>%
  select(-nonmem, -tinf)

nonmem_data_observed <- nonmem_data_observed_tmp %>%
  filter(evid == 0) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  nest() %>%
  mutate(num_rows_to_remove = rbinom(1, size = 2, prob = 0.5)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(num_rows = map_dbl(data, nrow),
         num_rows_to_keep = num_rows - num_rows_to_remove,
         sample = map2(data, num_rows_to_keep, sample_n)) %>%
  unnest(sample) %>%
  select(ID, everything(), -data, -starts_with("num_rows")) %>%
  bind_rows(nonmem_data_observed_tmp %>%
              filter(evid == 1)) %>%
  arrange(ID, time) %>%
  rename_all(toupper) %>%
  mutate(DV = if_else(EVID == 1, NA_real_, DV))
nonmem_data_observed %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.double), round, 3)) %>%
  DT::datatable(rownames = FALSE, filter = "top",
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE,
                               columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center',
                                                      targets = "_all"))))

Now that we have simulated a simple dataset on a grid and another dataset that is a bit more realistic that has missed observations and dosing and sampling times that are slightly off from nominal time, we will continue the rest of this discussion using the more realistic dataset.

We can visualize the observed data in the NONMEM data set that we will be modeling (with dosing events marked with a magenta dashed line):

(p1 <- ggplot(nonmem_data_observed %>%
                mutate(ID = factor(ID)) %>%
                group_by(ID) %>%
                mutate(Dose = factor(max(AMT, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
                ungroup() %>%
                filter(MDV == 0)) +
  geom_line(mapping = aes(x = TIME, y = DV, group = ID, color = Dose)) +
  geom_point(mapping = aes(x = TIME, y = DV, group = ID, color = Dose)) +
  scale_color_discrete(name = "Dose (mg)") +
  scale_y_log10(name = latex2exp::TeX("$Drug Conc. \\; (\\mu g/mL)$"),
                limits = c(NA, NA)) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Time (w)",
                     breaks = seq(0, 168, by = 28),
                     labels = seq(0, 168/7, by = 4)) +
  theme_bw(18) +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold"),
        axis.line = element_line(size = 2),
        legend.position = "bottom") +
  geom_vline(data = nonmem_data_observed %>%
               mutate(ID = factor(ID)) %>%
               filter(EVID == 1),
             mapping = aes(xintercept = TIME, group = ID),
             linetype = 2, color = "magenta", alpha = 0.5) +
  facet_wrap(~ID, labeller = label_both, ncol = 3, scales = "free_y"))

3.3.4 Eliciting Prior Information

The use of the prior distribution can range from being a nuisance that serves simply as a catalyst that allows us to express uncertainty via Bayes’ theorem to a means to stabilize the sampling algorithm to actually incorporating knowledge about the parameter(s) before collecting data. We will discuss a couple common methods for eliciting prior information and setting your prior distributions. Drug Class and/or Historical Information

A simple method that I’ll show here is to look at other drugs in the same class. For this example I used “true” PK parameters that are similar to a monoclonal antibody (mAb) I’ve worked on in the past to simulate this data. Since this fictional drug is a mAb, I can look at this paper to see a review of published clearances and volumes of distribution for other mAbs:

I will set my priors in such a way that there is plenty of prior mass over the values that we’ve previously seen in mAbs (in red) but not so wide that the sampler will go looking at non-sensical values like \(CL = 300 \frac{L}{d}\)

\[\begin{align} TVCL &\sim Half-Cauchy\;(0, \; 2) \notag \\ TVVC &\sim Half-Cauchy\;(0, \; 10) \end{align}\]

my_length <- 200

dens_data <- tibble(parameter = rep(c("TVCL", "TVVC"), each = my_length),
                    value = c(seq(0, 10, length.out = my_length),
                              seq(0, 40, length.out = my_length))) %>%
  bind_rows(tibble(parameter = rep(c("TVCL", "TVVC"), each = 2),
                   value = c(0.09, 0.56, 3, 8))) %>%
  arrange(parameter, value) %>%
  mutate(scale = if_else(parameter == "TVCL", 2, 10),
         dens = dcauchy(value, scale = scale)/pcauchy(0, scale = scale))

p_cl <- ggplot(data = dens_data %>%
                 filter(parameter == "TVCL"),
               aes(x = value, y = dens, group = parameter)) +
  geom_line(size = 1.25) +
  theme_bw(18) +
  geom_area(mapping = aes(x = if_else(between(value, 0.09, 0.56), value, 0)),
            fill = "red") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Density",
                     limits = c(0, 0.34),
                     expand = c(0, 0)) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Clearance (L/d)",
                     expand = c(0, 0),
                     breaks = seq(0, 10, by = 2.5),
                     labels = c("0", "2.5", "5", "7.5", "10"))

p_vc <- ggplot(data = dens_data %>%
                 filter(parameter == "TVVC"),
               aes(x = value, y = dens, group = parameter)) +
  geom_line(size = 1.25) +
  theme_bw(18) +
  geom_area(mapping = aes(x = if_else(between(value, 3, 8), value, 0)),
            fill = "red") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Density",
                     limits = c(0, 0.07),
                     expand = c(0, 0)) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Volume (L)",
                     expand = c(0, 0))
p_cl | p_vc

This could also be done with lognormal prior distributions (which might be a little more familiar in the PK/PD world):\[\begin{align} TVCL &\sim Lognormal\;(log(0.5), \; 1) \notag \\ TVVC &\sim Lognormal\;(log(6), \; 1) \end{align}\]

dens_data_2 <- tibble(parameter = rep(c("TVCL", "TVVC"), each = my_length),
                      value = c(seq(0, 5, length.out = my_length),
                                seq(0, 40, length.out = my_length))) %>%
  bind_rows(tibble(parameter = rep(c("TVCL", "TVVC"), each = 2),
                   value = c(0.09, 0.56, 3, 8))) %>%
  arrange(parameter, value) %>%
  mutate(location = if_else(parameter == "TVCL", log(0.5), log(6)),
         scale = if_else(parameter == "TVCL", 1, 1),
         dens = dlnorm(value, meanlog = location,
                       sdlog = scale))

p_cl_2 <- ggplot(data = dens_data_2 %>%
                   filter(parameter == "TVCL"),
                 aes(x = value, y = dens, group = parameter)) +
  geom_line(size = 1.25) +
  theme_bw(18) +
  geom_area(mapping = aes(x = if_else(between(value, 0.09, 0.56), value, 0)),
            fill = "red") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Density",
                     limits = c(0, 1.35),
                     expand = c(0, 0)) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Clearance (L/d)",
                     expand = c(0, 0),
                     breaks = seq(0, 5, by = 1),
                     labels = seq(0, 5, by = 1))

p_vc_2 <- ggplot(data = dens_data_2 %>%
                   filter(parameter == "TVVC"),
                 aes(x = value, y = dens, group = parameter)) +
  geom_line(size = 1.25) +
  theme_bw(18) +
  geom_area(mapping = aes(x = if_else(between(value, 3, 8), value, 0)),
            fill = "red") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Density",
                     limits = c(0, 0.15),
                     expand = c(0, 0)) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Volume (L)",
                     expand = c(0, 0))
p_cl_2 | p_vc_2

Either way, my goal here was to set a weakly informative prior by looking at historical estimates for drugs in the same class, then making sure there is plenty of prior mass over the range of previous estimates while also ruling out values that really wouldn’t make any sense. Then ideally the data will take it from there. Priors for Nested Models and Occam’s Razor

Often times in pharmacometrics we extend our models because we believe they are failing to capture some aspect of the data. For example, extending a one compartment model to a two compartment model to account for two-phase elimination. Other examples in pharmacometrics abound such as delay compartments, nonlinear clearance, and exponential versus logistic tumor growth. These models are all nested in the sense that the less complex model is a special case of the more complex model with parameter values fixed to some constant. For example, a one compartment model can be thought of as a two compartment model where the \(Q\) parameter is fixed to zero, or in other words, a two compartment model with an infinitely informative prior with all of its mass on zero. At the other extreme is the extended model with completely uninformative priors on the additional parameters, which in practice can cause computational issues when data alone does not identify the additional parameters very well.

For nested models we can place priors on the extended parameters that give us the best of the both worlds. In a two compartment model for example, a Half-Cauchy prior on \(Q\) is a relaxation of the one compartment model that slightly favors the simpler explanation of \(Q=0\), but also allows for non-zero \(Q\) if the data provides enough evidence to support it. This idea of incorporating the principle of Occam’s razor in our inference via priors, relieves computational issues and is the principle behind modern complex non-parameteric models and tools like LASSO that can fit many parameters by regularizing to favor the simpler nested model. Prior Predictive Checks

A wealth of prior information about the properties of our drugs exists in the form of published historical data, pre-clinical experiments, and basic physical constraints. However, for complex models we occasionally have parameters whose interpretation and relationship to data which we observe is unclear or highly complex. In these cases, prior predictive checks are a powerful tool for helping us elucidate these relationships and choose our priors. The principle is that while we may not always know reasonable values for a parameter in a complex model, we generally have a good understanding of reasonable values of our data. We briefly illustrate this using a two compartment model.

A prior predictive check simply consists of taking draws from your prior and simulating data using those draws. To do this, all we have to do is fit our model without any data. This can be done easily in Stan/Torsten by fitting a model as we normally would except we place the likelihood in an if-statement that controls whether we wants to draw from the prior only or the full posterior which includes both the prior and the likelihood. This is done in the two compartment model below where we use log-normal priors on the parameters.

model_ppc <- cmdstan_model("Torsten/Fit/iv_2cmt_ppa_lognormal_priors_ppc.stan")

// IV Infusion
// Two-compartment PK Model
// IIV on CL, VC, Q, VP (full covariance matrix)
// proportional plus additive error - DV = CP(1 + eps_p) + eps_a
// Closed form solution using Torsten
// Implements threading for within-chain parallelization 


  array[] int sequence(int start, int end) { 
    array[end - start + 1] int seq;
    for (n in 1:num_elements(seq)) {
      seq[n] = n + start - 1;
    return seq; 
  int num_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y){
    int n = 0;
    for(i in 1:num_elements(y)){
      if(y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub)
                    n = n + 1;
    return n;
  array[] int find_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y) {
    // vector[num_between(lb, ub, y)] result;
    array[num_between(lb, ub, y)] int result;
    int n = 1;
    for (i in 1:num_elements(y)) {
      if (y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  vector find_between_vec(int lb, int ub, array[] int idx, vector y) {
    vector[num_between(lb, ub, idx)] result;
    int n = 1;
    if(num_elements(idx) != num_elements(y)) reject("illegal input");
    for (i in 1:rows(y)) {
      if (idx[i] >= lb && idx[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  real partial_sum_lpmf(array[] int seq_subj, int start, int end,
                        vector dv_obs, array[] int dv_obs_id, array[] int i_obs,
                        array[] real amt, array[] int cmt, array[] int evid, 
                        array[] real time, array[] real rate, array[] real ii, 
                        array[] int addl, array[] int ss,
                        array[] int subj_start, array[] int subj_end, 
                        real TVCL, real TVVC, real TVQ, real TVVP, 
                        vector omega, matrix L, matrix Z, 
                        vector sigma, matrix L_Sigma,
                        int n_random, int n_subjects, int n_total){
    real ptarget = 0;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));
    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);
    int N = end - start + 1;    // number of subjects in this slice  
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;   // = rep_vector(0, n_total);
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_ipred; // = rep_matrix(0, n_total, 2);

    int n_obs_slice = num_between(subj_start[start], subj_end[end], i_obs);
    array[n_obs_slice] int i_obs_slice = find_between(subj_start[start], 
                                                      subj_end[end], i_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] dv_obs_slice = find_between_vec(start, end, 
                                                        dv_obs_id, dv_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] ipred_slice;
    for(n in 1:N){            // loop over subjects in this slice
      int nn = n + start - 1; // nn is the ID of the current subject
      row_vector[n_random] theta_nn = theta[nn]; // access the parameters for subject nn
      real cl = theta_nn[1];
      real vc = theta_nn[2];
      real q = theta_nn[3];
      real vp = theta_nn[4];
      array[5] real theta_params = {cl, q, vc, vp, 0}; // The 0 is for KA. Skip the absorption
      x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], ] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], 2] ./ vc; 
    ipred_slice = dv_ipred[i_obs_slice];
    ptarget += normal_lpdf(dv_obs_slice | ipred_slice, 
                                        sqrt(square(ipred_slice) * Sigma[1, 1] +
                                             Sigma[2, 2] + 
                                             2 * ipred_slice * Sigma[2, 1]));
    return ptarget;
  int n_subjects;
  int n_total;
  int n_obs;
  array[n_obs] int i_obs;
  array[n_total] int ID;
  array[n_total] real amt;
  array[n_total] int cmt;
  array[n_total] int evid;
  array[n_total] real rate;
  array[n_total] real ii;
  array[n_total] int addl;
  array[n_total] int ss;
  array[n_total] real time;
  vector[n_total] dv;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_start;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_end;
  real<lower = 0> location_tvcl;   // Prior Location parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> location_tvvc;   // Prior Location parameter for VC
  real<lower = 0> location_tvq;    // Prior Location parameter for Q
  real<lower = 0> location_tvvp;   // Prior Location parameter for VP
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvcl;      // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvc;      // Prior Scale parameter for VC
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvq;       // Prior Scale parameter for Q
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvp;      // Prior Scale parameter for VP
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_cl; // Prior scale parameter for omega_cl
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vc; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vc
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_q;  // Prior scale parameter for omega_q
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vp; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vp
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_omega;   // Prior degrees of freedom for omega cor mat
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_p;  // Prior Scale parameter for proportional error
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_a;  // Prior Scale parameter for additive error
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_sigma;   // Prior degrees of freedom for sigma cor mat
  // If set to 1, don't include the likelihood so we can do prior predictive checks
  int <lower = 0, upper = 1> prior_only; 
transformed data{ 
  int grainsize = 1;
  vector[n_obs] dv_obs = dv[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int dv_obs_id = ID[i_obs];
  int n_random = 4;                    // Number of random effects
  array[n_random] real scale_omega = {scale_omega_cl, scale_omega_vc, 
                                      scale_omega_q, scale_omega_vp}; 
  array[2] real scale_sigma = {scale_sigma_p, scale_sigma_a};
  array[n_subjects] int seq_subj = sequence(1, n_subjects); // reduce_sum over subjects
  real<lower = 0> TVCL;       
  real<lower = 0> TVVC; 
  real<lower = 0> TVQ;
  real<lower = 0> TVVP; 
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random] omega;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random] L;
  vector<lower = 0>[2] sigma;
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Sigma;
  matrix[n_random, n_subjects] Z;

  // Priors
  TVCL ~ lognormal(log(location_tvcl), scale_tvcl);
  TVVC ~ lognormal(log(location_tvvc), scale_tvvc);
  TVQ ~ lognormal(log(location_tvq), scale_tvq);
  TVVP ~ lognormal(log(location_tvvp), scale_tvvp);

  omega ~ normal(0, scale_omega);
  L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_omega);
  sigma ~ normal(0, scale_sigma);
  L_Sigma ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_sigma);
  to_vector(Z) ~ std_normal();
  // Likelihood
  if(prior_only == 0) {
    target += reduce_sum(partial_sum_lupmf, seq_subj, grainsize,
                         dv_obs, dv_obs_id, i_obs,
                         amt, cmt, evid, time, 
                         rate, ii, addl, ss, subj_start, subj_end, 
                         TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP, omega, L, Z,
                         sigma, L_Sigma, 
                         n_random, n_subjects, n_total);
generated quantities{
  real<lower = 0> sigma_p = sigma[1];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_a = sigma[2];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_p = square(sigma_p);
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_a = square(sigma_a); 

  real<lower = 0> omega_cl = omega[1];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vc = omega[2];
  real<lower = 0> omega_q = omega[3];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vp = omega[4];

  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_cl = square(omega_cl);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vc = square(omega_vc);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_q = square(omega_q);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vp = square(omega_vp);

  real cor_cl_vc;
  real cor_cl_q;
  real cor_cl_vp;
  real cor_vc_q;
  real cor_vc_vp;
  real cor_q_vp;
  real omega_cl_vc;
  real omega_cl_q;
  real omega_cl_vp;
  real omega_vc_q;
  real omega_vc_vp;
  real omega_q_vp;

  real cor_p_a;
  real sigma_p_a;

  vector[n_subjects] eta_cl;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vc;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_q;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vp;
  vector[n_subjects] CL;
  vector[n_subjects] VC;
  vector[n_subjects] Q;
  vector[n_subjects] VP;
  vector[n_obs] ipred;
  vector[n_obs] pred;
  vector[n_obs] dv_ppc;
  vector[n_obs] log_lik;
  vector[n_obs] res;
  vector[n_obs] wres;
  vector[n_obs] ires;
  vector[n_obs] iwres;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});

    matrix[n_random, n_random] R = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);
    matrix[n_random, n_random] Omega = quad_form_diag(R, omega);

    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));

    vector[n_total] dv_pred;
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_pred;
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_ipred;
    array[5] real theta_params_tv = {TVCL, TVQ, TVVC, TVVP, 0}; // 0 is for KA to skip absorption
    eta_cl = col(eta, 1);
    eta_vc = col(eta, 2);
    eta_q = col(eta, 3);
    eta_vp = col(eta, 4);
    CL = col(theta, 1);
    VC = col(theta, 2);
    Q = col(theta, 3);
    VP = col(theta, 4);

    cor_cl_vc = R[1, 2];
    cor_cl_q = R[1, 3];
    cor_cl_vp = R[1, 4];
    cor_vc_q = R[2, 3];
    cor_vc_vp = R[2, 4];
    cor_q_vp = R[3, 4];
    omega_cl_vc = Omega[1, 2];
    omega_cl_q = Omega[1, 3];
    omega_cl_vp = Omega[1, 4];
    omega_vc_q = Omega[2, 3];
    omega_vc_vp = Omega[2, 4];
    omega_q_vp = Omega[3, 4];

    cor_p_a = R_Sigma[2, 1];
    sigma_p_a = Sigma[2, 1];

    for(j in 1:n_subjects){

      array[5] real theta_params = {CL[j], Q[j], VC[j], VP[j], 0};
      x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ VC[j];

      x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =

      dv_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ TVVC;

    pred = dv_pred[i_obs];
    ipred = dv_ipred[i_obs];


  res = dv_obs - pred;                                                                             
  ires = dv_obs - ipred;

  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    real ipred_tmp = ipred[i];
    real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_tmp) * sigma_sq_p + sigma_sq_a + 
    dv_ppc[i] = normal_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    log_lik[i] = normal_lpdf(dv_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    wres[i] = res[i]/sigma_tmp;
    iwres[i] = ires[i]/sigma_tmp;

We prepare the data as we normally would for Stan/Torsten except we include a new toggle prior_only and set it to 1. This data preparation step is mostly just book keeping to tell Stan and Torsten how many patients we’re fitting, how many observations, and the indices of each patient in the data frame we’re passing in.

We also specify the priors in this data preparation step. We start with the log-normal priors specified above along with vague log-normal priors on the second compartment volume and transfer rate.

The goal is to see whether for the prior values considered, the data generated from those priors, in this case PK concentration over time, results in sensible values and values that are able to capture your data. As an aside, priors can be thought to set the prior values considered in our search space where we will try to find all the combinations of parameters that reasonably fit our data. From this perspective it is easy to see why vague or no priors can lead to computational issues when data is not adequate, because you can be consdering an unbounded search space!

In general, you can start with vague priors and gradually tighten them so that your prior does not consider nonsensical values, e.g. values of concentration that are unreasonably high or low. Alternatively, you can start with highly informative priors centered around a value of the parameters where you know the solution makes sense, and you can gradually loosen them until the corresponding data generated from those priors considers all reasonable values of data you expect to see. We illustrate by starting somewhere in the middle, but the latter technique is sometimes preferred in practice as it is more computationally stable.

nonmem_data <- read_csv("Data/iv_2cmt_no_bloq.csv",
                        na = ".") %>%
  rename_all(tolower) %>%
  rename(ID = "id",
         DV = "dv") %>%
  mutate(DV = if_else(is.na(DV), 5555555, DV)) # This value can be anything except NA. It'll be indexed away

n_subjects <- nonmem_data %>%  # number of individuals
  distinct(ID) %>%
  count() %>%

n_total <- nrow(nonmem_data)   # total number of records

i_obs <- nonmem_data %>%       # index for observation records
  mutate(row_num = 1:n()) %>%
  filter(evid == 0) %>%
  select(row_num) %>%

n_obs <- length(i_obs)         # number of observation records

subj_start <- nonmem_data %>%
  mutate(row_num = 1:n()) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  slice_head(n = 1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(row_num) %>%

subj_end <- c(subj_start[-1] - 1, n_total)

stan_data <- list(n_subjects = n_subjects,
                  n_total = n_total,
                  n_obs = n_obs,
                  i_obs = i_obs,
                  ID = nonmem_data$ID,
                  amt = nonmem_data$amt,
                  cmt = nonmem_data$cmt,
                  evid = nonmem_data$evid,
                  rate = nonmem_data$rate,
                  ii = nonmem_data$ii,
                  addl = nonmem_data$addl,
                  ss = nonmem_data$ss,
                  time = nonmem_data$time,
                  dv = nonmem_data$DV,
                  subj_start = subj_start,
                  subj_end = subj_end,
                  location_tvcl = 0.5, scale_tvcl = 1,
                  location_tvvc = 6, scale_tvvc = 1,
                  location_tvq = 1, scale_tvq = 2,
                  location_tvvp = 3, scale_tvvp = 2,
                  scale_omega_cl = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_vc = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_q = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_vp = 0.4,
                  lkj_df_omega = 2,
                  scale_sigma_p = 0.5,
                  scale_sigma_a = 1,
                  lkj_df_sigma = 2,
                  prior_only = 1L)

After setting up the input data and our priors, we now fit the model as we normally would:

fit_ppc1 <- model_ppc$sample(data = stan_data,
                      seed = 112358,
                      chains = 4,
                      parallel_chains = 4,
                      iter_warmup = 500,
                      iter_sampling = 1000,
                      adapt_delta = 0.8,
                      refresh = 500,
                      max_treedepth = 10,
                      init = function() list(TVCL = rlnorm(1, log(0.3), 0.3),
                                             TVVC = rlnorm(1, log(6), 0.3),
                                             TVQ = rlnorm(1, log(1), 0.3),
                                             TVVP = rlnorm(1, log(3), 0.3),
                                             omega = rlnorm(5, log(0.3), 0.3),
                                             sigma = rlnorm(2, log(0.5), 0.3)))
Running MCMC with 4 parallel chains...

Chain 1 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 finished in 24.4 seconds.
Chain 2 finished in 24.5 seconds.
Chain 4 finished in 24.4 seconds.
Chain 3 finished in 24.5 seconds.

All 4 chains finished successfully.
Mean chain execution time: 24.5 seconds.
Total execution time: 25.1 seconds.

We now plot the concentration data generated from our use of priors. Specifically, we look at concentration values at the first few study time points using the dosing regimen that was given to the first three patients in our study. The concentration values are generated in Stan’s generated quantities block by solving the two compartment model at the various values drawn from our prior. No additional observational noise is added (although we could if we wanted to also tune the prior on \(\sigma\)). We summarize the drawn concentration samples with medians along with 5% and 95% quantiles. Lastly, we overlay the actual data of our three patients who actually were assigned this dosing regimen over these prior predictive samples to give us additional perspective on whether the simulated concentration values generated from our prior are reasonable.

ipred_ppc <- fit_ppc1$summary("ipred") %>%
  bind_cols(filter(nonmem_data, evid == 0)) %>%
  filter(ID == 1, time <= 28)

nonmem_data_patient123 <-nonmem_data %>%
  filter(evid == 0) %>%
  mutate(i = row_number()) %>%
  filter(ID %in% c(1, 2, 3), time <= 28)

ipred_ppc %>%
  ggplot(aes(time, median)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = q5, ymax = q95)) +
  geom_point(aes(time, DV), color = "red", data = nonmem_data_patient123) +
  scale_y_log10() +
  theme_bw(20) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Time (d)") +
  scale_y_log10(name = "Drug Concentration (ug/mL)")

From the plot it seems like we are considering a reasonable range of solutions for early values of concentration with our prior. However, for the later value, just before the second dose, we are clearly considering values that are unreasonably low. We know that for a mAB with a long half-life we should not have such low concentration after 28 days. Furthermore none of our observed data comes close to being that low. To explore further which parameter values that we are considering with our prior correspond to these unreasonable values, we can plot a scatter plot of our prior samples versus the simulated value at this time point (called ipred[6] in our model).

mcmc_pairs(fit_ppc1$draws(c("TVCL", "TVVC", "TVQ", "TVVP", "ipred[6]")),
           diag_fun = "dens",
           transformations = "log")

We can see that the particularly low values of ipred[6] correspond closely to high TVCL, low TVVC, and somewhat to low TVVP. We can thus limit our priors in these areas to give less weight to these values. Note that the most extreme points of ipred[6] occur when both TVCL is large and TVVC is small. This could suggest that we want a prior on these parameters with a negative correlation, although we’ll keep the priors uncorrelated for now. For the sake of the example, we’re assuming we don’t have much intuition about the parameters but we know that the posterior of volume and clearance are often negatively correlated.

stan_data2 <- stan_data
stan_data2$location_tvcl <- 0.2
stan_data2$scale_tvcl <- 0.5
stan_data2$location_tvvc <- 5
stan_data2$scale_tvvc <- 0.5
stan_data2$scale_tvvp <- 1
fit_ppc2 <- model_ppc$sample(data = stan_data2,
                             seed = 112358,
                             chains = 4,
                             parallel_chains = 4,
                             iter_warmup = 500,
                             iter_sampling = 1000,
                             adapt_delta = 0.8,
                             refresh = 500,
                             max_treedepth = 10,
                             init = function() list(TVCL = rlnorm(1, log(0.3), 0.3),
                                                    TVVC = rlnorm(1, log(6), 0.3),
                                                    TVQ = rlnorm(1, log(1), 0.3),
                                                    TVVP = rlnorm(1, log(3), 0.3),
                                                    omega = rlnorm(5, log(0.3), 0.3),
                                                    sigma = rlnorm(2, log(0.5), 0.3)))
Running MCMC with 4 parallel chains...

Chain 1 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 finished in 23.9 seconds.
Chain 3 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 finished in 23.9 seconds.
Chain 2 finished in 24.1 seconds.
Chain 3 finished in 24.2 seconds.

All 4 chains finished successfully.
Mean chain execution time: 24.0 seconds.
Total execution time: 24.6 seconds.
ipred_ppc <- fit_ppc2$summary("ipred") %>%
  bind_cols(filter(nonmem_data, evid == 0)) %>%
  filter(ID == 1, time <= 28)

ipred_ppc %>%
  ggplot(aes(time, median)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = q5, ymax = q95)) +
  geom_point(aes(time, DV), color = "red", data = nonmem_data_patient123) +
  scale_y_log10() +
  theme_bw(20) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Time (d)") +
  scale_y_log10(name = "Drug Concentration (ug/mL)")

Now with our remodel refit to give us our new prior predictive check with the adjusted priors we can see that for ipred[6] we are no longer considering unreasonably low values. Meanwhile at the other time point we consider a reasonable range of parameter values that lead to concentrations which encompass our observed data. Further tuning could be done to broaden or tighten the search space as desired.

As a final and related note to this section, we briefly mention the concept of placing priors directly on derived quantities. In our prior predictive check example we knew reasonable ranges for our concentration (data) values, but we didn’t know reasonable values for our parameters or how they relate to the resulting concentrations. We thus hand-tuned our priors so that the resulting prior parameter values considered corresponded to reasonable output concentration solutions. In Stan there is indeed an even more direct way to do this. We can place priors on parameter-derived quantities directly! For example, we can place a lognormal prior on ipred[6] directly in our Stan model block so that unreasonably low values are avoided. Since ipred[6] is of course a function of the parameters, this induces a prior on the parameters.

Stan allows a lot of creativity on priors on derived quantities, as long as it’s expressible in an equation. For example we can specify a lognormal in the resulting amount (instead of concentration) of drug at a particular time point and specify that we think it should be no less than 1 10,000th of the dose after an hour. We can also place priors on things like half life for which we know the expression of as a function of parameters (incidentally this will induce a prior on volume and clearance that has a negative correlation). Flat and Other “non-informative” Priors

People often try to be as “objective” as possible, so they use either a flat prior or an extremely wide prior. For example, in the NONMEM Users Guide, they use a multivariate normal prior distribution on the (log-)population parameters:

\[\begin{align} \begin{pmatrix} log(TVCL) \\ log(TVVC) \\ log(TVQ) \\ log(TVVP) \\ log(TVKA) \\ \end{pmatrix} \sim Normal\left( \begin{pmatrix} 2 \\ 2 \\ 2 \\ 2 \\ 2 \\ \end{pmatrix} , \; \begin{pmatrix} 10,000 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 10,000 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 10,000 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 10,000 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 10,000 \\ \end{pmatrix} \right) \notag \\ \end{align}\]

and say “because variances are very large, this means that the prior information on THETAS is highly uninformative.” However, if we look at this distribution after transforming to the natural space (i.e. \(TVVC = exp(log(TVVC))\)), then we see that this distribution is not at all uninformative:

data_uninformative <- tibble(TVVC = c(seq(0, 15, by = 0.0001), seq(16, 100,
                                                                   by = 1),
                     seq(101, 10001, by = 10))) %>%
  mutate(dens = dlnorm(TVVC, log(2),  sqrt(10000)))

p_non_informative <- ggplot(data_uninformative, aes(x = TVVC, y = dens)) +
  geom_line() +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 100),
                     trans = "identity") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Density",
                     trans = "identity") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
  theme_bw(18) +
  ggtitle('"Uninformative" Prior') +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))


In fact, this “uninformative” distribution pushes almost half of the prior mass to 0 and then has almost half of the prior mass at values that are nonsensically large:

tibble(dist = c("Half-Cauchy(0, 10)", "Lognormal(log(6), 1)",
                "Lognormal(2, 10000)", "Lognormal(2, 100)"),
       p_between_3_and_8 = c((pcauchy(8, 0, 10) - pcauchy(3, 0, 10))/
                               pcauchy(0, 0, 10),
                             plnorm(8, log(6), 1) - plnorm(3, log(6), 1),
                             plnorm(8, 2, sqrt(10000)) -
                               plnorm(3, 2, sqrt(10000)),
                             plnorm(8, 2, sqrt(100)) -
                               plnorm(3, 2, sqrt(100))),
       p_lt_0.05 = c((pcauchy(0.5, 0, 10) - pcauchy(0, 0, 10))/pcauchy(0, 0, 10),
                    plnorm(0.5, log(6), 1),
                    plnorm(0.5, 2, sqrt(10000)),
                    plnorm(0.5, 2, sqrt(100))),
       p_gt_100 = c(pcauchy(100, 0, 10, lower.tail = FALSE)/pcauchy(0, 0, 10),
                    plnorm(100, log(6), 1, lower.tail = FALSE),
                    plnorm(100, 2, sqrt(10000), lower.tail = FALSE),
                    plnorm(100, 2, sqrt(100), lower.tail = FALSE))) %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 3)) %>%
  knitr::kable(col.names = c("Distribution",
                             "P(3 < TVVC < 8)",
                             "P(TVVC < 0.5)",
                             "P(TVVC > 100)")) %>%
  kableExtra::kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Distribution P(3 < TVVC < 8) P(TVVC < 0.5) P(TVVC > 100)
Half-Cauchy(0, 10) 0.244 0.032 0.063
Lognormal(log(6), 1) 0.369 0.006 0.002
Lognormal(2, 10000) 0.004 0.489 0.490
Lognormal(2, 100) 0.039 0.394 0.397

The main idea here is that what is “noninformative” on one scale might not be noninformative after a transformation. Don’t just give a parameter a wide prior variance without thinking about the meaning of the prior values. Also, we almost always know something about the parameter, even if it’s just the scale of potential values it might take, e.g. absorption rate constants tend to be less than 5 - higher than that we basically have a step function (or we maybe could change the units of time).

3.3.5 Fitting the Model in Stan with Torsten

The main things we want to do after collecting our data and eliciting good prior information are fitting a model to our data to obtain a posterior distribution and prediction/simulation from the posterior. We can do the fitting and prediction/simulation either separately or simultaneously. It doesn’t make much difference if the fitting and prediction for observed individuals is done separately or simultaneously, but my recommendation is to do those first and simulate unobserved individuals separately, since we might not know what we want to predict/simulate at the time that we do the fitting.

To do this fitting and predicting/simulating, I have it set up to have a few .stan files:

  1. A file that fits the model. This will fit the data and save the posterior distributions in a CmdStanMCMC object for the
    • population parameters (\(TVCL,\;TVVC,\;TVQ,\;TVVP\)),
    • individual parameters (\(CL, \;VC, \;Q, \;VP\)),
    • individual \(\eta\) values,
    • variability \(\left(\omega_{CL}, \;\omega_{V_c}, \;\omega_{Q}, \;\omega_{V_p}\right)\), covariance and correlation parameters \(\left(\omega_{P_1, P_2}, \;\rho_{P_1, P_2}\right)\), and uncertainty parameters \(\left(\sigma_p, \; \sigma_a\right)\).
    • replications of the observed data for posterior predictive checking (PPC, similar to a VPC),
    • log_lik variable that is used for model comparison (Leave-One-Out Cross Validation).
  2. A file that makes predictions at unobserved locations for the observed individuals and saves them in a CmdStanGQ object. This is mainly just to predict at a denser grid to make nice smooth pictures of posterior predictions for the observed individuals and to make the PPC look nicer.
  3. A file that makes predictions for a new, unobserved individual or individuals and saves them in a CmdStanGQ object. This is useful for simulating a population or for doing clinical trial simulations taking into account all sources of variability and uncertainty.
  4. A file that does 1. and 2. simultaneously.

You can choose whether you want to do 1. and 2. sequentially or simultaneously. A Standard Way to Write the Model

The first model I will show is relatively clean and easy-to-read.

model1 <- cmdstan_model("Torsten/Fit/iv_2cmt_ppa_no_threading.stan")

// IV infusion
// Two-compartment PK Model
// IIV on CL, VC, Q, VP (full covariance matrix)
// proportional plus additive error - DV = CP(1 + eps_p) + eps_a
// Closed form solution using Torsten

  int n_subjects;
  int n_total;
  int n_obs;
  array[n_obs] int i_obs;
  array[n_total] int ID;
  array[n_total] real amt;
  array[n_total] int cmt;
  array[n_total] int evid;
  array[n_total] real rate;
  array[n_total] real ii;
  array[n_total] int addl;
  array[n_total] int ss;
  array[n_total] real time;
  vector[n_total] dv;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_start;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_end;

  real<lower = 0> scale_tvcl;      // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvc;      // Prior Scale parameter for VC
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvq;       // Prior Scale parameter for Q
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvp;      // Prior Scale parameter for VP
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_cl; // Prior scale parameter for omega_cl
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vc; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vc
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_q;  // Prior scale parameter for omega_q
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vp; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vp
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_omega;   // Prior degrees of freedom for omega cor mat
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_p;  // Prior Scale parameter for proportional error
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_a;  // Prior Scale parameter for additive error
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_sigma;   // Prior degrees of freedom for sigma cor mat
transformed data{ 
  vector[n_obs] dv_obs = dv[i_obs]; 
  array[n_obs] int dv_obs_id = ID[i_obs];
  int n_random = 4;     // Number of random effects
  int n_cmt = 3;        // Number of compartments in the model (includes depot)
  array[n_random] real scale_omega = {scale_omega_cl, scale_omega_vc, 
                                      scale_omega_q, scale_omega_vp}; 
  array[2] real scale_sigma = {scale_sigma_p, scale_sigma_a}; 
  real<lower = 0> TVCL;       
  real<lower = 0> TVVC; 
  real<lower = 0> TVQ;
  real<lower = 0> TVVP;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random] omega;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random] L;
  vector<lower = 0>[2] sigma;
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Sigma;
  matrix[n_random, n_subjects] Z;
transformed parameters{
  vector[n_subjects] eta_cl;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vc;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_q;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vp;
  vector[n_subjects] CL;
  vector[n_subjects] VC;
  vector[n_subjects] Q;
  vector[n_subjects] VP;

  vector[n_obs] ipred;
  matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma;
  matrix[2, 2] Sigma;

    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = 
      to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));
    R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);

    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;
    matrix[n_total, n_cmt] x_ipred;

    eta_cl = col(eta, 1);
    eta_vc = col(eta, 2);
    eta_q = col(eta, 3);
    eta_vp = col(eta, 4);

    CL = col(theta, 1);
    VC = col(theta, 2);
    Q = col(theta, 3);
    VP = col(theta, 4);

    for(j in 1:n_subjects){

      array[n_random + 1] real theta_params = {CL[j], Q[j], VC[j], VP[j], 0}; // KA = 0. Skip absorption
      x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ VC[j];


    ipred = dv_ipred[i_obs];


  // Priors
  TVCL ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvcl);
  TVVC ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvvc);
  TVQ ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvq);
  TVVP ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvvp);

  omega ~ normal(0, scale_omega);
  L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_omega);
  sigma ~ normal(0, scale_sigma);
  L_Sigma ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_sigma);
  to_vector(Z) ~ std_normal();
  // Likelihood
  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    dv_obs[i] ~ normal(ipred[i], sqrt(square(ipred[i]) * Sigma[1, 1] + 
                                             Sigma[2, 2] + 
                                             2*ipred[i]*Sigma[2, 1]));

generated quantities{

  real<lower = 0> sigma_p = sigma[1];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_a = sigma[2];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_p = square(sigma_p);
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_a = square(sigma_a); 

  real<lower = 0> omega_cl = omega[1];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vc = omega[2];
  real<lower = 0> omega_q = omega[3];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vp = omega[4];

  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_cl = square(omega_cl);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vc = square(omega_vc);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_q = square(omega_q);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vp = square(omega_vp);

  real cor_cl_vc;
  real cor_cl_q;
  real cor_cl_vp;
  real cor_vc_q;
  real cor_vc_vp;
  real cor_q_vp;
  real omega_cl_vc;
  real omega_cl_q;
  real omega_cl_vp;
  real omega_vc_q;
  real omega_vc_vp;
  real omega_q_vp;

  real cor_p_a;
  real sigma_p_a;
  vector[n_obs] pred;
  vector[n_obs] dv_ppc;
  vector[n_obs] log_lik;
  vector[n_obs] res;
  vector[n_obs] wres;
  vector[n_obs] ires;
  vector[n_obs] iwres;


    matrix[n_random, n_random] R = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);
    matrix[n_random, n_random] Omega = quad_form_diag(R, omega);

    vector[n_total] dv_pred;
    matrix[n_total, n_cmt] x_pred;

    array[n_random + 1] real theta_params_tv = {TVCL, TVQ, TVVC, TVVP, 0}; // KA = 0. Skip absorption

    cor_cl_vc = R[1, 2];
    cor_cl_q = R[1, 3];
    cor_cl_vp = R[1, 4];
    cor_vc_q = R[2, 3];
    cor_vc_vp = R[2, 4];
    cor_q_vp = R[3, 4];
    omega_cl_vc = Omega[1, 2];
    omega_cl_q = Omega[1, 3];
    omega_cl_vp = Omega[1, 4];
    omega_vc_q = Omega[2, 3];
    omega_vc_vp = Omega[2, 4];
    omega_q_vp = Omega[3, 4];
    cor_p_a = R_Sigma[2, 1];
    sigma_p_a = Sigma[2, 1];

    for(j in 1:n_subjects){

      x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =

      dv_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ TVVC;

    pred = dv_pred[i_obs];


  res = dv_obs - pred;                                                                             
  ires = dv_obs - ipred;

  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    real ipred_tmp = ipred[i];
    real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_tmp) * sigma_sq_p + sigma_sq_a + 
    dv_ppc[i] = normal_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    log_lik[i] = normal_lpdf(dv_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    wres[i] = res[i]/sigma_tmp;
    iwres[i] = ires[i]/sigma_tmp;


Before fitting the data to the model, there is a small amount of pre-processing to prepare the data to be inserted into Stan but they are basic data-manipulations, and with Torsten, we can simply input the columns of the NONMEM data set:

nonmem_data <- read_csv("Data/iv_2cmt_no_bloq.csv",
                        na = ".") %>%
  rename_all(tolower) %>%
  rename(ID = "id",
         DV = "dv") %>%
  mutate(DV = if_else(is.na(DV), 5555555, DV)) # This value can be anything except NA. It'll be indexed away

n_subjects <- nonmem_data %>%  # number of individuals
  distinct(ID) %>%
  count() %>%

n_total <- nrow(nonmem_data)   # total number of records

i_obs <- nonmem_data %>%       # index for observation records
  mutate(row_num = 1:n()) %>%
  filter(evid == 0) %>%
  select(row_num) %>%

n_obs <- length(i_obs)         # number of observation records

subj_start <- nonmem_data %>%
  mutate(row_num = 1:n()) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  slice_head(n = 1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(row_num) %>%

subj_end <- c(subj_start[-1] - 1, n_total)

stan_data <- list(n_subjects = n_subjects,
                  n_total = n_total,
                  n_obs = n_obs,
                  i_obs = i_obs,
                  ID = nonmem_data$ID,
                  amt = nonmem_data$amt,
                  cmt = nonmem_data$cmt,
                  evid = nonmem_data$evid,
                  rate = nonmem_data$rate,
                  ii = nonmem_data$ii,
                  addl = nonmem_data$addl,
                  ss = nonmem_data$ss,
                  time = nonmem_data$time,
                  dv = nonmem_data$DV,
                  subj_start = subj_start,
                  subj_end = subj_end,
                  scale_tvcl = 2,
                  scale_tvvc = 10,
                  scale_tvq = 2,
                  scale_tvvp = 10,
                  scale_omega_cl = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_vc = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_q = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_vp = 0.4,
                  lkj_df_omega = 2,
                  scale_sigma_p = 0.5,
                  scale_sigma_a = 1,
                  lkj_df_sigma = 2)

We can then fit the data to this model:

fit1 <- model1$sample(data = stan_data,
                      seed = 112358,
                      chains = 4,
                      parallel_chains = 4,
                      iter_warmup = 500,
                      iter_sampling = 1000,
                      adapt_delta = 0.8,
                      refresh = 500,
                      max_treedepth = 10,
                      init = function() list(TVCL = rlnorm(1, log(0.3), 0.3),
                                             TVVC = rlnorm(1, log(6), 0.3),
                                             TVQ = rlnorm(1, log(1), 0.3),
                                             TVVP = rlnorm(1, log(3), 0.3),
                                             omega = rlnorm(5, log(0.3), 0.3),
                                             sigma = rlnorm(2, log(0.5), 0.3)))
Running MCMC with 4 parallel chains...

Chain 1 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 finished in 910.5 seconds.
Chain 3 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 finished in 921.0 seconds.
Chain 2 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 finished in 952.5 seconds.
Chain 4 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 finished in 953.3 seconds.

All 4 chains finished successfully.
Mean chain execution time: 934.3 seconds.
Total execution time: 954.0 seconds. Markov Chain Monte Carlo Aside

Historically we perform MCMC in a completely sequential manner:

This is what we did in the single-individual example in Section 3.2.3. However, Stan (along with many other softwares) can automatically sample the chains in parallel (as we did with the example just above in Section Section

Within each iteration, we calculate the posterior density (up to a constant): \[ \pi(\mathbf{\theta \, | \, \mathbf{y}}) \propto \mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\theta \, | \, \mathbf{y}})\,p(\mathbf{\theta})\] where \(\mathcal{L(\cdot\,|\,\cdot)}\) is the likelihood and \(p(\cdot)\) is the prior. For us, we generally have \(n_{subj}\) independent subjects, and so we can calculate the likelihood for each individual separately from the others11. Typically, the likelihood for each subject is calculated sequentially, but Stan has multiple methods for parallelization. The reduce_sum function implemented in most of the models later in this presentation12 uses multi-threading that allows the individual likelihoods to be calculated in parallel rather than sequentially:

This within-chain parallelization can lead to substantial speed-ups in computation time13. A Model with Within-Chain Parallelization with reduce_sum

This next model is a bit harder to read, but it is threaded so that it can make use of the available computing power to implement within-chain parallelization. In practice, this means calculating the (log-)likelihood for each individual in parallel and then bringing them back together.

model2 <- cmdstan_model("Torsten/Fit/iv_2cmt_ppa.stan",
                        cpp_options = list(stan_threads = TRUE))

// IV Infusion
// Two-compartment PK Model
// IIV on CL, VC, Q, VP (full covariance matrix)
// proportional plus additive error - DV = CP(1 + eps_p) + eps_a
// Closed form solution using Torsten
// Implements threading for within-chain parallelization 


  array[] int sequence(int start, int end) { 
    array[end - start + 1] int seq;
    for (n in 1:num_elements(seq)) {
      seq[n] = n + start - 1;
    return seq; 
  int num_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y){
    int n = 0;
    for(i in 1:num_elements(y)){
      if(y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub)
                    n = n + 1;
    return n;
  array[] int find_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y) {
    // vector[num_between(lb, ub, y)] result;
    array[num_between(lb, ub, y)] int result;
    int n = 1;
    for (i in 1:num_elements(y)) {
      if (y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  vector find_between_vec(int lb, int ub, array[] int idx, vector y) {
    vector[num_between(lb, ub, idx)] result;
    int n = 1;
    if(num_elements(idx) != num_elements(y)) reject("illegal input");
    for (i in 1:rows(y)) {
      if (idx[i] >= lb && idx[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  real partial_sum_lpmf(array[] int seq_subj, int start, int end,
                        vector dv_obs, array[] int dv_obs_id, array[] int i_obs,
                        array[] real amt, array[] int cmt, array[] int evid, 
                        array[] real time, array[] real rate, array[] real ii, 
                        array[] int addl, array[] int ss,
                        array[] int subj_start, array[] int subj_end, 
                        real TVCL, real TVVC, real TVQ, real TVVP, 
                        vector omega, matrix L, matrix Z, 
                        vector sigma, matrix L_Sigma,
                        int n_random, int n_subjects, int n_total){
    real ptarget = 0;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));
    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);
    int N = end - start + 1;    // number of subjects in this slice  
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;   
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_ipred; 

    int n_obs_slice = num_between(subj_start[start], subj_end[end], i_obs);
    array[n_obs_slice] int i_obs_slice = find_between(subj_start[start], 
                                                      subj_end[end], i_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] dv_obs_slice = find_between_vec(start, end, 
                                                        dv_obs_id, dv_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] ipred_slice;
    for(n in 1:N){            // loop over subjects in this slice
      int nn = n + start - 1; // nn is the ID of the current subject
      row_vector[n_random] theta_nn = theta[nn]; // access the parameters for subject nn
      real cl = theta_nn[1];
      real vc = theta_nn[2];
      real q = theta_nn[3];
      real vp = theta_nn[4];
      array[5] real theta_params = {cl, q, vc, vp, 0}; // The 0 is for ka. Skip the absorption
      x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], ] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], 2] ./ vc; 
    ipred_slice = dv_ipred[i_obs_slice];
    ptarget += normal_lpdf(dv_obs_slice | ipred_slice, 
                                        sqrt(square(ipred_slice) * Sigma[1, 1] +
                                             Sigma[2, 2] + 
                                             2 * ipred_slice * Sigma[2, 1]));
    return ptarget;
  int n_subjects;
  int n_total;
  int n_obs;
  array[n_obs] int i_obs;
  array[n_total] int ID;
  array[n_total] real amt;
  array[n_total] int cmt;
  array[n_total] int evid;
  array[n_total] real rate;
  array[n_total] real ii;
  array[n_total] int addl;
  array[n_total] int ss;
  array[n_total] real time;
  vector[n_total] dv;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_start;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_end;
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvcl;      // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvc;      // Prior Scale parameter for VC
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvq;       // Prior Scale parameter for Q
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvp;      // Prior Scale parameter for VP
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_cl; // Prior scale parameter for omega_cl
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vc; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vc
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_q;  // Prior scale parameter for omega_q
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vp; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vp
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_omega;   // Prior degrees of freedom for omega cor mat
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_p;  // Prior Scale parameter for proportional error
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_a;  // Prior Scale parameter for additive error
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_sigma;   // Prior degrees of freedom for sigma cor mat
transformed data{ 
  int grainsize = 1;
  vector[n_obs] dv_obs = dv[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int dv_obs_id = ID[i_obs];
  int n_random = 4;                    // Number of random effects
  array[n_random] real scale_omega = {scale_omega_cl, scale_omega_vc, 
                                      scale_omega_q, scale_omega_vp}; 
  array[2] real scale_sigma = {scale_sigma_p, scale_sigma_a};
  array[n_subjects] int seq_subj = sequence(1, n_subjects); // reduce_sum over subjects
  real<lower = 0> TVCL;       
  real<lower = 0> TVVC; 
  real<lower = 0> TVQ;
  real<lower = 0> TVVP; 
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random] omega;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random] L;
  vector<lower = 0>[2] sigma;
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Sigma;
  matrix[n_random, n_subjects] Z;

  // Priors
  TVCL ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvcl);
  TVVC ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvvc);
  TVQ ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvq);
  TVVP ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvvp);

  omega ~ normal(0, scale_omega);
  L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_omega);
  sigma ~ normal(0, scale_sigma);
  L_Sigma ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_sigma);
  to_vector(Z) ~ std_normal();
  // Likelihood
  target += reduce_sum(partial_sum_lupmf, seq_subj, grainsize,
                       dv_obs, dv_obs_id, i_obs,
                       amt, cmt, evid, time, 
                       rate, ii, addl, ss, subj_start, subj_end, 
                       TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP, omega, L, Z,
                       sigma, L_Sigma, 
                       n_random, n_subjects, n_total);
generated quantities{
  real<lower = 0> sigma_p = sigma[1];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_a = sigma[2];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_p = square(sigma_p);
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_a = square(sigma_a); 

  real<lower = 0> omega_cl = omega[1];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vc = omega[2];
  real<lower = 0> omega_q = omega[3];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vp = omega[4];

  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_cl = square(omega_cl);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vc = square(omega_vc);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_q = square(omega_q);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vp = square(omega_vp);

  real cor_cl_vc;
  real cor_cl_q;
  real cor_cl_vp;
  real cor_vc_q;
  real cor_vc_vp;
  real cor_q_vp;
  real omega_cl_vc;
  real omega_cl_q;
  real omega_cl_vp;
  real omega_vc_q;
  real omega_vc_vp;
  real omega_q_vp;

  real cor_p_a;
  real sigma_p_a;

  vector[n_subjects] eta_cl;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vc;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_q;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vp;
  vector[n_subjects] CL;
  vector[n_subjects] VC;
  vector[n_subjects] Q;
  vector[n_subjects] VP;
  vector[n_obs] ipred;
  vector[n_obs] pred;
  vector[n_obs] dv_ppc;
  vector[n_obs] log_lik;
  vector[n_obs] res;
  vector[n_obs] wres;
  vector[n_obs] ires;
  vector[n_obs] iwres;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});

    matrix[n_random, n_random] R = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);
    matrix[n_random, n_random] Omega = quad_form_diag(R, omega);

    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));

    vector[n_total] dv_pred;
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_pred;
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_ipred;
    array[5] real theta_params_tv = {TVCL, TVQ, TVVC, TVVP, 0}; // 0 is for KA to skip absorption
    eta_cl = col(eta, 1);
    eta_vc = col(eta, 2);
    eta_q = col(eta, 3);
    eta_vp = col(eta, 4);
    CL = col(theta, 1);
    VC = col(theta, 2);
    Q = col(theta, 3);
    VP = col(theta, 4);

    cor_cl_vc = R[1, 2];
    cor_cl_q = R[1, 3];
    cor_cl_vp = R[1, 4];
    cor_vc_q = R[2, 3];
    cor_vc_vp = R[2, 4];
    cor_q_vp = R[3, 4];
    omega_cl_vc = Omega[1, 2];
    omega_cl_q = Omega[1, 3];
    omega_cl_vp = Omega[1, 4];
    omega_vc_q = Omega[2, 3];
    omega_vc_vp = Omega[2, 4];
    omega_q_vp = Omega[3, 4];

    cor_p_a = R_Sigma[2, 1];
    sigma_p_a = Sigma[2, 1];

    for(j in 1:n_subjects){

      array[5] real theta_params = {CL[j], Q[j], VC[j], VP[j], 0};
      x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ VC[j];

      x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =

      dv_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ TVVC;

    pred = dv_pred[i_obs];
    ipred = dv_ipred[i_obs];


  res = dv_obs - pred;                                                                             
  ires = dv_obs - ipred;

  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    real ipred_tmp = ipred[i];
    real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_tmp) * sigma_sq_p + sigma_sq_a + 
    dv_ppc[i] = normal_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    log_lik[i] = normal_lpdf(dv_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    wres[i] = res[i]/sigma_tmp;
    iwres[i] = ires[i]/sigma_tmp;

We can then fit the data to this model. A guide for choosing the chains, parallel_chains, and threads_per_chain arguments is to

  1. Figure out how many cores you have available (parallel::detectCores())
  2. Choose the number of chains you want to sample (we recommend 4)
  3. If chains < parallel::detectCores(), then have parallel_chains = chains (almost all modern machines have at least 4 cores)
  4. threads_per_chain should be anywhere between 1 and \(\frac{parallel::detectCores()}{parallel\_chains}\)

For example, if your machine has 32 cores, we recommend having 4 chains, 4 parallel_chains, and 8 threads_per_chain. This will make use of all the available cores. Using more threads_per_chain won’t be helpful in reducing execution time, since the available cores are already in use.

fit <- model2$sample(data = stan_data,
                     seed = 112358,
                     chains = 4,
                     parallel_chains = 4,
                     threads_per_chain = 4,
                     iter_warmup = 500,
                     iter_sampling = 1000,
                     adapt_delta = 0.8,
                     refresh = 500,
                     max_treedepth = 10,
                     init = function() list(TVCL = rlnorm(1, log(0.3), 0.3),
                                            TVVC = rlnorm(1, log(6), 0.3),
                                            TVQ = rlnorm(1, log(1), 0.3),
                                            TVVP = rlnorm(1, log(3), 0.3),
                                            omega = rlnorm(5, log(0.3), 0.3),
                                            sigma = rlnorm(2, log(0.5), 0.3)))
Running MCMC with 4 parallel chains, with 4 thread(s) per chain...

Chain 1 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 finished in 4838.9 seconds.
Chain 2 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 finished in 5005.6 seconds.
Chain 3 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 finished in 5006.8 seconds.
Chain 4 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 finished in 5071.0 seconds.

All 4 chains finished successfully.
Mean chain execution time: 4980.6 seconds.
Total execution time: 5079.1 seconds.
model3 <- cmdstan_model("Torsten/Fit/iv_2cmt_ppa_lognormal_priors.stan",
                        cpp_options = list(stan_threads = TRUE))

// IV Infusion
// Two-compartment PK Model
// IIV on CL, VC, Q, VP (full covariance matrix)
// proportional plus additive error - DV = CP(1 + eps_p) + eps_a
// Closed form solution using Torsten
// Implements threading for within-chain parallelization 


  array[] int sequence(int start, int end) { 
    array[end - start + 1] int seq;
    for (n in 1:num_elements(seq)) {
      seq[n] = n + start - 1;
    return seq; 
  int num_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y){
    int n = 0;
    for(i in 1:num_elements(y)){
      if(y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub)
                    n = n + 1;
    return n;
  array[] int find_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y) {
    // vector[num_between(lb, ub, y)] result;
    array[num_between(lb, ub, y)] int result;
    int n = 1;
    for (i in 1:num_elements(y)) {
      if (y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  vector find_between_vec(int lb, int ub, array[] int idx, vector y) {
    vector[num_between(lb, ub, idx)] result;
    int n = 1;
    if(num_elements(idx) != num_elements(y)) reject("illegal input");
    for (i in 1:rows(y)) {
      if (idx[i] >= lb && idx[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  real partial_sum_lpmf(array[] int seq_subj, int start, int end,
                        vector dv_obs, array[] int dv_obs_id, array[] int i_obs,
                        array[] real amt, array[] int cmt, array[] int evid, 
                        array[] real time, array[] real rate, array[] real ii, 
                        array[] int addl, array[] int ss,
                        array[] int subj_start, array[] int subj_end, 
                        real TVCL, real TVVC, real TVQ, real TVVP, 
                        vector omega, matrix L, matrix Z, 
                        vector sigma, matrix L_Sigma,
                        int n_random, int n_subjects, int n_total){
    real ptarget = 0;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));
    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);
    int N = end - start + 1;    // number of subjects in this slice  
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;   // = rep_vector(0, n_total);
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_ipred; // = rep_matrix(0, n_total, 2);

    int n_obs_slice = num_between(subj_start[start], subj_end[end], i_obs);
    array[n_obs_slice] int i_obs_slice = find_between(subj_start[start], 
                                                      subj_end[end], i_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] dv_obs_slice = find_between_vec(start, end, 
                                                        dv_obs_id, dv_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] ipred_slice;
    for(n in 1:N){            // loop over subjects in this slice
      int nn = n + start - 1; // nn is the ID of the current subject
      row_vector[n_random] theta_nn = theta[nn]; // access the parameters for subject nn
      real cl = theta_nn[1];
      real vc = theta_nn[2];
      real q = theta_nn[3];
      real vp = theta_nn[4];
      array[5] real theta_params = {cl, q, vc, vp, 0}; // The 0 is for KA. Skip the absorption
      x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], ] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], 2] ./ vc; 
    ipred_slice = dv_ipred[i_obs_slice];
    ptarget += normal_lpdf(dv_obs_slice | ipred_slice, 
                                        sqrt(square(ipred_slice) * Sigma[1, 1] +
                                             Sigma[2, 2] + 
                                             2 * ipred_slice * Sigma[2, 1]));
    return ptarget;
  int n_subjects;
  int n_total;
  int n_obs;
  array[n_obs] int i_obs;
  array[n_total] int ID;
  array[n_total] real amt;
  array[n_total] int cmt;
  array[n_total] int evid;
  array[n_total] real rate;
  array[n_total] real ii;
  array[n_total] int addl;
  array[n_total] int ss;
  array[n_total] real time;
  vector[n_total] dv;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_start;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_end;
  real<lower = 0> location_tvcl;   // Prior Location parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> location_tvvc;   // Prior Location parameter for VC
  real<lower = 0> location_tvq;    // Prior Location parameter for Q
  real<lower = 0> location_tvvp;   // Prior Location parameter for VP
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvcl;      // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvc;      // Prior Scale parameter for VC
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvq;       // Prior Scale parameter for Q
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvp;      // Prior Scale parameter for VP
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_cl; // Prior scale parameter for omega_cl
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vc; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vc
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_q;  // Prior scale parameter for omega_q
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vp; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vp
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_omega;   // Prior degrees of freedom for omega cor mat
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_p;  // Prior Scale parameter for proportional error
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_a;  // Prior Scale parameter for additive error
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_sigma;   // Prior degrees of freedom for sigma cor mat
transformed data{ 
  int grainsize = 1;
  vector[n_obs] dv_obs = dv[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int dv_obs_id = ID[i_obs];
  int n_random = 4;                    // Number of random effects
  array[n_random] real scale_omega = {scale_omega_cl, scale_omega_vc, 
                                      scale_omega_q, scale_omega_vp}; 
  array[2] real scale_sigma = {scale_sigma_p, scale_sigma_a};
  array[n_subjects] int seq_subj = sequence(1, n_subjects); // reduce_sum over subjects
  real<lower = 0> TVCL;       
  real<lower = 0> TVVC; 
  real<lower = 0> TVQ;
  real<lower = 0> TVVP; 
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random] omega;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random] L;
  vector<lower = 0>[2] sigma;
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Sigma;
  matrix[n_random, n_subjects] Z;

  // Priors
  TVCL ~ lognormal(log(location_tvcl), scale_tvcl);
  TVVC ~ lognormal(log(location_tvvc), scale_tvvc);
  TVQ ~ lognormal(log(location_tvq), scale_tvq);
  TVVP ~ lognormal(log(location_tvvp), scale_tvvp);

  omega ~ normal(0, scale_omega);
  L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_omega);
  sigma ~ normal(0, scale_sigma);
  L_Sigma ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_sigma);
  to_vector(Z) ~ std_normal();
  // Likelihood
  target += reduce_sum(partial_sum_lupmf, seq_subj, grainsize,
                       dv_obs, dv_obs_id, i_obs,
                       amt, cmt, evid, time, 
                       rate, ii, addl, ss, subj_start, subj_end, 
                       TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP, omega, L, Z,
                       sigma, L_Sigma, 
                       n_random, n_subjects, n_total);
generated quantities{
  real<lower = 0> sigma_p = sigma[1];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_a = sigma[2];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_p = square(sigma_p);
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_a = square(sigma_a); 

  real<lower = 0> omega_cl = omega[1];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vc = omega[2];
  real<lower = 0> omega_q = omega[3];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vp = omega[4];

  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_cl = square(omega_cl);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vc = square(omega_vc);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_q = square(omega_q);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vp = square(omega_vp);

  real cor_cl_vc;
  real cor_cl_q;
  real cor_cl_vp;
  real cor_vc_q;
  real cor_vc_vp;
  real cor_q_vp;
  real omega_cl_vc;
  real omega_cl_q;
  real omega_cl_vp;
  real omega_vc_q;
  real omega_vc_vp;
  real omega_q_vp;

  real cor_p_a;
  real sigma_p_a;

  vector[n_subjects] eta_cl;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vc;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_q;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vp;
  vector[n_subjects] CL;
  vector[n_subjects] VC;
  vector[n_subjects] Q;
  vector[n_subjects] VP;
  vector[n_obs] ipred;
  vector[n_obs] pred;
  vector[n_obs] dv_ppc;
  vector[n_obs] log_lik;
  vector[n_obs] res;
  vector[n_obs] wres;
  vector[n_obs] ires;
  vector[n_obs] iwres;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});

    matrix[n_random, n_random] R = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);
    matrix[n_random, n_random] Omega = quad_form_diag(R, omega);

    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));

    vector[n_total] dv_pred;
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_pred;
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_ipred;
    array[5] real theta_params_tv = {TVCL, TVQ, TVVC, TVVP, 0}; // 0 is for KA to skip absorption
    eta_cl = col(eta, 1);
    eta_vc = col(eta, 2);
    eta_q = col(eta, 3);
    eta_vp = col(eta, 4);
    CL = col(theta, 1);
    VC = col(theta, 2);
    Q = col(theta, 3);
    VP = col(theta, 4);

    cor_cl_vc = R[1, 2];
    cor_cl_q = R[1, 3];
    cor_cl_vp = R[1, 4];
    cor_vc_q = R[2, 3];
    cor_vc_vp = R[2, 4];
    cor_q_vp = R[3, 4];
    omega_cl_vc = Omega[1, 2];
    omega_cl_q = Omega[1, 3];
    omega_cl_vp = Omega[1, 4];
    omega_vc_q = Omega[2, 3];
    omega_vc_vp = Omega[2, 4];
    omega_q_vp = Omega[3, 4];

    cor_p_a = R_Sigma[2, 1];
    sigma_p_a = Sigma[2, 1];

    for(j in 1:n_subjects){

      array[5] real theta_params = {CL[j], Q[j], VC[j], VP[j], 0};
      x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ VC[j];

      x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =

      dv_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ TVVC;

    pred = dv_pred[i_obs];
    ipred = dv_ipred[i_obs];


  res = dv_obs - pred;                                                                             
  ires = dv_obs - ipred;

  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    real ipred_tmp = ipred[i];
    real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_tmp) * sigma_sq_p + sigma_sq_a + 
    dv_ppc[i] = normal_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    log_lik[i] = normal_lpdf(dv_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    wres[i] = res[i]/sigma_tmp;
    iwres[i] = ires[i]/sigma_tmp;

We can then fit the data to this model. A guide for choosing the chains, parallel_chains, and threads_per_chain arguments is to

  1. Figure out how many cores you have available (parallel::detectCores())
  2. Choose the number of chains you want to sample (we recommend 4)
  3. If chains < parallel::detectCores(), then have parallel_chains = chains (almost all modern machines have at least 4 cores)
  4. threads_per_chain should be anywhere between 1 and \(\frac{parallel::detectCores()}{parallel\_chains}\)

For example, if your machine has 32 cores, we recommend having 4 chains, 4 parallel_chains, and 8 threads_per_chain. This will make use of all the available cores. Using more threads_per_chain won’t be helpful in reducing execution time, since the available cores are already in use.

stan_data <- list(n_subjects = n_subjects,
                  n_total = n_total,
                  n_obs = n_obs,
                  i_obs = i_obs,
                  ID = nonmem_data$ID,
                  amt = nonmem_data$amt,
                  cmt = nonmem_data$cmt,
                  evid = nonmem_data$evid,
                  rate = nonmem_data$rate,
                  ii = nonmem_data$ii,
                  addl = nonmem_data$addl,
                  ss = nonmem_data$ss,
                  time = nonmem_data$time,
                  dv = nonmem_data$DV,
                  subj_start = subj_start,
                  subj_end = subj_end,
                  location_tvcl = 0.5,
                  location_tvvc = 6,
                  location_tvq = 2,
                  location_tvvp = 6,
                  scale_tvcl = 1,
                  scale_tvvc = 1,
                  scale_tvq = 1,
                  scale_tvvp = 1,
                  scale_omega_cl = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_vc = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_q = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_vp = 0.4,
                  lkj_df_omega = 2,
                  scale_sigma_p = 0.5,
                  scale_sigma_a = 1,
                  lkj_df_sigma = 2)

fit3 <- model3$sample(data = stan_data,
                      seed = 112358,
                      chains = 4,
                      parallel_chains = 4,
                      threads_per_chain = 4,
                      iter_warmup = 500,
                      iter_sampling = 1000,
                      adapt_delta = 0.8,
                      refresh = 500,
                      max_treedepth = 10,
                      init = function() list(TVCL = rlnorm(1, log(0.3), 0.3),
                                             TVVC = rlnorm(1, log(6), 0.3),
                                             TVQ = rlnorm(1, log(1), 0.3),
                                             TVVP = rlnorm(1, log(3), 0.3),
                                             omega = rlnorm(5, log(0.3), 0.3),
                                             sigma = rlnorm(2, log(0.5), 0.3)))
Running MCMC with 4 parallel chains, with 4 thread(s) per chain...

Chain 1 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 finished in 4408.8 seconds.
Chain 2 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 finished in 4473.2 seconds.
Chain 4 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 finished in 4564.1 seconds.
Chain 3 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 finished in 4621.9 seconds.

All 4 chains finished successfully.
Mean chain execution time: 4517.0 seconds.
Total execution time: 4622.9 seconds.

3.4 Two-Compartment Model with IV Infusion and BLOQ values

Oftentimes, we have observations that are below the limit of quantification (BLOQ), meaning that the assay has only been validated down to a certain value, (the lower limit of quantification, LLOQ). A paper by Stuart Beal goes through 7 methods of handling this BLOQ data in NONMEM. While in my experience M1 (dropping any BLOQ values completely) and M5 (replace BLOQ values with \(LLOQ/2\)) are the most common in the pharmacometrics world, M3 (treat the BLOQ values as left-censored data) and M4 (treat the BLOQ values as left-censored data and truncated below at 0) are more technically correct and tend to produce better results.

3.4.1 Data

We will just adapt the previous data to create some BLOQ values and then fit it. To create these BLOQ, let’s assume an LLOQ of \(0.5 \frac{\mu g}{mL}\) for the first four cohorts and an LLOQ of \(5 \frac{\mu g}{mL}\) for the last 4 cohorts14.

nonmem_data_bloq <- nonmem_data_observed %>%
  mutate(LLOQ = if_else(ID %in% 1:12, 0.5, 5),
         BLOQ = factor(if_else(DV < LLOQ, 1, 0)),
         DV = if_else(BLOQ %in% c(1, NA), NA_real_, DV),
         MDV = as.numeric(is.na(DV) | BLOQ == 1))

nonmem_data_bloq %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.double), round, 3)) %>%
  rename_all(toupper) %>%
  DT::datatable(rownames = FALSE, filter = "top",
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE,
                               columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center',
                                                      targets = "_all"))))

We can visualize the observed data in this NONMEM data set that we will be modeling (with dosing events indicated with vertical magenta lines and BLOQ values indicated by lime green dots at the LLOQ (dashed line):

(p1 <- ggplot(nonmem_data_bloq %>%
                mutate(ID = factor(ID)) %>%
                group_by(ID) %>%
                mutate(Dose = factor(max(AMT, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
                ungroup() %>%
                filter(MDV == 0)) +
  geom_line(mapping = aes(x = TIME, y = DV, group = ID, color = Dose)) +
  geom_point(mapping = aes(x = TIME, y = DV, group = ID, color = Dose)) +
  scale_color_discrete(name = "Dose (mg)") +
  scale_y_log10(name = latex2exp::TeX("$Drug Conc. \\; (\\mu g/mL)$"),
                limits = c(NA, NA)) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Time (w)",
                     breaks = seq(0, 168, by = 28),
                     labels = seq(0, 168/7, by = 4)) +
  theme_bw(18) +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold"),
        axis.line = element_line(size = 2),
        legend.position = "bottom") +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = LLOQ, group = ID), size = 1.2, linetype = 2) +
  geom_vline(data = nonmem_data_bloq %>%
               mutate(ID = factor(ID)) %>%
               filter(EVID == 1),
             mapping = aes(xintercept = TIME, group = ID),
             linetype = 2, color = "magenta", alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_point(data = nonmem_data_bloq %>%
                 mutate(ID = factor(ID),
                        DV = LLOQ) %>%
                 filter(BLOQ == 1, TIME > 0),
               aes(x = TIME, y = DV, group = ID), inherit.aes = TRUE,
               shape = 18, color = "limegreen", size = 3) +
  facet_wrap(~ID, labeller = label_both, ncol = 3, scales = "free_y"))

And we can look at a quick summary of the number of BLOQ values:

nonmem_data_bloq %>%
  filter(EVID == 0) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  summarize(lloq = unique(LLOQ),
            n_obs = n(),
            n_bloq = sum(BLOQ == 1)) %>%
  filter(n_bloq > 0) %>%
  knitr::kable(col.names = c("ID", "LLOQ", "Num. Observations",
                             "Num. BLOQ")) %>%
  kableExtra::kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
ID LLOQ Num. Observations Num. BLOQ
1 0.5 20 3
2 0.5 18 4
3 0.5 19 4
14 5.0 19 1

3.4.2 Treat the BLOQ values as Left-Censored Data (M3)

Instead of tossing out the BLOQ data (M1) or assigning them some arbitrary value (M5-M7), we should keep them in the data set and treat them as left-censored data. This means that the likelihood contribution for observation \(c_{ij}\) is calculated differently for observed values than for BLOQ values: \[\begin{align} \mbox{observed data} &- f\left(c_{ij} \, | \, \theta_i, \sigma, t_{ij} \right) \notag \\ \mbox{BLOQ data} &- F\left(LLOQ \, | \, \theta_i, \sigma, t_{ij} \right) \notag \\ \end{align}\]

where \(f\left(c_{ij} \, | \, \theta_i, \sigma, t_{ij} \right)\) is the density (pdf) and \(F\left(LLOQ \, | \, \theta_i, \sigma, t_{ij} \right) = P\left(c_{ij} \leq LLOQ\, | \, \theta_i, \sigma, t_{ij} \right)\) is the cumulative distribution function (cdf).

The relevant snippet of Stan code is as follows:

real partial_sum_lpmf(array[] int seq_subj, int start, int end,
                        vector dv_obs, array[] int dv_obs_id, array[] int i_obs,
                        array[] real amt, array[] int cmt, array[] int evid,
                        array[] real time, array[] real rate, array[] real ii,
                        array[] int addl, array[] int ss,
                        array[] int subj_start, array[] int subj_end,
                        real TVCL, real TVVC, real TVQ, real TVVP,
                        vector omega, matrix L, matrix Z,
                        vector sigma, matrix L_Sigma,
                        vector lloq, array[] int bloq,
                        int n_random, int n_subjects, int n_total){

    real ptarget = 0;
    vector[n_random] typical_values = to_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z);

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta))';

    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);

    int N = end - start + 1;    // number of subjects in this slice
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;   // = rep_vector(0, n_total);
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_ipred; // = rep_matrix(0, n_total, 2);

    int n_obs_slice = num_between(subj_start[start], subj_end[end], i_obs);
    array[n_obs_slice] int i_obs_slice = find_between(subj_start[start],
                                                      subj_end[end], i_obs);

    vector[n_obs_slice] dv_obs_slice = find_between_vec(start, end,
                                                        dv_obs_id, dv_obs);

    vector[n_obs_slice] ipred_slice;

    vector[n_obs_slice] lloq_slice = lloq[i_obs_slice];
    array[n_obs_slice] int bloq_slice = bloq[i_obs_slice];

    for(n in 1:N){            // loop over subjects in this slice

      int nn = n + start - 1; // nn is the ID of the current subject

      row_vector[n_random] theta_nn = theta[nn]; // access the parameters for subject nn
      real cl = theta_nn[1];
      real vc = theta_nn[2];
      real q = theta_nn[3];
      real vp = theta_nn[4];
      array[5] real theta_params = {cl, q, vc, vp, 0}; // The 0 is for KA. Skip the absorption

      x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], ] =

      dv_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn]] =
        x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], 2] ./ vc;


    ipred_slice = dv_ipred[i_obs_slice];

    for(i in 1:n_obs_slice){
      real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_slice[i]) * Sigma[1, 1] +
                                         Sigma[2, 2] +
                                         2*ipred_slice[i]*Sigma[2, 1]);
      if(bloq_slice[i] == 1){
        ptarget += normal_lcdf(lloq_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);
        ptarget += normal_lpdf(dv_obs_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);

    return ptarget;


3.4.3 Treat the BLOQ values as Left-Censored Data and Truncated Below at 0 (M4)

We know that drug concentrations cannot be \(< 0\), but the normal distribution has support (\(-\infty, \, \infty\))15, so we will assume a normal distribution truncated below at 0. This will have the effect of limiting the support of our assumed distribution to \((0, \, \infty)\). Since we’re assuming a truncated distribution, we need to adjust the likelihood contributions of our data16: \[\begin{align} \mbox{observed data} &- \frac{f\left(c_{ij} \, | \, \theta_i, \sigma, t_{ij} \right)}{1 - F\left(0 \, | \, \theta_i, \sigma, t_{ij} \right)} \notag \\ \mbox{BLOQ data} &- \frac{F\left(LLOQ \, | \, \theta_i, \sigma, t_{ij} \right) - F\left(0 \, | \, \theta_i, \sigma, t_{ij} \right)}{1 - F\left(0 \, | \, \theta_i, \sigma, t_{ij} \right)} \notag \\ \end{align}\]

We can see how this is implemented in the .stan file below:

model_m4 <- cmdstan_model("Torsten/Fit/iv_2cmt_ppa_m4.stan",
                          cpp_options = list(stan_threads = TRUE))

// IV Infusion
// Two-compartment PK Model
// IIV on CL, VC, Q, VP (full covariance matrix)
// proportional plus additive error - DV = CP(1 + eps_p) + eps_a
// Closed form solution using Torsten
// Implements threading for within-chain parallelization
// Deals with BLOQ values by the "CDF trick" (M4)
// Since we have a normal distribution on the error, but the DV must be > 0, it
//   truncates the likelihood below at 0
// For PPC, it generates values from a normal that is truncated below at 0


  array[] int sequence(int start, int end) { 
    array[end - start + 1] int seq;
    for (n in 1:num_elements(seq)) {
      seq[n] = n + start - 1;
    return seq; 
  int num_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y){
    int n = 0;
    for(i in 1:num_elements(y)){
      if(y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub)
                    n = n + 1;
    return n;
  array[] int find_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y) {
    // vector[num_between(lb, ub, y)] result;
    array[num_between(lb, ub, y)] int result;
    int n = 1;
    for (i in 1:num_elements(y)) {
      if (y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  vector find_between_vec(int lb, int ub, array[] int idx, vector y) {
    vector[num_between(lb, ub, idx)] result;
    int n = 1;
    if(num_elements(idx) != num_elements(y)) reject("illegal input");
    for (i in 1:rows(y)) {
      if (idx[i] >= lb && idx[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  real normal_lb_rng(real mu, real sigma, real lb){
    real p_lb = normal_cdf(lb | mu, sigma);
    real u = uniform_rng(p_lb, 1);
    real y = mu + sigma * inv_Phi(u);
    return y;

  real partial_sum_lpmf(array[] int seq_subj, int start, int end,
                        vector dv_obs, array[] int dv_obs_id, array[] int i_obs,
                        array[] real amt, array[] int cmt, array[] int evid, 
                        array[] real time, array[] real rate, array[] real ii, 
                        array[] int addl, array[] int ss,
                        array[] int subj_start, array[] int subj_end, 
                        real TVCL, real TVVC, real TVQ, real TVVP, 
                        vector omega, matrix L, matrix Z, 
                        vector sigma, matrix L_Sigma,
                        vector lloq, array[] int bloq,
                        int n_random, int n_subjects, int n_total){
    real ptarget = 0;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));
    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);
    int N = end - start + 1;    // number of subjects in this slice  
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;   
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_ipred; 

    int n_obs_slice = num_between(subj_start[start], subj_end[end], i_obs);
    array[n_obs_slice] int i_obs_slice = find_between(subj_start[start], 
                                                      subj_end[end], i_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] dv_obs_slice = find_between_vec(start, end, 
                                                        dv_obs_id, dv_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] ipred_slice;
    vector[n_obs_slice] lloq_slice = lloq[i_obs_slice];
    array[n_obs_slice] int bloq_slice = bloq[i_obs_slice];
    for(n in 1:N){            // loop over subjects in this slice
      int nn = n + start - 1; // nn is the ID of the current subject
      row_vector[n_random] theta_nn = theta[nn]; // access the parameters for subject nn
      real cl = theta_nn[1];
      real vc = theta_nn[2];
      real q = theta_nn[3];
      real vp = theta_nn[4];
      array[5] real theta_params = {cl, q, vc, vp, 0}; // The 0 is for KA. Skip the absorption
      x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], ] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], 2] ./ vc;
    ipred_slice = dv_ipred[i_obs_slice];
    for(i in 1:n_obs_slice){
      real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_slice[i]) * Sigma[1, 1] +
                                         Sigma[2, 2] + 
                                         2*ipred_slice[i]*Sigma[2, 1]);
      if(bloq_slice[i] == 1){
        // ptarget += log(normal_cdf(lloq_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp) -
        //                normal_cdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp)) -
        //            normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);  
        ptarget += log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(lloq_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], 
                                normal_lcdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp)) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp); 
        ptarget += normal_lpdf(dv_obs_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);
    return ptarget;
  int n_subjects;
  int n_total;
  int n_obs;
  array[n_obs] int i_obs;
  array[n_total] int ID;
  array[n_total] real amt;
  array[n_total] int cmt;
  array[n_total] int evid;
  array[n_total] real rate;
  array[n_total] real ii;
  array[n_total] int addl;
  array[n_total] int ss;
  array[n_total] real time;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_total] dv;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_start;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_end;
  vector[n_total] lloq;
  array[n_total] int bloq;
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvcl;      // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvc;      // Prior Scale parameter for VC
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvq;       // Prior Scale parameter for Q
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvp;      // Prior Scale parameter for VP
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_cl; // Prior scale parameter for omega_cl
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vc; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vc
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_q;  // Prior scale parameter for omega_q
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vp; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vp
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_omega;   // Prior degrees of freedom for omega cor mat
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_p;  // Prior Scale parameter for proportional error
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_a;  // Prior Scale parameter for additive error
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_sigma;   // Prior degrees of freedom for sigma cor mat
transformed data{ 
  int grainsize = 1;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_obs] dv_obs = dv[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int dv_obs_id = ID[i_obs];
  vector[n_obs] lloq_obs = lloq[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int bloq_obs = bloq[i_obs];
  int n_random = 4;                    // Number of random effects
  array[n_random] real scale_omega = {scale_omega_cl, scale_omega_vc, 
                                      scale_omega_q, scale_omega_vp}; 
  array[2] real scale_sigma = {scale_sigma_p, scale_sigma_a};
  array[n_subjects] int seq_subj = sequence(1, n_subjects); // reduce_sum over subjects
  real<lower = 0> TVCL;       
  real<lower = 0> TVVC; 
  real<lower = 0> TVQ;
  real<lower = 0> TVVP; 
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random] omega;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random] L;
  vector<lower = 0>[2] sigma;
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Sigma;
  matrix[n_random, n_subjects] Z;

  // Priors
  TVCL ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvcl);
  TVVC ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvvc);
  TVQ ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvq);
  TVVP ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvvp);

  omega ~ normal(0, scale_omega);
  L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_omega);
  sigma ~ normal(0, scale_sigma);
  L_Sigma ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_sigma);
  to_vector(Z) ~ std_normal();
  // Likelihood
  target += reduce_sum(partial_sum_lupmf, seq_subj, grainsize,
                       dv_obs, dv_obs_id, i_obs,
                       amt, cmt, evid, time, 
                       rate, ii, addl, ss, subj_start, subj_end, 
                       TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP, omega, L, Z,
                       sigma, L_Sigma, 
                       lloq, bloq,
                       n_random, n_subjects, n_total);
generated quantities{
  real<lower = 0> sigma_p = sigma[1];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_a = sigma[2];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_p = square(sigma_p);
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_a = square(sigma_a); 

  real<lower = 0> omega_cl = omega[1];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vc = omega[2];
  real<lower = 0> omega_q = omega[3];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vp = omega[4];

  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_cl = square(omega_cl);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vc = square(omega_vc);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_q = square(omega_q);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vp = square(omega_vp);

  real cor_cl_vc;
  real cor_cl_q;
  real cor_cl_vp;
  real cor_vc_q;
  real cor_vc_vp;
  real cor_q_vp;
  real omega_cl_vc;
  real omega_cl_q;
  real omega_cl_vp;
  real omega_vc_q;
  real omega_vc_vp;
  real omega_q_vp;

  real cor_p_a;
  real sigma_p_a;

  vector[n_subjects] eta_cl;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vc;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_q;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vp;
  vector[n_subjects] CL;
  vector[n_subjects] VC;
  vector[n_subjects] Q;
  vector[n_subjects] VP;
  vector[n_obs] ipred;
  vector[n_obs] pred;
  vector[n_obs] dv_ppc;
  vector[n_obs] log_lik;
  vector[n_obs] res;
  vector[n_obs] wres;
  vector[n_obs] ires;
  vector[n_obs] iwres;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});

    matrix[n_random, n_random] R = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);
    matrix[n_random, n_random] Omega = quad_form_diag(R, omega);

    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));

    vector[n_total] dv_pred;
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_pred;
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_ipred;
    array[5] real theta_params_tv = {TVCL, TVQ, TVVC, TVVP, 0}; // 0 is for KA to skip absorption
    eta_cl = col(eta, 1);
    eta_vc = col(eta, 2);
    eta_q = col(eta, 3);
    eta_vp = col(eta, 4);
    CL = col(theta, 1);
    VC = col(theta, 2);
    Q = col(theta, 3);
    VP = col(theta, 4);

    cor_cl_vc = R[1, 2];
    cor_cl_q = R[1, 3];
    cor_cl_vp = R[1, 4];
    cor_vc_q = R[2, 3];
    cor_vc_vp = R[2, 4];
    cor_q_vp = R[3, 4];
    omega_cl_vc = Omega[1, 2];
    omega_cl_q = Omega[1, 3];
    omega_cl_vp = Omega[1, 4];
    omega_vc_q = Omega[2, 3];
    omega_vc_vp = Omega[2, 4];
    omega_q_vp = Omega[3, 4];

    cor_p_a = R_Sigma[2, 1];
    sigma_p_a = Sigma[2, 1];

    for(j in 1:n_subjects){

      array[5] real theta_params = {CL[j], Q[j], VC[j], VP[j], 0};
      x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ VC[j];

      x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =

      dv_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ TVVC;

    pred = dv_pred[i_obs];
    ipred = dv_ipred[i_obs];


  res = dv_obs - pred;                                                                             
  ires = dv_obs - ipred;

  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    real ipred_tmp = ipred[i];
    real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_tmp) * sigma_sq_p + sigma_sq_a + 
    // dv_ppc[i] = normal_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    dv_ppc[i] = normal_lb_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp, 0.0);
    if(bloq_obs[i] == 1){
      // log_lik[i] = log(normal_cdf(lloq_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp) - 
      //                  normal_cdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp)) -
      //              normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
      log_lik[i] = log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(lloq_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp),
                                normal_lcdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp)) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp); 
      log_lik[i] = normal_lpdf(dv_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp) - 
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    wres[i] = res[i]/sigma_tmp;
    iwres[i] = ires[i]/sigma_tmp;

Preparing and fitting the data is very similar to our earlier example. The difference here is that we add the lloq and bloq columns from our NONMEM dataset to stan_data:

nonmem_data_bloq <- nonmem_data_bloq %>%
  mutate(BLOQ = as.numeric(as.character(BLOQ)),
         DV = if_else(BLOQ %in% c(1, NA), 5555555, DV), # This value can be anything > 0. It'll be indexed away
         BLOQ = if_else(is.na(BLOQ), -999, BLOQ)) %>%
  rename_all(tolower) %>%
  rename(ID = "id",
         DV = "dv")

n_subjects <- nonmem_data_bloq %>%  # number of individuals
  distinct(ID) %>%
  count() %>%

n_total <- nrow(nonmem_data_bloq)   # total number of records

i_obs <- nonmem_data_bloq %>%
  mutate(row_num = 1:n()) %>%
  filter(evid == 0) %>%
  select(row_num) %>%

n_obs <- length(i_obs)

subj_start <- nonmem_data_bloq %>%
  mutate(row_num = 1:n()) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  slice_head(n = 1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(row_num) %>%

subj_end <- c(subj_start[-1] - 1, n_total)

stan_data <- list(n_subjects = n_subjects,
                  n_total = n_total,
                  n_obs = n_obs,
                  i_obs = i_obs,
                  ID = nonmem_data_bloq$ID,
                  amt = nonmem_data_bloq$amt,
                  cmt = nonmem_data_bloq$cmt,
                  evid = nonmem_data_bloq$evid,
                  rate = nonmem_data_bloq$rate,
                  ii = nonmem_data_bloq$ii,
                  addl = nonmem_data_bloq$addl,
                  ss = nonmem_data_bloq$ss,
                  time = nonmem_data_bloq$time,
                  dv = nonmem_data_bloq$DV,
                  subj_start = subj_start,
                  subj_end = subj_end,
                  lloq = nonmem_data_bloq$lloq,
                  bloq = nonmem_data_bloq$bloq,
                  scale_tvcl = 2,
                  scale_tvvc = 10,
                  scale_tvq = 2,
                  scale_tvvp = 10,
                  scale_omega_cl = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_vc = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_q = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_vp = 0.4,
                  lkj_df_omega = 2,
                  scale_sigma_p = 0.5,
                  scale_sigma_a = 1,
                  lkj_df_sigma = 2)

fit_m4 <- model_m4$sample(data = stan_data,
                          chains = 4,
                          parallel_chains = 4,
                          threads_per_chain = 2,
                          iter_warmup = 500,
                          iter_sampling = 1000,
                          adapt_delta = 0.8,
                          refresh = 500,
                          max_treedepth = 10,
                          init = function() list(TVCL = rlnorm(1, log(0.3), 0.3),
                                                 TVVC = rlnorm(1, log(5), 0.3),
                                                 TVQ = rlnorm(1, log(1), 0.3),
                                                 TVVP = rlnorm(1, log(10), 0.3),
                                                 omega = rlnorm(4, log(0.3), 0.3),
                                                 sigma = rlnorm(2, log(0.5), 0.3)))
Running MCMC with 4 parallel chains, with 2 thread(s) per chain...

Chain 1 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 finished in 4076.2 seconds.
Chain 2 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 finished in 4236.9 seconds.
Chain 1 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 finished in 4348.2 seconds.
Chain 4 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 finished in 4399.2 seconds.

All 4 chains finished successfully.
Mean chain execution time: 4265.1 seconds.
Total execution time: 4400.5 seconds.
fit_m4$save_object("Torsten/Fits/iv_2cmt_ppa_m4.rds") Post-Processing

After fitting we will want to check that the MCMC sampler worked properly and efficiently and that the chains mixed well, check model fits and assumptions, and obtain posterior estimates.

We can first check whether the sampler worked as expected and that the chains mixed well:

# parameters_to_summarize <- map(c("TV", "omega_", "cor", "sigma"),
#                                str_subset,
#                                string = fit_m4$metadata()$stan_variables) %>%
#   reduce(union) %>%
#   str_subset("sq", negate = TRUE)

parameters_to_summarize_main <- str_c("TV", c("CL", "VC", "Q", "VP"))
parameters_to_summarize_variability <- str_c("omega_", c("cl", "vc", "q", "vp"))
parameters_to_summarize_uncertainty <- str_c("sigma_", c("p", "a"))
parameters_to_summarize_correlation <- str_subset(fit$metadata()$stan_variables,

parameters_to_summarize <- c(parameters_to_summarize_main,

## Summary of parameter estimates
summary <- summarize_draws(fit_m4$draws(parameters_to_summarize),
                           mean, median, sd, mcse_mean,
                           ~quantile2(.x, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)), rhat,
                           ess_bulk, ess_tail)

## Check the sampler (this is very non-comprehensive)
sampler_diagnostics <- fit_m4$sampler_diagnostics()
[1] 0
# Check your largest R-hats. These should be close to 1 (< 1.05 for sure, < 1.02
# ideally)
summary %>%
  select(variable, rhat) %>%
# A tibble: 17 x 2
   variable   rhat
   <chr>     <dbl>
 1 TVCL      1.01 
 2 TVVC      1.01 
 3 omega_cl  1.01 
 4 TVVP      1.00 
 5 sigma_p   1.00 
 6 cor_cl_vc 1.00 
 7 omega_vp  1.00 
 8 cor_cl_q  1.00 
 9 sigma_a   1.00 
10 omega_q   1.00 
11 omega_vc  1.00 
12 TVQ       1.00 
13 cor_vc_q  1.00 
14 cor_p_a   1.00 
15 cor_q_vp  1.00 
16 cor_cl_vp 1.00 
17 cor_vc_vp 0.999
# Density Plots and Traceplots
           combo = c("dens_overlay", "trace"))

We should look at the posterior to see if there are any parameters that are very highly correlated:

           diag_fun = "dens")

We can look at plots of the auto-correlations:

         pars = parameters_to_summarize_main)

And check the Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO):

## Check Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation
fit_m4_loo <- fit_m4$loo()

Computed from 4000 by 461 log-likelihood matrix

         Estimate   SE
elpd_loo  -1071.3 38.8
p_loo        50.7  3.4
looic      2142.6 77.6
Monte Carlo SE of elpd_loo is NA.

Pareto k diagnostic values:
                         Count Pct.    Min. n_eff
(-Inf, 0.5]   (good)     447   97.0%   1094      
 (0.5, 0.7]   (ok)        13    2.8%   349       
   (0.7, 1]   (bad)        1    0.2%   146       
   (1, Inf)   (very bad)   0    0.0%   <NA>      
See help('pareto-k-diagnostic') for details.
plot(fit_m4_loo, label_points = TRUE)

If everything looks ok so far, we will want to obtain posterior parameter estimates (and, since this is simulated data using known parameters, you can compare these parameter estimates to the table with the “truth” (Table 3.1), but you won’t have that in real life, so we won’t do that directly here):

summary %>%
  mutate(rse = sd/mean*100) %>%
  select(variable, mean, sd, rse, q2.5, median, q97.5, rhat,
         starts_with("ess")) %>%
  inner_join(neff_ratio(fit_m4, pars = parameters_to_summarize) %>%
               enframe(name = "variable", value = "n_eff_ratio")) %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 3)) %>%
  knitr::kable(col.names = c("Variable", "Mean", "Std. Dev.", "RSE", "2.5%",
                             "Median", "97.5%", "$\\hat{R}$", "ESS Bulk",
                             "ESS Tail", "ESS Ratio"))
Variable Mean Std. Dev. RSE 2.5% Median 97.5% \(\hat{R}\) ESS Bulk ESS Tail ESS Ratio
TVCL 0.194 0.015 7.520 0.167 0.193 0.225 1.009 517.449 891.055 0.129
TVVC 3.158 0.181 5.740 2.817 3.152 3.525 1.007 1023.698 1551.176 0.251
TVQ 1.469 0.141 9.607 1.210 1.463 1.770 1.001 4393.669 3137.426 1.061
TVVP 4.095 0.201 4.898 3.704 4.093 4.497 1.004 6764.942 3048.414 1.704
omega_cl 0.358 0.058 16.238 0.261 0.352 0.488 1.006 759.964 1478.650 0.191
omega_vc 0.268 0.046 17.095 0.193 0.263 0.372 1.001 1529.692 2132.127 0.384
omega_q 0.130 0.099 76.268 0.006 0.110 0.369 1.001 1863.222 2134.794 0.513
omega_vp 0.082 0.060 73.442 0.003 0.070 0.221 1.002 1740.181 2287.765 0.451
sigma_p 0.202 0.009 4.417 0.186 0.202 0.221 1.003 4560.104 2978.996 1.134
sigma_a 0.095 0.063 66.422 0.005 0.086 0.233 1.001 1952.640 2079.405 0.553
cor_cl_vc 0.186 0.195 104.965 -0.218 0.197 0.538 1.002 1174.512 1945.675 0.298
cor_cl_q 0.082 0.339 414.362 -0.585 0.089 0.705 1.002 6614.288 2936.288 1.633
cor_cl_vp -0.022 0.341 -1567.005 -0.677 -0.023 0.642 1.000 6247.132 2936.543 1.581
cor_vc_q 0.153 0.358 234.041 -0.570 0.175 0.764 1.000 5913.027 3078.372 1.512
cor_vc_vp -0.068 0.339 -499.380 -0.697 -0.077 0.605 0.999 5331.579 3019.284 1.336
cor_q_vp -0.069 0.378 -544.911 -0.747 -0.080 0.663 1.000 3009.205 3185.843 0.752
cor_p_a -0.028 0.333 -1208.273 -0.550 -0.082 0.695 1.000 3575.715 2675.836 0.842

Although we’ve mostly looked at the population parameters so far, we can look at posterior distributions and parameter estimates for individuals:

draws_df <- fit_m4$draws(format = "draws_df")

draws_df %>%
  gather_draws(CL[ID], VC[ID], Q[ID], VP[ID]) %>%
  mean_qi(.width = 0.95) %>%
  select(ID, .variable, .value, .lower, .upper) %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.double), round, 3),
         across(c(ID, .variable), as.factor)) %>%
  DT::datatable(colnames = c("ID", "Variable", "Posterior Mean", "2.5%",
                rownames = FALSE, filter = "top")

We can also visualize the full posterior density for each individual:

draws_df %>%
  gather_draws(CL[ID], VC[ID], Q[ID], VP[ID]) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(across(c(ID, .variable), as.factor)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = .value, group = ID, color = ID)) +
  stat_density(geom = "line", position = "identity") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
  facet_wrap(~.variable, ncol = 1, scales = "free") +
  ggtitle("Individual Parameter Posterior Densities")

We will also want to assess the fits. We can look at a lot of the same plots as we would if we had done a NONMEM fit with FOCEI. We can start with DV vs. PRED/IPRED:

post_preds_summary <- draws_df %>%
  spread_draws(pred[i], ipred[i], dv_ppc[i]) %>%
  mean_qi(pred, ipred, dv_ppc) %>%
  mutate(DV = nonmem_data_bloq$DV[nonmem_data_bloq$evid == 0][i],
         bloq = nonmem_data_bloq$bloq[nonmem_data_bloq$evid == 0][i])

ppc_ind <- post_preds_summary %>%
  mutate(ID = nonmem_data_bloq$ID[nonmem_data_bloq$evid == 0][i],
         time = nonmem_data_bloq$time[nonmem_data_bloq$evid == 0][i])

p_dv_vs_pred <- ggplot(post_preds_summary %>%
                         filter(bloq == 0), aes(x = pred, y = DV)) +
  geom_point() +
  theme_bw() +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = "blue", size = 1.5) +
  xlab("Population Predictions") +
  ylab("Observed Concentration") +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold"),
        axis.line = element_line(size = 2)) +
  scale_y_log10() +

p_dv_vs_ipred <- ggplot(post_preds_summary %>%
                          filter(bloq == 0), aes(x = ipred, y = DV)) +
  geom_point() +
  theme_bw() +
  geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = "blue", size = 1.5) +
  xlab("Individual Predictions") +
  ylab("Observed Concentration") +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold"),
        axis.line = element_line(size = 2)) +
  scale_y_log10() +

ggpubr::ggarrange(p_dv_vs_pred, p_dv_vs_ipred)

We should also look at residual plots. We generally want to look at a QQ-plot to check our error distribution assumptions. The below animation shows the QQ-plot of the (individual weighted) residuals by draw.

residuals <- draws_df %>%
  spread_draws(res[i], wres[i], ires[i], iwres[i], ipred[i]) %>%
  mutate(time = nonmem_data_bloq$time[nonmem_data_bloq$evid == 0][i],
         bloq = nonmem_data_bloq$bloq[nonmem_data_bloq$evid == 0][i])

some_residuals_qq <- residuals %>%
  filter(bloq == 0) %>%
  sample_draws(100) %>%
  ggplot(aes(sample = iwres)) +
  geom_qq() +
  geom_abline() +
  theme_bw() +

animate(some_residuals_qq, nframes = 100, width = 384, height = 384, res = 96,
        dev = "png", type = "cairo")

We also want to look at the individual weighted residuals against time and against individual prediction:

iwres_vs_time <- residuals %>%
  filter(bloq == 0) %>%
  sample_draws(9) %>%
  mutate(qn_lower = qnorm(0.025),
         qn_upper = qnorm(0.975)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = iwres)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "red", size = 1.5) +
  geom_smooth(se = FALSE, color = "blue", size = 1.5) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = qn_lower), linetype = "dashed", color = "red",
             size = 1.25) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = qn_upper), linetype = "dashed", color = "red",
             size = 1.25) +
  theme_bw() +
  xlab("Time (d)") +
  facet_wrap(~ .draw, labeller = label_both)

iwres_vs_ipred <- residuals %>%
  filter(bloq == 0) %>%
  sample_draws(9) %>%
  mutate(qn_lower = qnorm(0.025),
         qn_upper = qnorm(0.975)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = ipred, y = iwres)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(se = FALSE, color = "blue", size = 1.5) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "red", size = 1.5) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = qn_lower), linetype = "dashed", color = "red",
             size = 1.25) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = qn_upper), linetype = "dashed", color = "red",
             size = 1.25) +
  theme_bw() +
  xlab("Individual Predictions") +
  facet_wrap(~ .draw, labeller = label_both)

iwres_vs_time /

Since all the residuals look good, we can look at the distribution of the (standardized) random effects. We’ll use the posterior mean as the point estimate for each individual’s random effect.

eta_std <- draws_df %>%
  spread_draws(eta_cl[ID], eta_vc[ID], eta_q[ID], eta_vp[ID]) %>%
  mean_qi() %>%
  select(ID, str_c("eta_", c("cl", "vc", "q", "vp"))) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("eta"),
               names_to = "parameter",
               values_to = "eta",
               names_prefix = "eta_") %>%
  group_by(parameter) %>%
  mutate(eta_std = (eta - mean(eta))/sd(eta)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(parameter = toupper(parameter))

eta_hist <- eta_std %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = eta_std, group = parameter)) +
  geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..)) +
  geom_density(color = "blue", size = 1.5) +
  stat_function(fun = dnorm, args = list(mean = 0, sd = 1),
                color = "red", size = 1) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Standarized Indiv. Effect",
                     limits = c(-2.5, 2.5)) +
  theme_bw(18) +
  facet_wrap(~parameter, scales = "free_x")

eta_box <- eta_std %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = parameter, y = eta_std)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  scale_x_discrete(name = "Parameter") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Standarized Indiv. Effect") +
  theme_bw(18) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed")

eta_hist /

If we had covariates, we would plot these random effects against the covariates to see any indication that a covariate should be included, but we don’t have that in this example, so we’ll skip that.

We can look at a posterior predictive check (PPC). To do these, we have simulated a dependent variable value (dv_ppc in the Stan code) for each sample from the posterior for each observation - a replication of each observation for each posterior sample. This is similar to a VPC that is commonly done with NONMEM, but is meant to provide replicates of the observed data for the observed individuals - we will show something even more similar to a VPC later where we simulate new individuals. The point of posterior predictive checking is to see if we can generate data from from our fitted models that looks a lot like the observed data.

ppc_ind %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, group = ID)) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ipred.lower, ymax = ipred.upper),
              fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = dv_ppc.lower, ymax = dv_ppc.upper),
              fill = "blue", alpha = 0.25, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_line(aes(y = ipred), linetype = 1, size = 1.15) +
  geom_line(aes(y = pred), linetype = 2, size = 1.05) +
  geom_point(data = ppc_ind %>%
               filter(bloq == 0),
             mapping = aes(x = time, y = DV, group = ID),
             size = 3, color = "red", show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_y_log10(name = "Drug Conc. (ug/mL)",
                limits = c(NA, NA)) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Time (w)",
                     breaks = seq(0, 168, by = 28),
                     labels = seq(0, 168/7, by = 4)) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold"),
        legend.position = "bottom") +
  facet_wrap(~ID, labeller = label_both,
             ncol = 4, scales = "free")

In the above plot, the solid line is the individual prediction, the dotted line is the population prediction, the red dot is the observed concentration, the darker blue ribbon is a 95% interval for the individual prediction, and the lighter blue ribbon is a 95% interval for an observation (individual prediction + residual error). This plot is a bit angular and can be a bit confusing since we only have replications at the observed time points, but we will revisit this shortly when we make predictions at a dense grid. Making Predictions

As mentioned above, we can also make predictions for

  • The observed individuals. We can simulate at a denser time grid (i.e. at unobserved times). I think this is mostly useful to make pictures like the previous one look a little nicer.
  • Future individuals
    • We can simulate many individuals with an already observed dosing regimen and compare the observations to the simulations to assess model fit (this is extremely similar to the standard VPC).
    • We can simulate many individuals with an unobserved dosing regimen to predict exposures and responses with that dosing regimen. This should help with dose selection.
    • We can simulate clinical trials

For any of these situations, we have a .stan file that is written to make the predictions, and we send our fitted object that contains the posterior draws (I’ve called the most recent fit fit_m4 in this presentation) through the .stan file to make predictions at requested time points given the dosing regimen(s). Predicting Observed Individuals

After fitting the model, we have the CmdStanMCMC object fit_m4 that contains the draws from the posterior distribution. We will simulate

  1. a population concentration-time profile (PRED) for each draw from the posterior that takes into account the uncertainty in the population parameters (\(TVCL, \; TVVC, \; TVQ,\) and \(TVVP\))
  2. an individual concentration-time profile (IPRED) for each individual for each draw from the posterior. This will create simulated profiles that take into account the uncertainty in the individual PK parameters (here, \(CL, \; V_c, \; Q\), and \(V_p\))
  3. an individual concentration-time profile (DV) that adds residual variability to the IPRED. This will create simulated profiles that take into account residual variability and also the uncertainty in the residual variability parameters (here, \(\sigma_p, \; \sigma_a,\) and \(\rho_{p,a}\)).

We can first look at the .stan file that makes the simulations:

model_pred_obs <- cmdstan_model(

// IV Infusion
// Two-compartment PK Model
// IIV on CL, VC, Q, VP (full covariance matrix)
// proportional plus additive error - DV = CP(1 + eps_p) + eps_a
// Closed form solution using Torsten
// Predictions are generated from a normal that is truncated below at 0

  real normal_lb_rng(real mu, real sigma, real lb){
    real p_lb = normal_cdf(lb | mu, sigma);
    real u = uniform_rng(p_lb, 1);
    real y = mu + sigma * inv_Phi(u);
    return y;

  int n_subjects;
  int n_time_new;
  array[n_time_new] real time;
  array[n_time_new] real amt;
  array[n_time_new] int cmt;
  array[n_time_new] int evid;
  array[n_time_new] real rate;
  array[n_time_new] real ii;
  array[n_time_new] int addl;
  array[n_time_new] int ss;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_start;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_end;
transformed data{ 
  int n_random = 4;                    // Number of random effects

  real<lower = 0> TVCL;       
  real<lower = 0> TVVC; 
  real<lower = 0> TVQ;
  real<lower = 0> TVVP; 
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random] omega;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random] L;
  vector<lower = 0>[2] sigma;
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Sigma;
  matrix[n_random, n_subjects] Z;
generated quantities{
  vector[n_time_new] ipred; // ipred for the observed individuals at the new timepoints
  vector[n_time_new] pred;  // pred for the observed individuals at the new timepoints
  vector[n_time_new] dv;    // dv for the observed individuals at the new timepoints
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});

    matrix[n_random, n_random] R = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);
    matrix[n_random, n_random] Omega = quad_form_diag(R, omega);

    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));

    matrix[n_time_new, 3] x_pred;
    matrix[n_time_new, 3] x_ipred;
    array[5] real theta_params_tv = {TVCL, TVQ, TVVC, TVVP, 0}; // 0 is for KA to skip absorption
    vector[n_subjects] CL = col(theta, 1);
    vector[n_subjects] VC = col(theta, 2);
    vector[n_subjects] Q = col(theta, 3);
    vector[n_subjects] VP = col(theta, 4);

    for(j in 1:n_subjects){

      array[5] real theta_params = {CL[j], Q[j], VC[j], VP[j], 0};
      x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
      ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ VC[j];

      x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =

      pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ TVVC;;

    for(i in 1:n_time_new){
      if(ipred[i] == 0){
        dv[i] = 0;
        real ipred_tmp = ipred[i];
        real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_tmp) * Sigma[1, 1] + Sigma[2, 2] + 
                              2*ipred_tmp*Sigma[2, 1]);
        dv[i] = normal_lb_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp, 0.0);

You’ll notice that this is a stripped-down version of the .stan file used to fit the data. This model takes in the previous fit and then makes predictions in the generated quantities block based solely on the fit we’ve already done. Because no fitting is done, only simulation, this is relatively fast. This particular file saves only simulated values for PRED, IPRED, and DV. But if we wanted, there are numerous other values we could simulate if we wanted (\(AUC, \, T_{max}, \, C_{max}, \, C_{trough},\, \ldots\)).

Now we’ll do the simulations with the $generate_quantities() method (as opposed to the $sample() method we used for fitting). Because we are making predictions for observed individuals, we need to make sure the dosing schemes match the original data set used for fitting, so we use the original nonmem_data_bloq data set created before the fitting and manipulate it to add in rows for new timepoints at which we want to simulate:

new_data_to_simulate <- nonmem_data_bloq %>%
  # filter(evid == 0) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  slice(c(1, n())) %>%
  expand(time = seq(time[1], time[2], by = 1)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(amt = 0,
         evid = 2,
         rate = 0,
         addl = 0,
         ii = 0,
         cmt = 2,
         mdv = 1,
         ss = 0,
         DV = NA_real_,
         c = NA_character_) %>%
  select(c, ID, time, everything())

observed_data_to_simulate <- nonmem_data_bloq %>%
  mutate(evid = if_else(evid == 1, 1, 2))

end_of_infusion_to_simulate <- nonmem_data_bloq %>%
  filter(evid == 1) %>%
  rename_all(tolower) %>%
  rename(ID = "id",
         DV = "dv") %>%
  mutate(tinf = amt/rate,
         time = time + tinf,
         evid = 2,
         amt = 0,
         rate = 0,
         ii = 0,
         addl = 0,
         ss = 0)

new_data <- new_data_to_simulate %>%
  bind_rows(observed_data_to_simulate, end_of_infusion_to_simulate) %>%
  arrange(ID, time, evid) %>%
  distinct(ID, time, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
  select(-DV, -timenom, -lloq, -bloq, -tinf, -mdv)

n_subjects <- new_data %>%  # number of individuals
  distinct(ID) %>%
  count() %>%

n_time_new <- nrow(new_data) # total number of time points at which to predict

subj_start <- new_data %>%
  mutate(row_num = 1:n()) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  slice_head(n = 1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(row_num) %>%

subj_end <- c(subj_start[-1] - 1, n_time_new)

stan_data <- list(n_subjects = n_subjects,
                  n_time_new = n_time_new,
                  time = new_data$time,
                  amt = new_data$amt,
                  cmt = new_data$cmt,
                  evid = new_data$evid,
                  rate = new_data$rate,
                  ii = new_data$ii,
                  addl = new_data$addl,
                  ss = new_data$ss,
                  subj_start = subj_start,
                  subj_end = subj_end)

preds_obs <- model_pred_obs$generate_quantities(fit_m4,
                                                data = stan_data,
                                                parallel_chains = 4,
                                                seed = 1234)
Running standalone generated quantities after 4 MCMC chains, all chains in parallel ...

Chain 4 finished in 0.0 seconds.
Chain 1 finished in 0.0 seconds.
Chain 3 finished in 0.0 seconds.
Chain 2 finished in 0.0 seconds.

All 4 chains finished successfully.
Mean chain execution time: 0.0 seconds.
Total execution time: 128.4 seconds.
# preds_obs$save_object(
#   "Torsten/Preds/iv_2cmt_ppa_m4_predict_observed_subjects.rds")

And we can look at the predictions. They should look smoother than the PPC plot from earlier:

preds_obs_df <- preds_obs$draws(format = "draws_df")

post_preds_obs_summary <- preds_obs_df %>%
  spread_draws(pred[i], ipred[i], dv[i]) %>%
  mean_qi(pred, ipred, dv)

preds_obs_ind <- post_preds_obs_summary %>%
  mutate(ID = new_data$ID[i],
         time = new_data$time[i]) %>%
  left_join(nonmem_data_bloq %>%
              filter(mdv == 0) %>%
              select(ID, time, DV),
            by = c("ID", "time")) %>%
  select(ID, time, everything(), -i)

preds_obs_ind %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, group = ID)) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ipred.lower, ymax = ipred.upper),
              fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = dv.lower, ymax = dv.upper),
              fill = "blue", alpha = 0.25, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_line(aes(y = ipred), linetype = 1, size = 1.15) +
  geom_line(aes(y = pred), linetype = 2, size = 1.05) +
  geom_point(aes(y = DV),
             size = 3, color = "red", show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_y_log10(name = "Drug Conc. (ug/mL)",
                limits = c(NA, NA)) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Time (w)",
                     breaks = seq(0, 168, by = 28),
                     labels = seq(0, 168/7, by = 4)) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold"),
        legend.position = "bottom") +
  facet_wrap(~ID, labeller = label_both,
             ncol = 4, scales = "free")

As mentioned previously, it might make sense to go ahead and simulate on a dense time grid for the observed individuals at the same time as fitting, We basically combine what we did in Section 3.4.3 when we fit the model with what we did in the previous section when we made predictions for observed individuals.

Let’s look at the .stan file:

model_fit_and_predict <- cmdstan_model(
  cpp_options = list(stan_threads = TRUE))

// IV Infusion
// Two-compartment PK Model
// IIV on CL, VC, Q, VP (full covariance matrix)
// proportional plus additive error - DV = CP(1 + eps_p) + eps_a
// Closed form solution using Torsten
// Implements threading for within-chain parallelization
// Deals with BLOQ values by the "CDF trick" (M4)
// Since we have a normal distribution on the error, but the DV must be > 0, it
//   truncates the likelihood below at 0
// For PPC, it generates values from a normal that is truncated below at 0


  array[] int sequence(int start, int end) { 
    array[end - start + 1] int seq;
    for (n in 1:num_elements(seq)) {
      seq[n] = n + start - 1;
    return seq; 
  int num_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y){
    int n = 0;
    for(i in 1:num_elements(y)){
      if(y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub)
                    n = n + 1;
    return n;
  array[] int find_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y) {
    // vector[num_between(lb, ub, y)] result;
    array[num_between(lb, ub, y)] int result;
    int n = 1;
    for (i in 1:num_elements(y)) {
      if (y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  vector find_between_vec(int lb, int ub, array[] int idx, vector y) {
    vector[num_between(lb, ub, idx)] result;
    int n = 1;
    if(num_elements(idx) != num_elements(y)) reject("illegal input");
    for (i in 1:rows(y)) {
      if (idx[i] >= lb && idx[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  real normal_lb_rng(real mu, real sigma, real lb){
    real p_lb = normal_cdf(lb | mu, sigma);
    real u = uniform_rng(p_lb, 1);
    real y = mu + sigma * inv_Phi(u);
    return y;

  real partial_sum_lpmf(array[] int seq_subj, int start, int end,
                        vector dv_obs, array[] int dv_obs_id, array[] int i_obs,
                        array[] real amt, array[] int cmt, array[] int evid, 
                        array[] real time, array[] real rate, array[] real ii, 
                        array[] int addl, array[] int ss,
                        array[] int subj_start, array[] int subj_end, 
                        real TVCL, real TVVC, real TVQ, real TVVP, 
                        vector omega, matrix L, matrix Z, 
                        vector sigma, matrix L_Sigma,
                        vector lloq, array[] int bloq,
                        int n_random, int n_subjects, int n_total){
    real ptarget = 0;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));
    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);
    int N = end - start + 1;    // number of subjects in this slice  
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;   
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_ipred; 

    int n_obs_slice = num_between(subj_start[start], subj_end[end], i_obs);
    array[n_obs_slice] int i_obs_slice = find_between(subj_start[start], 
                                                      subj_end[end], i_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] dv_obs_slice = find_between_vec(start, end, 
                                                        dv_obs_id, dv_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] ipred_slice;
    vector[n_obs_slice] lloq_slice = lloq[i_obs_slice];
    array[n_obs_slice] int bloq_slice = bloq[i_obs_slice];
    for(n in 1:N){            // loop over subjects in this slice
      int nn = n + start - 1; // nn is the ID of the current subject
      row_vector[n_random] theta_nn = theta[nn]; // access the parameters for subject nn
      real cl = theta_nn[1];
      real vc = theta_nn[2];
      real q = theta_nn[3];
      real vp = theta_nn[4];
      array[5] real theta_params = {cl, q, vc, vp, 0}; // The 0 is for KA. Skip the absorption
      x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], ] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], 2] ./ vc;
    ipred_slice = dv_ipred[i_obs_slice];
    for(i in 1:n_obs_slice){
      real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_slice[i]) * Sigma[1, 1] +
                                         Sigma[2, 2] + 
                                         2*ipred_slice[i]*Sigma[2, 1]);
      if(bloq_slice[i] == 1){
        // ptarget += log(normal_cdf(lloq_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp) -
        //                normal_cdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp)) -
        //            normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);  
        ptarget += log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(lloq_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], 
                                normal_lcdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp)) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp); 
        ptarget += normal_lpdf(dv_obs_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);
    return ptarget;
  int n_subjects;
  int n_total;
  int n_obs;
  array[n_obs] int i_obs;
  array[n_total] int ID;
  array[n_total] real amt;
  array[n_total] int cmt;
  array[n_total] int evid;
  array[n_total] real rate;
  array[n_total] real ii;
  array[n_total] int addl;
  array[n_total] int ss;
  array[n_total] real time;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_total] dv;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_start;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_end;
  vector[n_total] lloq;
  array[n_total] int bloq;
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvcl;      // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvc;      // Prior Scale parameter for VC
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvq;       // Prior Scale parameter for Q
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvp;      // Prior Scale parameter for VP
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_cl; // Prior scale parameter for omega_cl
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vc; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vc
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_q;  // Prior scale parameter for omega_q
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vp; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vp
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_omega;   // Prior degrees of freedom for omega cor mat
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_p;  // Prior Scale parameter for proportional error
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_a;  // Prior Scale parameter for additive error
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_sigma;   // Prior degrees of freedom for sigma cor mat
  // These are data variables needed to make predictions for observed subjects 
  // at unobserved timepoints
  int n_time_new_obs;
  array[n_time_new_obs] real time_new_obs;
  array[n_time_new_obs] real amt_new_obs;
  array[n_time_new_obs] int cmt_new_obs;
  array[n_time_new_obs] int evid_new_obs;
  array[n_time_new_obs] real rate_new_obs;
  array[n_time_new_obs] real ii_new_obs;
  array[n_time_new_obs] int addl_new_obs;
  array[n_time_new_obs] int ss_new_obs;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_start_new_obs;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_end_new_obs;
transformed data{ 
  int grainsize = 1;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_obs] dv_obs = dv[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int dv_obs_id = ID[i_obs];
  vector[n_obs] lloq_obs = lloq[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int bloq_obs = bloq[i_obs];
  int n_random = 4;                    // Number of random effects
  array[n_random] real scale_omega = {scale_omega_cl, scale_omega_vc, 
                                      scale_omega_q, scale_omega_vp}; 
  array[2] real scale_sigma = {scale_sigma_p, scale_sigma_a};
  array[n_subjects] int seq_subj = sequence(1, n_subjects); // reduce_sum over subjects
  real<lower = 0> TVCL;       
  real<lower = 0> TVVC; 
  real<lower = 0> TVQ;
  real<lower = 0> TVVP; 
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random] omega;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random] L;
  vector<lower = 0>[2] sigma;
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Sigma;
  matrix[n_random, n_subjects] Z;

  // Priors
  TVCL ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvcl);
  TVVC ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvvc);
  TVQ ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvq);
  TVVP ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvvp);

  omega ~ normal(0, scale_omega);
  L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_omega);
  sigma ~ normal(0, scale_sigma);
  L_Sigma ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_sigma);
  to_vector(Z) ~ std_normal();
  // Likelihood
  target += reduce_sum(partial_sum_lupmf, seq_subj, grainsize,
                       dv_obs, dv_obs_id, i_obs,
                       amt, cmt, evid, time, 
                       rate, ii, addl, ss, subj_start, subj_end, 
                       TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP, omega, L, Z,
                       sigma, L_Sigma, 
                       lloq, bloq,
                       n_random, n_subjects, n_total);
generated quantities{
  real<lower = 0> sigma_p = sigma[1];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_a = sigma[2];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_p = square(sigma_p);
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_a = square(sigma_a); 

  real<lower = 0> omega_cl = omega[1];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vc = omega[2];
  real<lower = 0> omega_q = omega[3];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vp = omega[4];

  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_cl = square(omega_cl);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vc = square(omega_vc);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_q = square(omega_q);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vp = square(omega_vp);

  real cor_cl_vc;
  real cor_cl_q;
  real cor_cl_vp;
  real cor_vc_q;
  real cor_vc_vp;
  real cor_q_vp;
  real omega_cl_vc;
  real omega_cl_q;
  real omega_cl_vp;
  real omega_vc_q;
  real omega_vc_vp;
  real omega_q_vp;

  real cor_p_a;
  real sigma_p_a;

  vector[n_subjects] eta_cl;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vc;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_q;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vp;
  vector[n_subjects] CL;
  vector[n_subjects] VC;
  vector[n_subjects] Q;
  vector[n_subjects] VP;
  vector[n_obs] ipred;
  vector[n_obs] pred;
  vector[n_obs] dv_ppc;
  vector[n_obs] log_lik;
  vector[n_obs] res;
  vector[n_obs] wres;
  vector[n_obs] ires;
  vector[n_obs] iwres;
  vector[n_time_new_obs] ipred_new_obs; // ipred for the observed individuals at the new timepoints
  vector[n_time_new_obs] pred_new_obs;  // pred for the observed individuals at the new timepoints
  vector[n_time_new_obs] dv_new_obs;    // dv for the observed individuals at the new timepoints
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});

    matrix[n_random, n_random] R = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);
    matrix[n_random, n_random] Omega = quad_form_diag(R, omega);

    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));

    vector[n_total] dv_pred;
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_pred;
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_ipred;
    matrix[n_time_new_obs, 3] x_pred_new_obs;
    matrix[n_time_new_obs, 3] x_ipred_new_obs;
    array[5] real theta_params_tv = {TVCL, TVQ, TVVC, TVVP, 0}; // 0 is for KA to skip absorption
    eta_cl = col(eta, 1);
    eta_vc = col(eta, 2);
    eta_q = col(eta, 3);
    eta_vp = col(eta, 4);
    CL = col(theta, 1);
    VC = col(theta, 2);
    Q = col(theta, 3);
    VP = col(theta, 4);

    cor_cl_vc = R[1, 2];
    cor_cl_q = R[1, 3];
    cor_cl_vp = R[1, 4];
    cor_vc_q = R[2, 3];
    cor_vc_vp = R[2, 4];
    cor_q_vp = R[3, 4];
    omega_cl_vc = Omega[1, 2];
    omega_cl_q = Omega[1, 3];
    omega_cl_vp = Omega[1, 4];
    omega_vc_q = Omega[2, 3];
    omega_vc_vp = Omega[2, 4];
    omega_q_vp = Omega[3, 4];

    cor_p_a = R_Sigma[2, 1];
    sigma_p_a = Sigma[2, 1];

    for(j in 1:n_subjects){

      array[5] real theta_params = {CL[j], Q[j], VC[j], VP[j], 0};
      x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ VC[j];

      x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =

      dv_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ TVVC;
        x_ipred_new_obs[subj_start_new_obs[j]:subj_end_new_obs[j],] =
      ipred_new_obs[subj_start_new_obs[j]:subj_end_new_obs[j]] = 
        x_ipred_new_obs[subj_start_new_obs[j]:subj_end_new_obs[j], 2] ./ VC[j];

      x_pred_new_obs[subj_start_new_obs[j]:subj_end_new_obs[j],] =

      pred_new_obs[subj_start_new_obs[j]:subj_end_new_obs[j]] = 
        x_pred_new_obs[subj_start_new_obs[j]:subj_end_new_obs[j], 2] ./ TVVC;

    pred = dv_pred[i_obs];
    ipred = dv_ipred[i_obs];


  res = dv_obs - pred;                                                                             
  ires = dv_obs - ipred;

  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    real ipred_tmp = ipred[i];
    real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_tmp) * sigma_sq_p + sigma_sq_a + 
    // dv_ppc[i] = normal_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    dv_ppc[i] = normal_lb_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp, 0.0);
    if(bloq_obs[i] == 1){
      // log_lik[i] = log(normal_cdf(lloq_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp) - 
      //                  normal_cdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp)) -
      //              normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
      log_lik[i] = log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(lloq_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp),
                                normal_lcdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp)) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp); 
      log_lik[i] = normal_lpdf(dv_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp) - 
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    wres[i] = res[i]/sigma_tmp;
    iwres[i] = ires[i]/sigma_tmp;
  for(i in 1:n_time_new_obs){
    if(ipred_new_obs[i] == 0){
      dv_new_obs[i] = 0;
      real ipred_tmp = ipred_new_obs[i];
      real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_tmp) * sigma_sq_p + sigma_sq_a + 
      dv_new_obs[i] = normal_lb_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp, 0.0); 

We must prepare both the original data for fitting and also create the new dataset with added rows for new time points at which we want to simulate. Then we can look at the posterior summary, and we can look at the predictions. They should look smoother than the PPC plot from earlier:

n_subjects <- nonmem_data_bloq %>%  # number of individuals
  distinct(ID) %>% 
  count() %>%

n_total <- nrow(nonmem_data_bloq)   # total number of records

i_obs <- nonmem_data_bloq %>%
  mutate(row_num = 1:n()) %>%
  filter(evid == 0) %>%
  select(row_num) %>%

n_obs <- length(i_obs)

subj_start <- nonmem_data_bloq %>%
  mutate(row_num = 1:n()) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  slice_head(n = 1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(row_num) %>%

subj_end <- c(subj_start[-1] - 1, n_total)

new_data_to_simulate <- nonmem_data_bloq %>%
  # filter(evid == 0) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  slice(c(1, n())) %>%
  expand(time = seq(time[1], time[2], by = 1)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(amt = 0,
         evid = 2,
         rate = 0,
         addl = 0,
         ii = 0,
         cmt = 2,
         mdv = 1,
         ss = 0,
         DV = NA_real_,
         c = NA_character_) %>%
  select(c, ID, time, everything())

observed_data_to_simulate <- nonmem_data_bloq %>%
  mutate(evid = if_else(evid == 1, 1, 2))

end_of_infusion_to_simulate <- nonmem_data_bloq %>%
  filter(evid == 1) %>%
  mutate(tinf = amt/rate,
         time = time + tinf,
         evid = 2,
         amt = 0,
         rate = 0,
         ii = 0,
         addl = 0,
         ss = 0)

new_data <- new_data_to_simulate %>%
  bind_rows(observed_data_to_simulate, end_of_infusion_to_simulate) %>%
  arrange(ID, time, evid) %>%
  distinct(ID, time, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
  select(-DV, -timenom, -lloq, -bloq, -tinf, -mdv)

n_time_new_obs <- nrow(new_data) # total number of time points at which to predict

subj_start_new_obs <- new_data %>%
  mutate(row_num = 1:n()) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  slice_head(n = 1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(row_num) %>%

subj_end_new_obs <- c(subj_start_new_obs[-1] - 1, n_time_new_obs)

stan_data <- list(n_subjects = n_subjects,
                  n_total = n_total,
                  n_obs = n_obs,
                  i_obs = i_obs,
                  ID = nonmem_data_bloq$ID,
                  amt = nonmem_data_bloq$amt,
                  cmt = nonmem_data_bloq$cmt,
                  evid = nonmem_data_bloq$evid,
                  rate = nonmem_data_bloq$rate,
                  ii = nonmem_data_bloq$ii,
                  addl = nonmem_data_bloq$addl,
                  ss = nonmem_data_bloq$ss,
                  time = nonmem_data_bloq$time,
                  dv = nonmem_data_bloq$DV,
                  lloq = nonmem_data_bloq$lloq,
                  bloq = nonmem_data_bloq$bloq,
                  subj_start = subj_start,
                  subj_end = subj_end,
                  scale_tvcl = 2,
                  scale_tvvc = 10,
                  scale_tvq = 2,
                  scale_tvvp = 20,
                  scale_tvka = 1,
                  scale_omega_cl = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_vc = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_q = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_vp = 0.4,
                  scale_omega_ka = 0.4,
                  lkj_df_omega = 2,
                  scale_sigma_p = 0.5,
                  scale_sigma_a = 1,
                  lkj_df_sigma = 2,
                  n_time_new_obs = n_time_new_obs,
                  time_new_obs = new_data$time,
                  amt_new_obs = new_data$amt,
                  cmt_new_obs = new_data$cmt,
                  evid_new_obs = new_data$evid,
                  rate_new_obs = new_data$rate,
                  ii_new_obs = new_data$ii,
                  addl_new_obs = new_data$addl,
                  ss_new_obs = new_data$ss,
                  subj_start_new_obs = subj_start_new_obs,
                  subj_end_new_obs = subj_end_new_obs)

fit_with_preds <- model_fit_and_predict$sample(
  data = stan_data,
  chains = 4,
  parallel_chains = 4,
  threads_per_chain = 2,
  iter_warmup = 500,
  iter_sampling = 1000,
  adapt_delta = 0.8,
  refresh = 500,
  max_treedepth = 10,
  init = function() list(TVCL = rlnorm(1, log(0.3), 0.3),
                         TVVC = rlnorm(1, log(5), 0.3),
                         TVQ = rlnorm(1, log(2), 0.3),
                         TVVP = rlnorm(1, log(5), 0.3),
                         omega = rlnorm(5, log(0.3), 0.3),
                         sigma = rlnorm(2, log(0.5), 0.3)))
Running MCMC with 4 parallel chains, with 2 thread(s) per chain...

Chain 1 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:    1 / 1500 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 3 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 2 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 1 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  500 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Warmup) 
Chain 4 Iteration:  501 / 1500 [ 33%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 3 finished in 2492.3 seconds.
Chain 2 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 2 finished in 2587.7 seconds.
Chain 4 Iteration: 1000 / 1500 [ 66%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 1 finished in 2880.3 seconds.
Chain 4 Iteration: 1500 / 1500 [100%]  (Sampling) 
Chain 4 finished in 3047.2 seconds.

All 4 chains finished successfully.
Mean chain execution time: 2751.9 seconds.
Total execution time: 3048.8 seconds.
summary_with_preds <- summarize_draws(
  mean, median, sd, mcse_mean,
  ~quantile2(.x, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)), rhat,
  ess_bulk, ess_tail)

summary_with_preds %>%
  mutate(rse = sd/mean*100) %>%
  select(variable, mean, sd, rse, q2.5, median, q97.5, rhat,
         starts_with("ess")) %>%
  inner_join(neff_ratio(fit_with_preds, pars = parameters_to_summarize) %>%
               enframe(name = "variable", value = "n_eff_ratio")) %>%
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, 3)) %>%
  knitr::kable(col.names = c("Variable", "Mean", "Std. Dev.", "RSE", "2.5%",
                             "Median", "97.5%", "$\\hat{R}$", "ESS Bulk",
                             "ESS Tail", "ESS Ratio"))
Variable Mean Std. Dev. RSE 2.5% Median 97.5% \(\hat{R}\) ESS Bulk ESS Tail ESS Ratio
TVCL 0.194 0.015 7.602 0.166 0.193 0.225 1.003 482.124 888.994 0.122
TVVC 3.167 0.199 6.277 2.805 3.161 3.594 1.001 729.424 1190.699 0.180
TVQ 1.468 0.145 9.871 1.209 1.460 1.776 1.000 3737.598 2624.715 0.879
TVVP 4.087 0.197 4.823 3.703 4.088 4.467 1.001 4798.689 2900.526 1.194
omega_cl 0.356 0.059 16.517 0.262 0.349 0.494 1.006 745.246 1491.696 0.190
omega_vc 0.272 0.047 17.196 0.194 0.267 0.374 1.003 1217.847 2074.456 0.312
omega_q 0.126 0.100 79.281 0.004 0.102 0.371 1.003 1404.111 1233.373 0.416
omega_vp 0.082 0.060 73.038 0.004 0.072 0.222 1.001 1271.662 1392.455 0.358
sigma_p 0.202 0.009 4.343 0.186 0.202 0.220 1.001 4318.280 2757.096 1.094
sigma_a 0.093 0.064 68.396 0.003 0.082 0.235 1.001 1770.485 1646.260 0.526
cor_cl_vc 0.185 0.195 105.153 -0.206 0.193 0.549 1.004 905.967 1726.624 0.228
cor_cl_q 0.077 0.340 439.067 -0.601 0.088 0.720 1.001 5251.666 2731.927 1.310
cor_cl_vp -0.018 0.336 -1867.506 -0.631 -0.027 0.635 1.000 4524.073 2463.419 1.137
cor_vc_q 0.143 0.364 253.916 -0.611 0.169 0.769 1.000 4428.347 3164.363 1.069
cor_vc_vp -0.075 0.345 -457.333 -0.707 -0.080 0.615 1.000 4922.227 2948.907 1.235
cor_q_vp -0.061 0.386 -631.944 -0.736 -0.073 0.707 1.001 2870.129 2643.677 0.713
cor_p_a -0.030 0.335 -1099.788 -0.553 -0.071 0.687 1.001 3795.925 2565.835 0.913
preds_obs_df_2 <- fit_with_preds$draws(c("ipred_new_obs", "pred_new_obs",
                      format = "draws_df") %>%
  rename_with(~str_remove(., "_new_obs"))

post_preds_obs_summary_2 <- preds_obs_df_2 %>%
  spread_draws(pred[i], ipred[i], dv[i]) %>%
  mean_qi(pred, ipred, dv)

preds_obs_ind_2 <- post_preds_obs_summary_2 %>%
  mutate(ID = new_data$ID[i],
         time = new_data$time[i]) %>%
  left_join(nonmem_data_bloq %>%
              filter(mdv == 0) %>%
              select(ID, time, DV),
            by = c("ID", "time")) %>%
  select(ID, time, everything(), -i)

preds_obs_ind_2 %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, group = ID)) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = ipred.lower, ymax = ipred.upper),
              fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = dv.lower, ymax = dv.upper),
              fill = "blue", alpha = 0.25, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_line(aes(y = ipred), linetype = 1, size = 1.15) +
  geom_line(aes(y = pred), linetype = 2, size = 1.05) +
  geom_point(aes(y = DV),
             size = 3, color = "red", show.legend = FALSE) +
  scale_y_log10(name = "Drug Conc. (ug/mL)",
                limits = c(NA, NA)) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Time (w)",
                     breaks = seq(0, 168, by = 28),
                     labels = seq(0, 168/7, by = 4)) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold"),
        legend.position = "bottom") +
  facet_wrap(~ID, labeller = label_both,
             ncol = 4, scales = "free") Predicting New Individuals

This has a relatively similar setup as when we were predicting the observed individuals after fitting. The difference now is that

  1. We can look at new dosing regimens if we want.
  2. For each draw from the posterior, we create new individuals by sampling new individual parameter values (while before we used the same individual parameter values as the observed individuals)

When we simulate future subjects, we will simulate \(n_{mcmc}\) (here, 4000) individuals for each dosing regimen, one individual for each sample from the posterior. We will simulate:

  1. individual concentration-time profiles (CP) for each new individual for each draw from the posterior.
  2. an individual concentration-time profile (DV) that adds residual variability to the CP.

These simulations will create simulated profiles that take into account all sources of uncertainty (i.e. uncertainty in the parameter values) and variability (between and within individuals).

We can first look at the .stan file that makes the simulations:

model_pred_new <- cmdstan_model(

// IV Infusion
// Two-compartment PK Model
// IIV on CL, VC, Q, VP (full covariance matrix)
// proportional plus additive error - DV = CP(1 + eps_p) + eps_a
// Closed form solution using Torsten
// Predictions are generated from a normal that is truncated below at 0

  real normal_lb_rng(real mu, real sigma, real lb){
    real p_lb = normal_cdf(lb | mu, sigma);
    real u = uniform_rng(p_lb, 1);
    real y = mu + sigma * inv_Phi(u);
    return y;


  int n_subjects;
  int n_subjects_new;
  int n_time_new;
  array[n_time_new] real time;
  array[n_time_new] real amt;
  array[n_time_new] int cmt;
  array[n_time_new] int evid;
  array[n_time_new] real rate;
  array[n_time_new] real ii;
  array[n_time_new] int addl;
  array[n_time_new] int ss;
  array[n_subjects_new] int subj_start;
  array[n_subjects_new] int subj_end;
transformed data{ // done
  int n_random = 4;                    // Number of random effects
parameters{  // done
  real<lower = 0> TVCL;       
  real<lower = 0> TVVC; 
  real<lower = 0> TVQ;
  real<lower = 0> TVVP; 
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random] omega;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random] L;
  vector<lower = 0>[2] sigma;
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Sigma;
  matrix[n_random, n_subjects] Z;
generated quantities{

  vector[n_time_new] cp; // concentration with no residual error
  vector[n_time_new] dv; // concentration with residual error

    vector[n_random] typical_values = to_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});
    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);
    matrix[n_random, n_subjects_new] eta_new;
    matrix[n_subjects_new, n_random] theta_new;
    vector[n_subjects_new] CL;
    vector[n_subjects_new] VC;
    vector[n_subjects_new] Q;
    vector[n_subjects_new] VP;
    matrix[n_time_new, 3] x_cp;
    for(i in 1:n_subjects_new){
      eta_new[, i] = multi_normal_cholesky_rng(rep_vector(0, n_random),
                                               diag_pre_multiply(omega, L));
    theta_new = (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects_new) .* exp(eta_new))';
    CL = col(theta_new, 1);
    VC = col(theta_new, 2);
    Q = col(theta_new, 3);
    VP = col(theta_new, 4);
    for(j in 1:n_subjects_new){
      array[5] real theta_params = {CL[j], Q[j], VC[j], VP[j], 0};
      x_cp[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =

      cp[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = x_cp[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ VC[j];

    for(i in 1:n_time_new){
      if(cp[i] == 0){
        dv[i] = 0;
        real cp_tmp = cp[i];
        real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(cp_tmp) * Sigma[1, 1] + Sigma[2, 2] + 
                              2*cp_tmp*Sigma[2, 1]);
        dv[i] = normal_lb_rng(cp_tmp, sigma_tmp, 0.0);


It looks similar to the file that predicts for observed individuals, but you’ll notice that here, new \(\eta_{CL_i}, \; \eta_{V_{c_i}}, \; \eta_{Q_i}\) and \(\eta_{V_{p_i}}\) values are simulated as opposed to the previous file which uses the fitted \(\eta\) values.

As our example, we’ll simulate new individuals with differing dosing schemes:

  1. 400 mg Q4W
  2. 800 mg Q4W
  3. 1200 mg Q4W
  4. 1600 mg Q4W
  5. 400 mg Q2W
  6. 800 mg Q2W
  7. 600 mg Q3W
  8. 1200 mg Q3W

I want to simulate 1) and 2) so I can do a pseudo-VPC to see how our model has done and to generalize our observed data to a larger population. 3) and 4) might be to explore a possible dose escalation. For 5)-8), we might be wondering if Q2W or Q3W dosing will better keep the subjects’ exposures in the therapeutic range. We can also predict the population distribution of exposure metrics, e.g. \(AUC, \; C_{max_{ss}}, \, C_{trough_{ss}},\, \ldots\), for any of these dosing regimens.

dosing_data_q4w <- mrgsolve::expand.ev(ii = 28, until = 168, tinf = 1/24,
                                       cmt = 2, evid = 1,
                                       amt = c(400, 800, 1200, 1600),
                                       ss = 0, mdv = 1) %>%
  mrgsolve::realize_addl() %>%

dosing_data_q2w <- mrgsolve::expand.ev(ID = 1, ii = 14, until = 168,
                                       tinf = 1/24, cmt = 2, evid = 1,
                                       amt = c(400, 800), ss = 0, mdv = 1) %>%
  mrgsolve::realize_addl() %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate(ID = ID + 4)

dosing_data_q3w <- mrgsolve::expand.ev(ID = 1, ii = 21, until = 168,
                                       tinf = 1/24, cmt = 2, evid = 1,
                                       amt = c(600, 1200), ss = 0, mdv = 1) %>%
  mrgsolve::realize_addl() %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate(ID = ID + 6)

dosing_data <- bind_rows(dosing_data_q4w, dosing_data_q2w, dosing_data_q3w)

t1 <- dosing_data %>%
  select(time) %>%
  distinct() %>%

t2 <- dosing_data %>%
  mutate(time = time + tinf) %>%
  select(time) %>%
  distinct() %>%

times_new <- tibble(time = sort(unique(c(t1, t2, seq(1, 168, by = 1)))))

new_data <- bind_rows(replicate(max(dosing_data$ID), times_new,
                                simplify = FALSE)) %>%
  mutate(ID = rep(1:max(dosing_data$ID), each = nrow(times_new)),
         amt = 0,
         evid = 0,
         rate = 0,
         addl = 0,
         ii = 0,
         cmt = 2,
         mdv = 1,
         ss = 0) %>%
  filter(time != 0) %>%
  select(ID, time, everything()) %>%
  bind_rows(dosing_data) %>%
  arrange(ID, time)

# number of individuals in the original dataset
n_subjects <- fit_m4$metadata()$stan_variable_sizes$Z[2]

n_subjects_new <- new_data %>%  # number of new individuals
  distinct(ID) %>%
  count() %>%

n_time_new <- nrow(new_data) # total number of time points at which to predict

subj_start <- new_data %>%
  mutate(row_num = 1:n()) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  slice_head(n = 1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  select(row_num) %>%

subj_end <- c(subj_start[-1] - 1, n_time_new)

stan_data <- list(n_subjects = n_subjects,
                  n_subjects_new = n_subjects_new,
                  n_time_new = n_time_new,
                  time = new_data$time,
                  amt = new_data$amt,
                  cmt = new_data$cmt,
                  evid = new_data$evid,
                  rate = new_data$rate,
                  ii = new_data$ii,
                  addl = new_data$addl,
                  ss = new_data$ss,
                  subj_start = subj_start,
                  subj_end = subj_end)

preds_new <- model_pred_new$generate_quantities(fit_m4,
                                                data = stan_data,
                                                parallel_chains = 4,
                                                seed = 1234)
Running standalone generated quantities after 4 MCMC chains, all chains in parallel ...

Chain 1 finished in 0.0 seconds.
Chain 3 finished in 0.0 seconds.
Chain 4 finished in 0.0 seconds.
Chain 2 finished in 0.0 seconds.

All 4 chains finished successfully.
Mean chain execution time: 0.0 seconds.
Total execution time: 59.6 seconds.

And now we can look at the predictions:

preds_new_df <- preds_new$draws(format = "draws_df")

post_preds_new_summary <- preds_new_df %>%
  spread_draws(cp[i], dv[i]) %>%
  median_qi(cp, dv)

regimens <- c(str_c(c(400, 800, 1200, 1600), " mg Q4W"),
              str_c(c(400, 800), " mg Q2W"),
              str_c(c(600, 1200), " mg Q3W"))

preds_new_ind <- post_preds_new_summary %>%
  mutate(ID = new_data$ID[i],
         time = new_data$time[i]) %>%
  select(ID, time, everything(), -i) %>%
  mutate(regimen = factor(regimens[ID],
                          levels = regimens))

ggplot(preds_new_ind, aes(x = time, group = regimen)) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = dv.lower, ymax = dv.upper),
              fill = "blue", alpha = 0.25, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = cp.lower, ymax = cp.upper),
              fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_line(aes(y = cp), linetype = 1, size = 1.15) +
  geom_line(aes(y = dv), linetype = 2, size = 1.05) +
  scale_y_log10(name = "Drug Conc. (ug/mL)",
                limits = c(NA, NA)) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Time (w)",
                     breaks = seq(0, 168, by = 28),
                     labels = seq(0, 168/7, by = 4)) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold"),
        legend.position = "bottom") +
  facet_wrap(~ regimen, ncol = 2)

And to look at the pseudo-VPC, we can overlay the observed data on the plots with the same planned dosing regimens:

preds_new_ind %>%
  filter(regimen %in% c("400 mg Q4W", "800 mg Q4W")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, group = regimen)) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = dv.lower, ymax = dv.upper),
              fill = "blue", alpha = 0.25, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = cp.lower, ymax = cp.upper),
              fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5, show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_line(aes(y = cp), linetype = 1, size = 1.15) +
  geom_line(aes(y = dv), linetype = 2, size = 1.05) +
  geom_point(data = nonmem_data_bloq %>%
               rename_all(tolower) %>%
               group_by(id) %>%
               mutate(Dose = max(amt, na.rm = TRUE),
                      regimen = str_c(Dose, " mg Q4W")) %>%
               ungroup() %>%
               filter(regimen %in% c("400 mg Q4W", "800 mg Q4W"),
                      mdv == 0),
             mapping = aes(x = time, y = dv, group = regimen),
             color = "red", inherit.aes = FALSE) +
  scale_y_log10(name = "Drug Conc. (ug/mL)",
                limits = c(NA, NA)) +
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Time (w)",
                     breaks = seq(0, 168, by = 28),
                     labels = seq(0, 168/7, by = 4)) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 18, face = "bold"),
        legend.position = "bottom") +
  facet_wrap(~regimen, ncol = 2)

3.5 Other Topics

We won’t have enough time to thoroughly go through these further topics, but I think it will be useful to show a couple other things that are common.

3.5.1 A Model with Covariates

We often want to estimate the effect of covariates on PK. Common covariates are patient characteristics like demographics, body weight, body mass index, concomitant medications, renal function, etc. There are multiple functional forms for both continuous and categorical variables that we can choose from to incorporate covariate effects, and I encourage you to refer to Ch. 5 in the book here17 to see the most common forms for incorporating covariate effects. For this presentation I’ll just give an idea of how it could be done, so I’ll incorporate body weight (wt) as a continuous covariate on clearance using a power model and sex as a categorical covariate on central compartment volume using a proportional shift.

\[\begin{align} CL_i &= TVCL * \left(\frac{wt}{70}\right)^{\theta_{CL}} * e^{\eta_{CL_i}} \notag \\ V_{c_i} &= TVVC * \left(1 + \theta_{sex}\times sex_i\right) * e^{\eta_{V_{c_i}}} \end{align}\]
model_cov <- cmdstan_model("Torsten/Fit/iv_2cmt_ppa_m4_cov.stan")

// IV Infusion
// Two-compartment PK Model
// IIV on CL, VC, Q, VP (full covariance matrix)
// proportional plus additive error - DV = CP(1 + eps_p) + eps_a
// Closed form solution using Torsten
// Implements threading for within-chain parallelization
// Deals with BLOQ values by the "CDF trick" (M4)
// Since we have a normal distribution on the error, but the DV must be > 0, it
//   truncates the likelihood below at 0
// For PPC, it generates values from a normal that is truncated below at 0
// Covariates: Body Weight on CL, Sex on VC


  array[] int sequence(int start, int end) { 
    array[end - start + 1] int seq;
    for (n in 1:num_elements(seq)) {
      seq[n] = n + start - 1;
    return seq; 
  int num_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y){
    int n = 0;
    for(i in 1:num_elements(y)){
      if(y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub)
                    n = n + 1;
    return n;
  array[] int find_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y) {
    // vector[num_between(lb, ub, y)] result;
    array[num_between(lb, ub, y)] int result;
    int n = 1;
    for (i in 1:num_elements(y)) {
      if (y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  vector find_between_vec(int lb, int ub, array[] int idx, vector y) {
    vector[num_between(lb, ub, idx)] result;
    int n = 1;
    if(num_elements(idx) != num_elements(y)) reject("illegal input");
    for (i in 1:rows(y)) {
      if (idx[i] >= lb && idx[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  real normal_lb_rng(real mu, real sigma, real lb){
    real p_lb = normal_cdf(lb | mu, sigma);
    real u = uniform_rng(p_lb, 1);
    real y = mu + sigma * inv_Phi(u);
    return y;

  real partial_sum_lpmf(array[] int seq_subj, int start, int end,
                        vector dv_obs, array[] int dv_obs_id, array[] int i_obs,
                        array[] real amt, array[] int cmt, array[] int evid, 
                        array[] real time, array[] real rate, array[] real ii, 
                        array[] int addl, array[] int ss,
                        array[] int subj_start, array[] int subj_end, 
                        real TVCL, real TVVC, real TVQ, real TVVP, 
                        vector omega, matrix L, matrix Z, 
                        vector sigma, matrix L_Sigma,
                        vector lloq, array[] int bloq,
                        vector wt, vector sex, 
                        real theta_cl_wt, real theta_vc_sex,
                        int n_random, int n_subjects, int n_total){
    real ptarget = 0;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));
    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);
    int N = end - start + 1;    // number of subjects in this slice  
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;   
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_ipred; 

    int n_obs_slice = num_between(subj_start[start], subj_end[end], i_obs);
    array[n_obs_slice] int i_obs_slice = find_between(subj_start[start], 
                                                      subj_end[end], i_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] dv_obs_slice = find_between_vec(start, end, 
                                                        dv_obs_id, dv_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] ipred_slice;
    vector[n_obs_slice] lloq_slice = lloq[i_obs_slice];
    array[n_obs_slice] int bloq_slice = bloq[i_obs_slice];
    for(n in 1:N){            // loop over subjects in this slice
      int nn = n + start - 1; // nn is the ID of the current subject
      // real wt_over_70 = wt[nn]/70;
      real wt_adjustment_cl = (wt[nn]/70)^theta_cl_wt;
      real sex_adjustment_vc = 1 + theta_vc_sex*sex[nn];
      row_vector[n_random] theta_nn = theta[nn]; // access the parameters for subject nn
      real cl = theta_nn[1] * wt_adjustment_cl;
      real vc = theta_nn[2] * sex_adjustment_vc;
      real q = theta_nn[3];
      real vp = theta_nn[4];
      array[5] real theta_params = {cl, q, vc, vp, 0}; // The 0 is for KA. Skip the absorption
      x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], ] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], 2] ./ vc;
    ipred_slice = dv_ipred[i_obs_slice];
    for(i in 1:n_obs_slice){
      real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_slice[i]) * Sigma[1, 1] +
                                         Sigma[2, 2] + 
                                         2*ipred_slice[i]*Sigma[2, 1]);
      if(bloq_slice[i] == 1){
        // ptarget += log(normal_cdf(lloq_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp) -
        //                normal_cdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp)) -
        //            normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);  
        ptarget += log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(lloq_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], 
                                normal_lcdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp)) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);   
        ptarget += normal_lpdf(dv_obs_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);
    return ptarget;
  int n_subjects;
  int n_total;
  int n_obs;
  array[n_obs] int i_obs;
  array[n_total] int ID;
  array[n_total] real amt;
  array[n_total] int cmt;
  array[n_total] int evid;
  array[n_total] real rate;
  array[n_total] real ii;
  array[n_total] int addl;
  array[n_total] int ss;
  array[n_total] real time;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_total] dv;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_start;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_end;
  vector[n_total] lloq;
  array[n_total] int bloq;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_subjects] wt;             // baseline bodyweight (kg)
  vector<lower = 0, upper = 1>[n_subjects] sex; // sex (F = 1, M = 0)
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvcl;      // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvc;      // Prior Scale parameter for VC
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvq;       // Prior Scale parameter for Q
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvp;      // Prior Scale parameter for VP
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_cl; // Prior scale parameter for omega_cl
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vc; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vc
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_q;  // Prior scale parameter for omega_q
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vp; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vp
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_omega;   // Prior degrees of freedom for omega cor mat
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_p;  // Prior Scale parameter for proportional error
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_a;  // Prior Scale parameter for additive error
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_sigma;   // Prior degrees of freedom for sigma cor mat
transformed data{ 
  int grainsize = 1;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_obs] dv_obs = dv[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int dv_obs_id = ID[i_obs];
  vector[n_obs] lloq_obs = lloq[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int bloq_obs = bloq[i_obs];
  int n_random = 4;                    // Number of random effects
  array[n_random] real scale_omega = {scale_omega_cl, scale_omega_vc, 
                                      scale_omega_q, scale_omega_vp}; 
  array[2] real scale_sigma = {scale_sigma_p, scale_sigma_a};
  array[n_subjects] int seq_subj = sequence(1, n_subjects); // reduce_sum over subjects
  real<lower = 0> TVCL;       
  real<lower = 0> TVVC; 
  real<lower = 0> TVQ;
  real<lower = 0> TVVP; 
  real theta_cl_wt;
  real theta_vc_sex;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random] omega;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random] L;
  vector<lower = 0>[2] sigma;
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Sigma;
  matrix[n_random, n_subjects] Z;

  // Priors
  TVCL ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvcl);
  TVVC ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvvc);
  TVQ ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvq);
  TVVP ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvvp);
  theta_cl_wt ~ std_normal();
  theta_vc_sex ~ std_normal();

  omega ~ normal(0, scale_omega);
  L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_omega);
  sigma ~ normal(0, scale_sigma);
  L_Sigma ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_sigma);
  to_vector(Z) ~ std_normal();
  // Likelihood
  target += reduce_sum(partial_sum_lupmf, seq_subj, grainsize,
                       dv_obs, dv_obs_id, i_obs,
                       amt, cmt, evid, time, 
                       rate, ii, addl, ss, subj_start, subj_end, 
                       TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP, omega, L, Z,
                       sigma, L_Sigma, 
                       lloq, bloq,
                       wt, sex, theta_cl_wt, theta_vc_sex,
                       n_random, n_subjects, n_total);
generated quantities{
  real<lower = 0> sigma_p = sigma[1];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_a = sigma[2];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_p = square(sigma_p);
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_a = square(sigma_a); 

  real<lower = 0> omega_cl = omega[1];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vc = omega[2];
  real<lower = 0> omega_q = omega[3];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vp = omega[4];

  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_cl = square(omega_cl);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vc = square(omega_vc);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_q = square(omega_q);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vp = square(omega_vp);

  real cor_cl_vc;
  real cor_cl_q;
  real cor_cl_vp;
  real cor_vc_q;
  real cor_vc_vp;
  real cor_q_vp;
  real omega_cl_vc;
  real omega_cl_q;
  real omega_cl_vp;
  real omega_vc_q;
  real omega_vc_vp;
  real omega_q_vp;

  real cor_p_a;
  real sigma_p_a;

  vector[n_subjects] eta_cl;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vc;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_q;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vp;
  vector[n_subjects] CL;
  vector[n_subjects] VC;
  vector[n_subjects] Q;
  vector[n_subjects] VP;
  vector[n_obs] ipred;
  vector[n_obs] pred;
  vector[n_obs] dv_ppc;
  vector[n_obs] log_lik;
  vector[n_obs] res;
  vector[n_obs] wres;
  vector[n_obs] ires;
  vector[n_obs] iwres;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});

    matrix[n_random, n_random] R = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);
    matrix[n_random, n_random] Omega = quad_form_diag(R, omega);

    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));

    vector[n_total] dv_pred;
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_pred;
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;
    matrix[n_total, 3] x_ipred;
    eta_cl = col(eta, 1);
    eta_vc = col(eta, 2);
    eta_q = col(eta, 3);
    eta_vp = col(eta, 4);
    cor_cl_vc = R[1, 2];
    cor_cl_q = R[1, 3];
    cor_cl_vp = R[1, 4];
    cor_vc_q = R[2, 3];
    cor_vc_vp = R[2, 4];
    cor_q_vp = R[3, 4];
    omega_cl_vc = Omega[1, 2];
    omega_cl_q = Omega[1, 3];
    omega_cl_vp = Omega[1, 4];
    omega_vc_q = Omega[2, 3];
    omega_vc_vp = Omega[2, 4];
    omega_q_vp = Omega[3, 4];

    cor_p_a = R_Sigma[2, 1];
    sigma_p_a = Sigma[2, 1];

    for(j in 1:n_subjects){

      array[5] real theta_params;
      array[5] real theta_params_tv;
      // real wt_over_70 = wt[j]/70;
      real wt_adjustment_cl = (wt[j]/70)^theta_cl_wt;
      real sex_adjustment_vc = 1 + theta_vc_sex*sex[j];
      real cl_p = TVCL * wt_adjustment_cl;
      real vc_p = TVVC * sex_adjustment_vc;
      row_vector[n_random] theta_j = theta[j]; // access the parameters for subject j
      CL[j] = theta_j[1] * wt_adjustment_cl;
      VC[j] = theta_j[2] * sex_adjustment_vc;
      Q[j] = theta_j[3];
      VP[j] = theta_j[4];
      theta_params = {CL[j], Q[j], VC[j], VP[j], 0}; // The 0 is for KA. Skip the absorption
      theta_params_tv = {cl_p, TVQ, vc_p, TVVP, 0};  // 0 is for KA to skip absorption
      x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ VC[j];

      x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =

      dv_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ vc_p;

    pred = dv_pred[i_obs];
    ipred = dv_ipred[i_obs];


  res = dv_obs - pred;                                                                             
  ires = dv_obs - ipred;

  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    real ipred_tmp = ipred[i];
    real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_tmp) * sigma_sq_p + sigma_sq_a + 
    // dv_ppc[i] = normal_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    dv_ppc[i] = normal_lb_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp, 0.0);
    if(bloq_obs[i] == 1){
      // log_lik[i] = log(normal_cdf(lloq_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp) - 
      //                  normal_cdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp)) -
      //              normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
      log_lik[i] = log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(lloq_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp),
                                normal_lcdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp)) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp); 
      log_lik[i] = normal_lpdf(dv_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp) - 
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    wres[i] = res[i]/sigma_tmp;
    iwres[i] = ires[i]/sigma_tmp;

3.5.2 ODE Models

Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) arise when we want to determine a function \(y(t)\), but we only know the derivative of that function \(\frac{dy}{dt}\), so we know the rate at which the quantity changes, but not the quantity itself. Many of the models we use in the PK/PD world are based off of a system of ODEs, whether implicitly or explicitly. Some systems such as the one in Equation 3.1 have analytical solutions, while others must be solved numerically.

In the special case where the system of ODEs is linear, we can use a matrix exponential solution to solve the system. This can be implemented directly in Stan or Torsten. In the general case, we use numerical integrators (they work with both linear and non-linear systems) to solve the system of ODEs. Due to the computational complexity of solving ODEs, it is generally good practice to use the analytical solution if it’s available, a matrix exponential if we have a linear system, and a numerical integrator if we have a non-linear system. Don’t use a tool that is more computationally expensive if you don’t have to. One-Compartment Depot

The system of ODEs shown below is a simple system describing the one-compartment model with first order absorption. We know this system has a simple analytical solution, but for the purposes of learning, I’m going to ignore my best practices advice and show how to implement the matrix exponential solution for this linear system and also the general ODE solution using a numerical solver:\[\begin{align} \frac{dA_d}{dt} &= -k_a*A_d \notag \\ \frac{dA_c}{dt} &= k_a*A_d - \frac{CL}{V}*A_c \\ \end{align} \tag{3.2}\] Matrix Exponential

Since the system in Equation 3.2 is linear, we can write this in the form \[y'(t) = \mathbf{K}y(t)\] where \[\begin{equation*} \mathbf{K} = \begin{bmatrix} -k_a & 0 \\ k_a & -\frac{CL}{V} \\ \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}\]

To implement this in Stan with Torsten, we use the pmx_solve_linode ODE function. It is similar to the pmx_solve_onecpt and pmx_solve_twocpt functions that we have used in previous sections in that it accepts the standard NONMEM data arguments such as AMT, EVID, II, RATE, …. The main difference here is that we must input the \(\mathbf{K}\) matrix here (instead of an array of the individual parameters), and the bioavailability and lag-time parameters are required here (they were optional before). The Stan code can be seen here:

linear_ode_model <- cmdstan_model(
  cpp_options = list(stan_threads = TRUE))

// First Order Absorption (oral/subcutaneous)
// One-compartment PK Model
// IIV on CL. V. and Ka (full covariance matrix)
// proportional plus additive error - DV = CP(1 + eps_p) + eps_a
// Linear ODE solution using Torsten
// Implements threading for within-chain parallelization 
// Deals with BLOQ values by the "CDF trick" (M4)
// Since we have a normal distribution on the error, but the DV must be > 0, it
//   truncates the likelihood below at 0
// For PPC, it generates values from a normal that is truncated below at 0


  array[] int sequence(int start, int end) { 
    array[end - start + 1] int seq;
    for (n in 1:num_elements(seq)) {
      seq[n] = n + start - 1;
    return seq; 
  int num_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y){
    int n = 0;
    for(i in 1:num_elements(y)){
      if(y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub)
                    n = n + 1;
    return n;
  array[] int find_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y) {
    // vector[num_between(lb, ub, y)] result;
    array[num_between(lb, ub, y)] int result;
    int n = 1;
    for (i in 1:num_elements(y)) {
      if (y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  vector find_between_vec(int lb, int ub, array[] int idx, vector y) {
    vector[num_between(lb, ub, idx)] result;
    int n = 1;
    if(num_elements(idx) != num_elements(y)) reject("illegal input");
    for (i in 1:rows(y)) {
      if (idx[i] >= lb && idx[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  real normal_lb_rng(real mu, real sigma, real lb){
    real p_lb = normal_cdf(lb | mu, sigma);
    real u = uniform_rng(p_lb, 1);
    real y = mu + sigma * inv_Phi(u);
    return y;

  real partial_sum_lpmf(array[] int seq_subj, int start, int end,
                        vector dv_obs, array[] int dv_obs_id, array[] int i_obs,
                        array[] real amt, array[] int cmt, array[] int evid, 
                        array[] real time, array[] real rate, array[] real ii, 
                        array[] int addl, array[] int ss,
                        array[] int subj_start, array[] int subj_end, 
                        real TVCL, real TVV, real TVKA, 
                        vector omega, matrix L, matrix Z, 
                        vector sigma, matrix L_Sigma,
                        vector lloq, array[] int bloq, 
                        int n_cmt, array[] real bioav, array[] real tlag, 
                        int n_random, int n_subjects, int n_total){
    real ptarget = 0;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVV, TVKA});
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));
    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);
    int N = end - start + 1;    // number of subjects in this slice  
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;   
    matrix[n_total, 2] x_ipred; 
    int n_obs_slice = num_between(subj_start[start], subj_end[end], i_obs);
    array[n_obs_slice] int i_obs_slice = find_between(subj_start[start], 
                                                      subj_end[end], i_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] dv_obs_slice = find_between_vec(start, end, 
                                                        dv_obs_id, dv_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] ipred_slice;
    vector[n_obs_slice] lloq_slice = lloq[i_obs_slice];
    array[n_obs_slice] int bloq_slice = bloq[i_obs_slice];
    for(n in 1:N){            // loop over subjects in this slice
      int nn = n + start - 1; // nn is the ID of the current subject
      row_vector[n_random] theta_nn = theta[nn]; // access the parameters for subject nn
      real cl = theta_nn[1];
      real v = theta_nn[2];
      real ka = theta_nn[3];
      matrix[n_cmt, n_cmt] K = rep_matrix(0, n_cmt, n_cmt);
      K[1, 1] = -ka;
      K[2, 1] = ka;
      K[2, 2] = -cl/v;
      x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], ] =
                         K, bioav, tlag)';
      dv_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], 2] ./ v;
    ipred_slice = dv_ipred[i_obs_slice];
    for(i in 1:n_obs_slice){
      real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_slice[i]) * Sigma[1, 1] +
                                         Sigma[2, 2] + 
                                         2*ipred_slice[i]*Sigma[2, 1]);
      if(bloq_slice[i] == 1){
        // ptarget += log(normal_cdf(lloq_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp) -
        //                normal_cdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp)) -
        //            normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);  
        ptarget += log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(lloq_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], 
                                normal_lcdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp)) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp); 
        ptarget += normal_lpdf(dv_obs_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);
    return ptarget;
  int n_subjects;
  int n_total;
  int n_obs;
  array[n_obs] int i_obs;
  array[n_total] int ID;
  array[n_total] real amt;
  array[n_total] int cmt;
  array[n_total] int evid;
  array[n_total] real rate;
  array[n_total] real ii;
  array[n_total] int addl;
  array[n_total] int ss;
  array[n_total] real time;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_total] dv;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_start;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_end;
  vector[n_total] lloq;
  array[n_total] int bloq;
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvcl;     // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvv;      // Prior Scale parameter for V
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvka;     // Prior Scale parameter for KA
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_cl; // Prior scale parameter for omega_cl
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_v;  // Prior scale parameter for omega_v
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_ka; // Prior scale parameter for omega_ka
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_omega;   // Prior degrees of freedom for omega cor mat
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_p;  // Prior Scale parameter for proportional error
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_a;  // Prior Scale parameter for additive error
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_sigma;   // Prior degrees of freedom for sigma cor mat
transformed data{ 
  int grainsize = 1;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_obs] dv_obs = dv[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int dv_obs_id = ID[i_obs];
  vector[n_obs] lloq_obs = lloq[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int bloq_obs = bloq[i_obs];
  int n_random = 3;                    // Number of random effects
  array[n_random] real scale_omega = {scale_omega_cl, scale_omega_v, 
  array[2] real scale_sigma = {scale_sigma_p, scale_sigma_a};
  array[n_subjects] int seq_subj = sequence(1, n_subjects); // reduce_sum over subjects
  int n_cmt = 2;
  array[n_cmt] real bioav = rep_array(1.0, n_cmt);
  array[n_cmt] real tlag = rep_array(0.0, n_cmt);
  real<lower = 0> TVCL;       
  real<lower = 0> TVV; 
  real<lower = TVCL/TVV> TVKA;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random] omega;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random] L;
  vector<lower = 0>[2] sigma;
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Sigma;
  matrix[n_random, n_subjects] Z;

  // Priors
  TVCL ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvcl);
  TVV ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvv);
  TVKA ~ normal(0, scale_tvka) T[TVCL/TVV, ];

  omega ~ normal(0, scale_omega);
  L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_omega);
  sigma ~ normal(0, scale_sigma);
  L_Sigma ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_sigma);
  to_vector(Z) ~ std_normal();
  // Likelihood
  target += reduce_sum(partial_sum_lupmf, seq_subj, grainsize,
                       dv_obs, dv_obs_id, i_obs,
                       amt, cmt, evid, time, 
                       rate, ii, addl, ss, subj_start, subj_end, 
                       TVCL, TVV, TVKA, omega, L, Z,
                       sigma, L_Sigma, 
                       lloq, bloq,
                       n_cmt, bioav, tlag,
                       n_random, n_subjects, n_total);
generated quantities{
  real<lower = 0> sigma_p = sigma[1];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_a = sigma[2];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_p = square(sigma_p);
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_a = square(sigma_a); 

  real<lower = 0> omega_cl = omega[1];
  real<lower = 0> omega_v = omega[2];
  real<lower = 0> omega_ka = omega[3];

  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_cl = square(omega_cl);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_v = square(omega_v);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_ka = square(omega_ka);

  real cor_cl_v;
  real cor_cl_ka;
  real cor_v_ka;
  real omega_cl_v;
  real omega_cl_ka;
  real omega_v_ka;
  real cor_p_a;
  real sigma_p_a;

  vector[n_subjects] eta_cl;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_v;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_ka;
  vector[n_subjects] CL;
  vector[n_subjects] V;
  vector[n_subjects] KA;
  vector[n_subjects] KE;

  vector[n_obs] ipred;
  vector[n_obs] pred;
  vector[n_obs] dv_ppc;
  vector[n_obs] log_lik;
  vector[n_obs] res;
  vector[n_obs] wres;
  vector[n_obs] ires;
  vector[n_obs] iwres;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVV, TVKA});

    matrix[n_random, n_random] R = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);
    matrix[n_random, n_random] Omega = quad_form_diag(R, omega);

    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));

    vector[n_total] dv_pred;
    matrix[n_total, 2] x_pred;
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;
    matrix[n_total, 2] x_ipred;

    matrix[n_cmt, n_cmt] K_tv = rep_matrix(0, n_cmt, n_cmt);
    K_tv[1, 1] = -TVKA;
    K_tv[2, 1] = TVKA;
    K_tv[2, 2] = -TVCL/TVV;

    eta_cl = col(eta, 1);
    eta_v = col(eta, 2);
    eta_ka = col(eta, 3);

    CL = col(theta, 1);
    V = col(theta, 2);
    KA = col(theta, 3);
    KE = CL ./ V;

    cor_cl_v = R[1, 2];
    cor_cl_ka = R[1, 3];
    cor_v_ka = R[2, 3];

    omega_cl_v = Omega[1, 2];
    omega_cl_ka = Omega[1, 3];
    omega_v_ka = Omega[2, 3];
    cor_p_a = R_Sigma[2, 1];
    sigma_p_a = Sigma[2, 1];

    for(j in 1:n_subjects){

      matrix[n_cmt, n_cmt] K = rep_matrix(0, n_cmt, n_cmt);
      K[1, 1] = -KA[j];
      K[2, 1] = KA[j];
      K[2, 2] = -CL[j]/V[j];
      x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
                         K, bioav, tlag)';
      dv_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ V[j];

      x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
                         K_tv, bioav, tlag)';

      dv_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ TVV;

    pred = dv_pred[i_obs];
    ipred = dv_ipred[i_obs];


  res = dv_obs - pred;                                                                             
  ires = dv_obs - ipred;

  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    real ipred_tmp = ipred[i];
    real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_tmp) * sigma_sq_p + sigma_sq_a + 
    // dv_ppc[i] = normal_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    dv_ppc[i] = normal_lb_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp, 0.0);
    if(bloq_obs[i] == 1){
      // log_lik[i] = log(normal_cdf(lloq_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp) - 
      //                  normal_cdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp)) -
      //              normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
      log_lik[i] = log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(lloq_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp),
                                normal_lcdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp)) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp); 
      log_lik[i] = normal_lpdf(dv_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp) - 
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    wres[i] = res[i]/sigma_tmp;
    iwres[i] = ires[i]/sigma_tmp;
} General ODE

To implement the system of ODEs shown above in Equation 3.2 we need to write a function in the functions block of our Stan code to describe the system and then use one of the ODE solvers provided by Stan/Torsten to solve the system. Torsten provides 3 solvers:

  1. pmx_solve_rk45 - Implements the Runge-Kutta 4/5 method. It is generally useful for non-stiff systems.
  2. pmx_solve_bdf - Implements the backward-differentiation formula. It is generally useful for stiff systems.
  3. pmx_solve_adams - Implements the Adams-Moulton method. It is generally useful for non-stiff systems when a higher accuracy is needed.

In practice, if you don’t know much about the system, try the rk45 integrator first and then move on to the bdf integrator if the system is potentially stiff.

general_ode_model <- cmdstan_model(
  cpp_options = list(stan_threads = TRUE))

// First Order Absorption (oral/subcutaneous)
// One-compartment PK Model
// IIV on CL. V. and Ka (full covariance matrix)
// proportional plus additive error - DV = CP(1 + eps_p) + eps_a
// General ODE solution using Torsten
// Implements threading for within-chain parallelization 
// Deals with BLOQ values by the "CDF trick" (M4)
// Since we have a normal distribution on the error, but the DV must be > 0, it
//   truncates the likelihood below at 0
// For PPC, it generates values from a normal that is truncated below at 0


  array[] int sequence(int start, int end) { 
    array[end - start + 1] int seq;
    for (n in 1:num_elements(seq)) {
      seq[n] = n + start - 1;
    return seq; 
  int num_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y){
    int n = 0;
    for(i in 1:num_elements(y)){
      if(y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub)
                    n = n + 1;
    return n;
  array[] int find_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y) {
    // vector[num_between(lb, ub, y)] result;
    array[num_between(lb, ub, y)] int result;
    int n = 1;
    for (i in 1:num_elements(y)) {
      if (y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  vector find_between_vec(int lb, int ub, array[] int idx, vector y) {
    vector[num_between(lb, ub, idx)] result;
    int n = 1;
    if(num_elements(idx) != num_elements(y)) reject("illegal input");
    for (i in 1:rows(y)) {
      if (idx[i] >= lb && idx[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  real normal_lb_rng(real mu, real sigma, real lb){
    real p_lb = normal_cdf(lb | mu, sigma);
    real u = uniform_rng(p_lb, 1);
    real y = mu + sigma * inv_Phi(u);
    return y;

  vector depot_1cmt_ode(real t, vector y, array[] real params, 
                              array[] real x_r, array[] int x_i){
    real cl = params[1];
    real v = params[2];
    real ka = params[3];
    real ke = cl/v;
    vector[2] dydt;

    dydt[1] = -ka*y[1];
    dydt[2] = ka*y[1] - ke*y[2];

    return dydt;
  real partial_sum_lpmf(array[] int seq_subj, int start, int end,
                        vector dv_obs, array[] int dv_obs_id, array[] int i_obs,
                        array[] real amt, array[] int cmt, array[] int evid, 
                        array[] real time, array[] real rate, array[] real ii, 
                        array[] int addl, array[] int ss,
                        array[] int subj_start, array[] int subj_end, 
                        real TVCL, real TVV, real TVKA, 
                        vector omega, matrix L, matrix Z, 
                        vector sigma, matrix L_Sigma,
                        vector lloq, array[] int bloq,
                        int n_cmt,
                        int n_random, int n_subjects, int n_total){
    real ptarget = 0;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVV, TVKA});
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));
    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);
    int N = end - start + 1;    // number of subjects in this slice  
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;   
    matrix[n_total, 2] x_ipred;
    int n_obs_slice = num_between(subj_start[start], subj_end[end], i_obs);
    array[n_obs_slice] int i_obs_slice = find_between(subj_start[start], 
                                                      subj_end[end], i_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] dv_obs_slice = find_between_vec(start, end, 
                                                        dv_obs_id, dv_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] ipred_slice;
    vector[n_obs_slice] lloq_slice = lloq[i_obs_slice];
    array[n_obs_slice] int bloq_slice = bloq[i_obs_slice];
    for(n in 1:N){            // loop over subjects in this slice
      int nn = n + start - 1; // nn is the ID of the current subject
      row_vector[n_random] theta_nn = theta[nn]; // access the parameters for subject nn
      real cl = theta_nn[1];
      real v = theta_nn[2];
      real ka = theta_nn[3];
      array[3] real theta_params = {cl, v, ka}; 
      x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], ] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], 2] ./ v;
    ipred_slice = dv_ipred[i_obs_slice];
    for(i in 1:n_obs_slice){
      real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_slice[i]) * Sigma[1, 1] +
                                         Sigma[2, 2] + 
                                         2*ipred_slice[i]*Sigma[2, 1]);
      if(bloq_slice[i] == 1){
        // ptarget += log(normal_cdf(lloq_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp) -
        //                normal_cdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp)) -
        //            normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);  
        ptarget += log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(lloq_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], 
                                normal_lcdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp)) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp); 
        ptarget += normal_lpdf(dv_obs_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);
    return ptarget;
  int n_subjects;
  int n_total;
  int n_obs;
  array[n_obs] int i_obs;
  array[n_total] int ID;
  array[n_total] real amt;
  array[n_total] int cmt;
  array[n_total] int evid;
  array[n_total] real rate;
  array[n_total] real ii;
  array[n_total] int addl;
  array[n_total] int ss;
  array[n_total] real time;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_total] dv;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_start;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_end;
  vector[n_total] lloq;
  array[n_total] int bloq;
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvcl;     // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvv;      // Prior Scale parameter for V
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvka;     // Prior Scale parameter for KA
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_cl; // Prior scale parameter for omega_cl
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_v;  // Prior scale parameter for omega_v
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_ka; // Prior scale parameter for omega_ka
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_omega;   // Prior degrees of freedom for omega cor mat
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_p;  // Prior Scale parameter for proportional error
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_a;  // Prior Scale parameter for additive error
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_sigma;   // Prior degrees of freedom for sigma cor mat
transformed data{ 
  int grainsize = 1;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_obs] dv_obs = dv[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int dv_obs_id = ID[i_obs];
  vector[n_obs] lloq_obs = lloq[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int bloq_obs = bloq[i_obs];
  int n_random = 3;                    // Number of random effects
  array[n_random] real scale_omega = {scale_omega_cl, scale_omega_v, 
  array[2] real scale_sigma = {scale_sigma_p, scale_sigma_a};
  array[n_subjects] int seq_subj = sequence(1, n_subjects); // reduce_sum over subjects
  int n_cmt = 2;
  real<lower = 0> TVCL;       
  real<lower = 0> TVV; 
  real<lower = TVCL/TVV> TVKA;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random] omega;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random] L;
  vector<lower = 0>[2] sigma;
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Sigma;
  matrix[n_random, n_subjects] Z;

  // Priors
  TVCL ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvcl);
  TVV ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvv);
  TVKA ~ normal(0, scale_tvka) T[TVCL/TVV, ];

  omega ~ normal(0, scale_omega);
  L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_omega);
  sigma ~ normal(0, scale_sigma);
  L_Sigma ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_sigma);
  to_vector(Z) ~ std_normal();
  // Likelihood
  target += reduce_sum(partial_sum_lupmf, seq_subj, grainsize,
                       dv_obs, dv_obs_id, i_obs,
                       amt, cmt, evid, time, 
                       rate, ii, addl, ss, subj_start, subj_end, 
                       TVCL, TVV, TVKA, omega, L, Z,
                       sigma, L_Sigma, 
                       lloq, bloq, n_cmt,
                       n_random, n_subjects, n_total);
generated quantities{
  real<lower = 0> sigma_p = sigma[1];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_a = sigma[2];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_p = square(sigma_p);
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_a = square(sigma_a); 

  real<lower = 0> omega_cl = omega[1];
  real<lower = 0> omega_v = omega[2];
  real<lower = 0> omega_ka = omega[3];

  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_cl = square(omega_cl);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_v = square(omega_v);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_ka = square(omega_ka);

  real cor_cl_v;
  real cor_cl_ka;
  real cor_v_ka;
  real omega_cl_v;
  real omega_cl_ka;
  real omega_v_ka;
  real cor_p_a;
  real sigma_p_a;

  vector[n_subjects] eta_cl;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_v;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_ka;
  vector[n_subjects] CL;
  vector[n_subjects] V;
  vector[n_subjects] KA;
  vector[n_subjects] KE;

  vector[n_obs] ipred;
  vector[n_obs] pred;
  vector[n_obs] dv_ppc;
  vector[n_obs] log_lik;
  vector[n_obs] res;
  vector[n_obs] wres;
  vector[n_obs] ires;
  vector[n_obs] iwres;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVV, TVKA});

    matrix[n_random, n_random] R = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);
    matrix[n_random, n_random] Omega = quad_form_diag(R, omega);

    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));

    vector[n_total] dv_pred;
    matrix[n_total, 2] x_pred;
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;
    matrix[n_total, 2] x_ipred;

    array[3] real theta_params_tv = {TVCL, TVV, TVKA};

    eta_cl = col(eta, 1);
    eta_v = col(eta, 2);
    eta_ka = col(eta, 3);

    CL = col(theta, 1);
    V = col(theta, 2);
    KA = col(theta, 3);
    KE = CL ./ V;

    cor_cl_v = R[1, 2];
    cor_cl_ka = R[1, 3];
    cor_v_ka = R[2, 3];

    omega_cl_v = Omega[1, 2];
    omega_cl_ka = Omega[1, 3];
    omega_v_ka = Omega[2, 3];
    cor_p_a = R_Sigma[2, 1];
    sigma_p_a = Sigma[2, 1];

    for(j in 1:n_subjects){

      array[3] real theta_params = {CL[j], V[j], KA[j]};
      x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
      dv_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ V[j];

      x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =

      dv_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]] = 
        x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j], 2] ./ TVV;

    pred = dv_pred[i_obs];
    ipred = dv_ipred[i_obs];


  res = dv_obs - pred;                                                                             
  ires = dv_obs - ipred;

  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    real ipred_tmp = ipred[i];
    real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_tmp) * sigma_sq_p + sigma_sq_a + 
    // dv_ppc[i] = normal_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    dv_ppc[i] = normal_lb_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp, 0.0);
    if(bloq_obs[i] == 1){
      // log_lik[i] = log(normal_cdf(lloq_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp) - 
      //                  normal_cdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp)) -
      //              normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
      log_lik[i] = log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(lloq_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp),
                                normal_lcdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp)) -
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp); 
      log_lik[i] = normal_lpdf(dv_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp) - 
                   normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
    wres[i] = res[i]/sigma_tmp;
    iwres[i] = ires[i]/sigma_tmp;
} Indirect Response Models

One common type of ODE model that we use are indirect response models that exhibit “stimulation of the production or dissipation of factors controlling the measured effect.” There are 4 common types of indirect response models:

In the notation above \(R\) is the response, \(k_{in}\) represents the zero-order rate constant for production of the response, \(k_{out}\) represents the first-order rate constant for loss of the response, \(C_p\) is the plasma concentration (often described by a one- or two-compartment PK model), \(I_{max}\) is the maximum fractional inhibition (sometimes fixed to 1) and \(IC_{50}\) is the drug concentration that produces 50% of the maximum inhibition for IR1 and IR2, and \(S_{max}\) (more commonly \(E_{max}\)) is the maximum stimulation and \(SC_{50}\) (more commonly \(EC_{50}\)) is the drug concentration that produces 50% of the maximum stimulation for IR3 and IR4. Indirect Response I: PK Model

If we assume a two-compartment model with IV infusion, the full system of ODEs for the Indirect Response I (IR1) model is:\[\begin{align} \frac{dA_c}{dt} &= rate_{in} - \left(\frac{CL}{V_c} + \frac{Q}{V_c}\right)A_C + \frac{Q}{V_p}A_p \notag \\ \frac{dA_p}{dt} &= \frac{Q}{V_c}A_c - \frac{Q}{V_p}A_p \\ \frac{dR}{dt} &= k_{in}\left(1 - \frac{I_{max}*\left(\frac{A_c}{V_c}\right)^\gamma}{IC_{50}^\gamma + \left(\frac{A_c}{V_c}\right)^\gamma}\right) - k_{out}R \end{align} \tag{3.3}\]

This model has the standard two-compartment PK model, and the response equation is just like the one in the figure above but also has the parameter \(\gamma\) controlling the steepness of the response curve, but this is commonly set to 1.

We can fit this data with a model that is written with the full system of ODEs in Equation 3.3. This is done in a similar fashion as the one-compartment model from Section, i.e. we need to write a function in the functions block of our Stan code to describe the system and then use one of the ODE solvers provided by Stan/Torsten to solve the system. Let’s look at the Stan code:

ir1_ode_model <- cmdstan_model("Torsten/Fit/iv_2cmt_ppa_ir1_lognormal_m4.stan",
  cpp_options = list(stan_threads = TRUE))

// IV Infusion
// Two-compartment PK Model with Indirect Response 1 PD Model
// IIV on CL, VC, Q, VP (full covariance matrix) for PK
// IIV on KIN, KOUT, IC50 (full covariance matrix) for PD. IMAX is fixed to be 1
// proportional plus additive error for PK - DV = CP(1 + eps_p_pk) + eps_a_pk
// lognormal error for PD - DV = f(.)*exp(eps_pd)
// General ODE solution using Torsten
// Implements threading for within-chain parallelization
// Deals with BLOQ values by the "CDF trick"
// Since we have a normal distribution on the error for PK, but the DV for PK 
//   must be > 0, it truncates the likelihood below at 0
// For PPC for PK, it generates values from a normal that is truncated below at 
//   0.


  array[] int sequence(int start, int end) { 
    array[end - start + 1] int seq;
    for (n in 1:num_elements(seq)) {
      seq[n] = n + start - 1;
    return seq; 
  int num_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y){
    int n = 0;
    for(i in 1:num_elements(y)){
      if(y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub)
                    n = n + 1;
    return n;
  array[] int find_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y) {
    // vector[num_between(lb, ub, y)] result;
    array[num_between(lb, ub, y)] int result;
    int n = 1;
    for (i in 1:num_elements(y)) {
      if (y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  vector find_between_vec(int lb, int ub, array[] int idx, vector y) {
    vector[num_between(lb, ub, idx)] result;
    int n = 1;
    if(num_elements(idx) != num_elements(y)) reject("illegal input");
    for (i in 1:rows(y)) {
      if (idx[i] >= lb && idx[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  real normal_lb_rng(real mu, real sigma, real lb){
    real p_lb = normal_cdf(lb | mu, sigma);
    real u = uniform_rng(p_lb, 1);
    real y = mu + sigma * inv_Phi(u);
    return y;

  vector two_cmt_ir1_ode(real t, vector y, array[] real params, 
                         array[] real x_r, array[] int x_i){
    real cl = params[1];
    real q = params[2];
    real vc = params[3];
    real vp = params[4];
    real ka = params[5];
    real kin = params[6];
    real kout = params[7];
    real ic50 = params[8];
    real imax = params[9];  // It's fixed to 1 in this particular model
    real hill = params[10]; // It's fixed to 1 in this particular model
    real r_0 = params[11];
    real ke = cl/vc;
    real k_cp = q/vc;
    real k_pc = q/vp;
    real conc = y[2]/vc;
    real inh = (imax*pow(conc, hill))/(pow(ic50, hill) + pow(conc, hill));
    real response = y[4] + r_0;
    vector[4] dydt;

    dydt[1] = -ka*y[1];
    dydt[2] = ka*y[1] - (ke + k_cp)*y[2] + k_pc*y[3];
    dydt[3] = k_cp*y[2] - k_pc*y[3];
    dydt[4] = kin*(1 - inh) - kout*response;
    return dydt;
  real partial_sum_lpmf(array[] int seq_subj, int start, int end,
                        vector dv_obs, array[] int dv_obs_id, array[] int i_obs,
                        array[] real amt, array[] int cmt, array[] int evid, 
                        array[] real time, array[] real rate, array[] real ii, 
                        array[] int addl, array[] int ss,
                        array[] int subj_start, array[] int subj_end, 
                        real TVCL, real TVVC, real TVQ, real TVVP, 
                        vector omega, matrix L, matrix Z, 
                        vector sigma, matrix L_Sigma,
                        real TVKIN, real TVKOUT, real TVIC50, real imax, real hill,
                        vector omega_pd, matrix L_pd, matrix Z_pd, 
                        real sigma_pd,
                        vector lloq, array[] int bloq,
                        int n_cmt,
                        int n_random, int n_subjects, int n_total, 
                        int n_random_pd){
    real ptarget = 0;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));
    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);
    row_vector[n_random_pd] typical_values_pd = to_row_vector({TVKIN, TVKOUT, 
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random_pd] eta_pd = diag_pre_multiply(omega_pd, 
                                                               L_pd * Z_pd)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random_pd] theta_pd =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values_pd, n_subjects) .* 
    int N = end - start + 1;        // number of subjects in this slice  
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;       
    matrix[n_total, n_cmt] x_ipred; 

    int n_obs_slice = num_between(subj_start[start], subj_end[end], i_obs);
    array[n_obs_slice] int i_obs_slice = find_between(subj_start[start], 
                                                      subj_end[end], i_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] dv_obs_slice = find_between_vec(start, end, 
                                                        dv_obs_id, dv_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] ipred_slice;
    vector[n_obs_slice] lloq_slice = lloq[i_obs_slice];
    array[n_obs_slice] int bloq_slice = bloq[i_obs_slice];
    array[n_obs_slice] int cmt_slice = cmt[i_obs_slice];
    for(n in 1:N){            // loop over subjects in this slice
      int nn = n + start - 1; // nn is the ID of the current subject
      row_vector[n_random] theta_nn = theta[nn]; // access the PK parameters for subject nn
      real cl = theta_nn[1];
      real vc = theta_nn[2];
      real q = theta_nn[3];
      real vp = theta_nn[4];
      row_vector[n_random_pd] theta_nn_pd = theta_pd[nn]; // access the PD parameters for subject nn
      real kin = theta_nn_pd[1];
      real kout = theta_nn_pd[2];
      real ic50 = theta_nn_pd[3];
      real r_0 = kin/kout;
      array[11] real params = {cl, q, vc, vp, 0,  // The 0 is for KA. Skip the absorption
                               kin, kout, ic50, imax, hill, r_0};
      x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], ] =
      for(k in subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn]){
        if(cmt[k] == 2){
          dv_ipred[k] = x_ipred[k, 2] / vc;
        }else if(cmt[k] == 4){
          dv_ipred[k] = x_ipred[k, 4] + r_0;
    ipred_slice = dv_ipred[i_obs_slice];
    for(i in 1:n_obs_slice){
      if(cmt_slice[i] == 2){
        real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_slice[i]) * Sigma[1, 1] +
                                           Sigma[2, 2] + 
                                           2*ipred_slice[i]*Sigma[2, 1]);
        if(bloq_slice[i] == 1){
          ptarget += log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(lloq_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], 
                                  normal_lcdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp)) -
                     normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp); 
          ptarget += normal_lpdf(dv_obs_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp) -
                     normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);
      }else if(cmt_slice[i] == 4){
        if(bloq_slice[i] == 1){
          ptarget += lognormal_lcdf(lloq_slice[i] | log(ipred_slice[i]), sigma_pd);
          ptarget += lognormal_lpdf(dv_obs_slice[i] | log(ipred_slice[i]), sigma_pd);
    return ptarget;
  int n_subjects;
  int n_total;
  int n_obs;
  array[n_obs] int i_obs;
  array[n_total] int ID;
  array[n_total] real amt;
  array[n_total] int cmt;
  array[n_total] int evid;
  array[n_total] real rate;
  array[n_total] real ii;
  array[n_total] int addl;
  array[n_total] int ss;
  array[n_total] real time;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_total] dv;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_start;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_end;
  vector[n_total] lloq;
  array[n_total] int bloq;
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvcl;      // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvc;      // Prior Scale parameter for VC
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvq;       // Prior Scale parameter for Q
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvp;      // Prior Scale parameter for VP
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_cl; // Prior scale parameter for omega_cl
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vc; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vc
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_q;  // Prior scale parameter for omega_q
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vp; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vp
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_omega;   // Prior degrees of freedom for omega cor mat
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_p;  // Prior Scale parameter for proportional error
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_a;  // Prior Scale parameter for additive error
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_sigma;   // Prior degrees of freedom for sigma cor mat
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvkin;    // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvkout;   // Prior Scale parameter for VC
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvic50;   // Prior Scale parameter for Q
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_kin;  // Prior scale parameter for omega_kin
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_kout; // Prior scale parameter for omega_kout
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_ic50; // Prior scale parameter for omega_ic50
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_omega_pd;  // Prior degrees of freedom for omega cor mat for PD
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_pd;   // Prior Scale parameter for lognormal error for PD
transformed data{ 
  int grainsize = 1;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_obs] dv_obs = dv[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int dv_obs_id = ID[i_obs];
  vector[n_obs] lloq_obs = lloq[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int bloq_obs = bloq[i_obs];
  int n_random = 4;                    // Number of random effects for PK
  int n_random_pd = 3;                 // Number of random effects for PD
  array[n_random] real scale_omega = {scale_omega_cl, scale_omega_vc, 
                                      scale_omega_q, scale_omega_vp}; 
  array[2] real scale_sigma = {scale_sigma_p, scale_sigma_a};
  array[n_random_pd] real scale_omega_pd = {scale_omega_kin, scale_omega_kout, 
  array[n_subjects] int seq_subj = sequence(1, n_subjects); // reduce_sum over subjects
  int n_cmt = 4;
  real imax = 1.0;
  real hill = 1.0;
  real<lower = 0> TVCL;       
  real<lower = 0> TVVC; 
  real<lower = 0> TVQ;
  real<lower = 0> TVVP; 
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random] omega;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random] L;
  vector<lower = 0>[2] sigma;
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Sigma;
  matrix[n_random, n_subjects] Z;
  real<lower = 0> TVKIN;       
  real<lower = 0> TVKOUT; 
  real<lower = 0> TVIC50;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random_pd] omega_pd;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random_pd] L_pd;
  real<lower = 0> sigma_pd;
  matrix[n_random_pd, n_subjects] Z_pd;

  // Priors
  TVCL ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvcl);
  TVVC ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvvc);
  TVQ ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvq);
  TVVP ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvvp);

  omega ~ normal(0, scale_omega);
  L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_omega);
  sigma ~ normal(0, scale_sigma);
  L_Sigma ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_sigma);
  to_vector(Z) ~ std_normal();
  TVKIN ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvkin);
  TVKOUT ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvkout);
  TVIC50 ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvic50);
  omega_pd ~ normal(0, scale_omega_pd);
  L_pd ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_omega_pd);
  sigma_pd ~ normal(0, scale_sigma_pd);
  to_vector(Z_pd) ~ std_normal();
  // Likelihood
  target += reduce_sum(partial_sum_lupmf, seq_subj, grainsize,
                       dv_obs, dv_obs_id, i_obs,
                       amt, cmt, evid, time, 
                       rate, ii, addl, ss, subj_start, subj_end, 
                       TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP, omega, L, Z,
                       sigma, L_Sigma, 
                       TVKIN, TVKOUT, TVIC50, imax, hill,
                       omega_pd, L_pd, Z_pd, 
                       lloq, bloq, n_cmt,
                       n_random, n_subjects, n_total, n_random_pd);
generated quantities{
  real<lower = 0> sigma_p = sigma[1];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_a = sigma[2];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_p = square(sigma_p);
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_a = square(sigma_a); 

  real<lower = 0> omega_cl = omega[1];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vc = omega[2];
  real<lower = 0> omega_q = omega[3];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vp = omega[4];

  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_cl = square(omega_cl);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vc = square(omega_vc);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_q = square(omega_q);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vp = square(omega_vp);

  real<lower = 0> omega_kin = omega_pd[1];
  real<lower = 0> omega_kout = omega_pd[2];
  real<lower = 0> omega_ic50 = omega_pd[3];

  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_kin = square(omega_kin);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_kout = square(omega_kout);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_ic50 = square(omega_ic50);

  real cor_cl_vc;
  real cor_cl_q;
  real cor_cl_vp;
  real cor_vc_q;
  real cor_vc_vp;
  real cor_q_vp;
  real omega_cl_vc;
  real omega_cl_q;
  real omega_cl_vp;
  real omega_vc_q;
  real omega_vc_vp;
  real omega_q_vp;

  real cor_p_a;
  real sigma_p_a;

  vector[n_subjects] eta_cl;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vc;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_q;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vp;
  vector[n_subjects] CL;
  vector[n_subjects] VC;
  vector[n_subjects] Q;
  vector[n_subjects] VP;
  real cor_kin_kout;
  real cor_kin_ic50;
  real cor_kout_ic50;
  real omega_kin_kout;
  real omega_kin_ic50;
  real omega_kout_ic50;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_kin;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_kout;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_ic50;
  vector[n_subjects] KIN;
  vector[n_subjects] KOUT;
  vector[n_subjects] IC50;
  vector[n_obs] ipred;
  vector[n_obs] pred;
  vector[n_obs] dv_ppc;
  vector[n_obs] log_lik;
  vector[n_obs] res;
  vector[n_obs] wres;
  vector[n_obs] ires;
  vector[n_obs] iwres;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});

    matrix[n_random, n_random] R = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);
    matrix[n_random, n_random] Omega = quad_form_diag(R, omega);

    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));
    row_vector[n_random_pd] typical_values_pd = to_row_vector({TVKIN, TVKOUT, 
    matrix[n_random_pd, n_random_pd] R_pd = 
    matrix[n_random_pd, n_random_pd] Omega_pd = quad_form_diag(R_pd, omega_pd);
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random_pd] eta_pd = diag_pre_multiply(omega_pd, 
                                                               L_pd * Z_pd)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random_pd] theta_pd =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values_pd, n_subjects) .* 

    vector[n_total] dv_pred;
    matrix[n_total, n_cmt] x_pred;
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;
    matrix[n_total, n_cmt] x_ipred;
    real r_0_tv = TVKIN/TVKOUT;
    array[11] real params_tv = {TVCL, TVQ, TVVC, TVVP, 0,  // 0 is for KA to skip absorption
                                TVKIN, TVKOUT, TVIC50, imax, hill,
    eta_cl = col(eta, 1);
    eta_vc = col(eta, 2);
    eta_q = col(eta, 3);
    eta_vp = col(eta, 4);
    CL = col(theta, 1);
    VC = col(theta, 2);
    Q = col(theta, 3);
    VP = col(theta, 4);

    cor_cl_vc = R[1, 2];
    cor_cl_q = R[1, 3];
    cor_cl_vp = R[1, 4];
    cor_vc_q = R[2, 3];
    cor_vc_vp = R[2, 4];
    cor_q_vp = R[3, 4];
    omega_cl_vc = Omega[1, 2];
    omega_cl_q = Omega[1, 3];
    omega_cl_vp = Omega[1, 4];
    omega_vc_q = Omega[2, 3];
    omega_vc_vp = Omega[2, 4];
    omega_q_vp = Omega[3, 4];

    cor_p_a = R_Sigma[2, 1];
    sigma_p_a = Sigma[2, 1];
    eta_kin = col(eta_pd, 1);
    eta_kout = col(eta_pd, 2);
    eta_ic50 = col(eta_pd, 3);
    KIN = col(theta_pd, 1);
    KOUT = col(theta_pd, 2);
    IC50 = col(theta_pd, 3);

    cor_kin_kout = R_pd[1, 2];
    cor_kin_ic50 = R_pd[1, 3];
    cor_kout_ic50 = R_pd[2, 3];
    omega_kin_kout = Omega_pd[1, 2];
    omega_kin_ic50 = Omega_pd[1, 3];
    omega_kout_ic50 = Omega_pd[2, 3];
    for(j in 1:n_subjects){
      real r_0 = KIN[j]/KOUT[j];
      array[11] real params = {CL[j], Q[j], VC[j], VP[j], 0,
                               KIN[j], KOUT[j], IC50[j], imax, hill,
      x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
      for(k in subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]){
        if(cmt[k] == 2){
          dv_ipred[k] = x_ipred[k, 2] / VC[j];
        }else if(cmt[k] == 4){
          dv_ipred[k] = x_ipred[k, 4] + r_0;

      x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
      for(k in subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]){
        if(cmt[k] == 2){
          dv_pred[k] = x_pred[k, 2] / TVVC;
        }else if(cmt[k] == 4){
          dv_pred[k] = x_pred[k, 4] + r_0_tv;

    pred = dv_pred[i_obs];
    ipred = dv_ipred[i_obs];

  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    if(cmt[i_obs[i]] == 2){
      real ipred_tmp = ipred[i];
      real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_tmp) * sigma_sq_p + sigma_sq_a + 
      dv_ppc[i] = normal_lb_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp, 0.0);
      if(bloq_obs[i] == 1){
        log_lik[i] = log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(lloq_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp),
                                  normal_lcdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp)) -
                     normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp); 
        log_lik[i] = normal_lpdf(dv_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp) - 
                     normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
      res[i] = dv_obs[i] - pred[i];                                                                             
      ires[i] = dv_obs[i] - ipred[i];
      wres[i] = res[i]/sigma_tmp;
      iwres[i] = ires[i]/sigma_tmp;
    }else if(cmt[i_obs[i]] == 4){
      dv_ppc[i] = lognormal_rng(log(ipred[i]), sigma_pd);
      if(bloq_obs[i] == 1){
        log_lik[i] = lognormal_lcdf(lloq_obs[i] | log(ipred[i]), sigma_pd);
        log_lik[i] = lognormal_lpdf(dv_obs[i] | log(ipred[i]), sigma_pd);
      res[i] = log(dv_obs[i]) - log(pred[i]);
      ires[i] = log(dv_obs[i]) - log(ipred[i]);
      wres[i] = res[i]/sigma_pd;
      iwres[i] = ires[i]/sigma_pd;

If you look at the system of ODEs in Equation 3.3, you will notice that the the first two compartments look like a two-compartment IV model, a system that we have an analytical solution for, In situations like these where our PK model does not depend on our PD model, we can use the coupled ODE model function where the analytical solution for the PK is introduced into the ODE for the PD for numerical integration. This should in theory be simpler and faster computationally due to the smaller system of ODEs that need to be solved numerically. Let’s look at the Stan code:

ir1_coupled_model <- cmdstan_model(
  cpp_options = list(stan_threads = TRUE))

// IV Infusion
// Two-compartment PK Model with Indirect Response 1 PD Model
// IIV on CL, VC, Q, VP (full covariance matrix) for PK
// IIV on KIN, KOUT, IC50 (full covariance matrix) for PD. IMAX is fixed to be 1
// proportional plus additive error for PK - DV = CP(1 + eps_p_pk) + eps_a_pk
// lognormal error for PD - DV = f(.)*exp(eps_pd)
// General ODE solution using Torsten
// Implements threading for within-chain parallelization
// Deals with BLOQ values by the "CDF trick"
// Since we have a normal distribution on the error for PK, but the DV for PK 
//   must be > 0, it truncates the likelihood below at 0
// For PPC for PK, it generates values from a normal that is truncated below at 
//   0.


  array[] int sequence(int start, int end) { 
    array[end - start + 1] int seq;
    for (n in 1:num_elements(seq)) {
      seq[n] = n + start - 1;
    return seq; 
  int num_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y){
    int n = 0;
    for(i in 1:num_elements(y)){
      if(y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub)
                    n = n + 1;
    return n;
  array[] int find_between(int lb, int ub, array[] int y) {
    // vector[num_between(lb, ub, y)] result;
    array[num_between(lb, ub, y)] int result;
    int n = 1;
    for (i in 1:num_elements(y)) {
      if (y[i] >= lb && y[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  vector find_between_vec(int lb, int ub, array[] int idx, vector y) {
    vector[num_between(lb, ub, idx)] result;
    int n = 1;
    if(num_elements(idx) != num_elements(y)) reject("illegal input");
    for (i in 1:rows(y)) {
      if (idx[i] >= lb && idx[i] <= ub) {
        result[n] = y[i];
        n = n + 1;
    return result;
  real normal_lb_rng(real mu, real sigma, real lb){
    real p_lb = normal_cdf(lb | mu, sigma);
    real u = uniform_rng(p_lb, 1);
    real y = mu + sigma * inv_Phi(u);
    return y;

  vector two_cmt_ir1_ode(real t, vector y, vector y_pk, 
                         array[] real params, array[] real x_r, 
                         array[] int x_i){
    real vc = params[3];

    real kin = params[6];
    real kout = params[7];
    real ic50 = params[8];
    real imax = params[9];  // It's fixed to 1 in this particular model
    real hill = params[10]; // It's fixed to 1 in this particular model
    real r_0 = params[11];
    real conc = y_pk[2]/vc;
    real inh = (imax*pow(conc, hill))/(pow(ic50, hill) + pow(conc, hill));
    real response = y[1] + r_0;
    vector[1] dydt;

    dydt[1] = kin*(1 - inh) - kout*response;
    return dydt;
  real partial_sum_lpmf(array[] int seq_subj, int start, int end,
                        vector dv_obs, array[] int dv_obs_id, array[] int i_obs,
                        array[] real amt, array[] int cmt, array[] int evid, 
                        array[] real time, array[] real rate, array[] real ii, 
                        array[] int addl, array[] int ss,
                        array[] int subj_start, array[] int subj_end, 
                        real TVCL, real TVVC, real TVQ, real TVVP, 
                        vector omega, matrix L, matrix Z, 
                        vector sigma, matrix L_Sigma,
                        real TVKIN, real TVKOUT, real TVIC50, real imax, real hill,
                        vector omega_pd, matrix L_pd, matrix Z_pd, 
                        real sigma_pd,
                        vector lloq, array[] int bloq,
                        int n_cmt, int n_ode, 
                        array[] real bioav, array[] real tlag,
                        int n_random, int n_subjects, int n_total, 
                        int n_random_pd){
    real ptarget = 0;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));
    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);
    row_vector[n_random_pd] typical_values_pd = to_row_vector({TVKIN, TVKOUT, 
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random_pd] eta_pd = diag_pre_multiply(omega_pd, 
                                                               L_pd * Z_pd)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random_pd] theta_pd =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values_pd, n_subjects) .* 
    int N = end - start + 1;        // number of subjects in this slice  
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;       
    matrix[n_total, n_cmt + n_ode] x_ipred; 

    int n_obs_slice = num_between(subj_start[start], subj_end[end], i_obs);
    array[n_obs_slice] int i_obs_slice = find_between(subj_start[start], 
                                                      subj_end[end], i_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] dv_obs_slice = find_between_vec(start, end, 
                                                        dv_obs_id, dv_obs);
    vector[n_obs_slice] ipred_slice;
    vector[n_obs_slice] lloq_slice = lloq[i_obs_slice];
    array[n_obs_slice] int bloq_slice = bloq[i_obs_slice];
    array[n_obs_slice] int cmt_slice = cmt[i_obs_slice];
    for(n in 1:N){            // loop over subjects in this slice
      int nn = n + start - 1; // nn is the ID of the current subject
      row_vector[n_random] theta_nn = theta[nn]; // access the PK parameters for subject nn
      real cl = theta_nn[1];
      real vc = theta_nn[2];
      real q = theta_nn[3];
      real vp = theta_nn[4];
      row_vector[n_random_pd] theta_nn_pd = theta_pd[nn]; // access the PD parameters for subject nn
      real kin = theta_nn_pd[1];
      real kout = theta_nn_pd[2];
      real ic50 = theta_nn_pd[3];
      real r_0 = kin/kout;
      array[11] real params = {cl, q, vc, vp, 0,  // The 0 is for KA. Skip the absorption
                               kin, kout, ic50, imax, hill, r_0};
      x_ipred[subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn], ] =
                              params, bioav, tlag)';
      for(k in subj_start[nn]:subj_end[nn]){
        if(cmt[k] == 2){
          dv_ipred[k] = x_ipred[k, 2] / vc;
        }else if(cmt[k] == 4){
          dv_ipred[k] = x_ipred[k, 4] + r_0;
    ipred_slice = dv_ipred[i_obs_slice];
    for(i in 1:n_obs_slice){
      if(cmt_slice[i] == 2){
        real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_slice[i]) * Sigma[1, 1] +
                                           Sigma[2, 2] + 
                                           2*ipred_slice[i]*Sigma[2, 1]);
        if(bloq_slice[i] == 1){
          ptarget += log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(lloq_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], 
                                  normal_lcdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp)) -
                     normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp); 
          ptarget += normal_lpdf(dv_obs_slice[i] | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp) -
                     normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_slice[i], sigma_tmp);
      }else if(cmt_slice[i] == 4){
        if(bloq_slice[i] == 1){
          ptarget += lognormal_lcdf(lloq_slice[i] | log(ipred_slice[i]), sigma_pd);
          ptarget += lognormal_lpdf(dv_obs_slice[i] | log(ipred_slice[i]), sigma_pd);
    return ptarget;
  int n_subjects;
  int n_total;
  int n_obs;
  array[n_obs] int i_obs;
  array[n_total] int ID;
  array[n_total] real amt;
  array[n_total] int cmt;
  array[n_total] int evid;
  array[n_total] real rate;
  array[n_total] real ii;
  array[n_total] int addl;
  array[n_total] int ss;
  array[n_total] real time;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_total] dv;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_start;
  array[n_subjects] int subj_end;
  vector[n_total] lloq;
  array[n_total] int bloq;
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvcl;      // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvc;      // Prior Scale parameter for VC
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvq;       // Prior Scale parameter for Q
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvvp;      // Prior Scale parameter for VP
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_cl; // Prior scale parameter for omega_cl
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vc; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vc
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_q;  // Prior scale parameter for omega_q
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_vp; // Prior scale parameter for omega_vp
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_omega;   // Prior degrees of freedom for omega cor mat
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_p;  // Prior Scale parameter for proportional error
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_a;  // Prior Scale parameter for additive error
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_sigma;   // Prior degrees of freedom for sigma cor mat
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvkin;    // Prior Scale parameter for CL
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvkout;   // Prior Scale parameter for VC
  real<lower = 0> scale_tvic50;   // Prior Scale parameter for Q
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_kin;  // Prior scale parameter for omega_kin
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_kout; // Prior scale parameter for omega_kout
  real<lower = 0> scale_omega_ic50; // Prior scale parameter for omega_ic50
  real<lower = 0> lkj_df_omega_pd;  // Prior degrees of freedom for omega cor mat for PD
  real<lower = 0> scale_sigma_pd;   // Prior Scale parameter for lognormal error for PD
transformed data{ 
  int grainsize = 1;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_obs] dv_obs = dv[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int dv_obs_id = ID[i_obs];
  vector[n_obs] lloq_obs = lloq[i_obs];
  array[n_obs] int bloq_obs = bloq[i_obs];
  int n_random = 4;                    // Number of random effects for PK
  int n_random_pd = 3;                 // Number of random effects for PD
  array[n_random] real scale_omega = {scale_omega_cl, scale_omega_vc, 
                                      scale_omega_q, scale_omega_vp}; 
  array[2] real scale_sigma = {scale_sigma_p, scale_sigma_a};
  array[n_random_pd] real scale_omega_pd = {scale_omega_kin, scale_omega_kout, 
  array[n_subjects] int seq_subj = sequence(1, n_subjects); // reduce_sum over subjects
  int n_cmt = 3; // number of compartments in PK model (depot, central, peripheral)
  int n_ode = 1; // number of ODEs in PD system
  real imax = 1.0;
  real hill = 1.0;
  array[n_cmt] real bioav = rep_array(1.0, 10);
  array[n_cmt] real tlag = rep_array(0.0, 10);
  real<lower = 0> TVCL;       
  real<lower = 0> TVVC; 
  real<lower = 0> TVQ;
  real<lower = 0> TVVP; 
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random] omega;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random] L;
  vector<lower = 0>[2] sigma;
  cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Sigma;
  matrix[n_random, n_subjects] Z;
  real<lower = 0> TVKIN;       
  real<lower = 0> TVKOUT; 
  real<lower = 0> TVIC50;
  vector<lower = 0>[n_random_pd] omega_pd;
  cholesky_factor_corr[n_random_pd] L_pd;
  real<lower = 0> sigma_pd;
  matrix[n_random_pd, n_subjects] Z_pd;

  // Priors
  TVCL ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvcl);
  TVVC ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvvc);
  TVQ ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvq);
  TVVP ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvvp);

  omega ~ normal(0, scale_omega);
  L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_omega);
  sigma ~ normal(0, scale_sigma);
  L_Sigma ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_sigma);
  to_vector(Z) ~ std_normal();
  TVKIN ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvkin);
  TVKOUT ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvkout);
  TVIC50 ~ cauchy(0, scale_tvic50);
  omega_pd ~ normal(0, scale_omega_pd);
  L_pd ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(lkj_df_omega_pd);
  sigma_pd ~ normal(0, scale_sigma_pd);
  to_vector(Z_pd) ~ std_normal();
  // Likelihood
  target += reduce_sum(partial_sum_lupmf, seq_subj, grainsize,
                       dv_obs, dv_obs_id, i_obs,
                       amt, cmt, evid, time, 
                       rate, ii, addl, ss, subj_start, subj_end, 
                       TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP, omega, L, Z,
                       sigma, L_Sigma, 
                       TVKIN, TVKOUT, TVIC50, imax, hill,
                       omega_pd, L_pd, Z_pd, 
                       lloq, bloq, n_cmt, n_ode, bioav, tlag,
                       n_random, n_subjects, n_total, n_random_pd);
generated quantities{
  real<lower = 0> sigma_p = sigma[1];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_a = sigma[2];
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_p = square(sigma_p);
  real<lower = 0> sigma_sq_a = square(sigma_a); 

  real<lower = 0> omega_cl = omega[1];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vc = omega[2];
  real<lower = 0> omega_q = omega[3];
  real<lower = 0> omega_vp = omega[4];

  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_cl = square(omega_cl);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vc = square(omega_vc);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_q = square(omega_q);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_vp = square(omega_vp);

  real<lower = 0> omega_kin = omega_pd[1];
  real<lower = 0> omega_kout = omega_pd[2];
  real<lower = 0> omega_ic50 = omega_pd[3];

  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_kin = square(omega_kin);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_kout = square(omega_kout);
  real<lower = 0> omega_sq_ic50 = square(omega_ic50);

  real cor_cl_vc;
  real cor_cl_q;
  real cor_cl_vp;
  real cor_vc_q;
  real cor_vc_vp;
  real cor_q_vp;
  real omega_cl_vc;
  real omega_cl_q;
  real omega_cl_vp;
  real omega_vc_q;
  real omega_vc_vp;
  real omega_q_vp;

  real cor_p_a;
  real sigma_p_a;

  vector[n_subjects] eta_cl;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vc;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_q;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_vp;
  vector[n_subjects] CL;
  vector[n_subjects] VC;
  vector[n_subjects] Q;
  vector[n_subjects] VP;
  real cor_kin_kout;
  real cor_kin_ic50;
  real cor_kout_ic50;
  real omega_kin_kout;
  real omega_kin_ic50;
  real omega_kout_ic50;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_kin;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_kout;
  vector[n_subjects] eta_ic50;
  vector[n_subjects] KIN;
  vector[n_subjects] KOUT;
  vector[n_subjects] IC50;
  vector[n_obs] ipred;
  vector[n_obs] pred;
  vector[n_obs] dv_ppc;
  vector[n_obs] log_lik;
  vector[n_obs] res;
  vector[n_obs] wres;
  vector[n_obs] ires;
  vector[n_obs] iwres;
    row_vector[n_random] typical_values = to_row_vector({TVCL, TVVC, TVQ, TVVP});

    matrix[n_random, n_random] R = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L);
    matrix[n_random, n_random] Omega = quad_form_diag(R, omega);

    matrix[2, 2] R_Sigma = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(L_Sigma);
    matrix[2, 2] Sigma = quad_form_diag(R_Sigma, sigma);

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] eta = diag_pre_multiply(omega, L * Z)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random] theta =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values, n_subjects) .* exp(eta));
    row_vector[n_random_pd] typical_values_pd = to_row_vector({TVKIN, TVKOUT, 
    matrix[n_random_pd, n_random_pd] R_pd = 
    matrix[n_random_pd, n_random_pd] Omega_pd = quad_form_diag(R_pd, omega_pd);
    matrix[n_subjects, n_random_pd] eta_pd = diag_pre_multiply(omega_pd, 
                                                               L_pd * Z_pd)';

    matrix[n_subjects, n_random_pd] theta_pd =
                          (rep_matrix(typical_values_pd, n_subjects) .* 

    vector[n_total] dv_pred;
    matrix[n_total, n_cmt + n_ode] x_pred;
    vector[n_total] dv_ipred;
    matrix[n_total, n_cmt + n_ode] x_ipred;
    real r_0_tv = TVKIN/TVKOUT;
    array[11] real params_tv = {TVCL, TVQ, TVVC, TVVP, 0,  // 0 is for KA to skip absorption
                                TVKIN, TVKOUT, TVIC50, imax, hill,
    eta_cl = col(eta, 1);
    eta_vc = col(eta, 2);
    eta_q = col(eta, 3);
    eta_vp = col(eta, 4);
    CL = col(theta, 1);
    VC = col(theta, 2);
    Q = col(theta, 3);
    VP = col(theta, 4);

    cor_cl_vc = R[1, 2];
    cor_cl_q = R[1, 3];
    cor_cl_vp = R[1, 4];
    cor_vc_q = R[2, 3];
    cor_vc_vp = R[2, 4];
    cor_q_vp = R[3, 4];
    omega_cl_vc = Omega[1, 2];
    omega_cl_q = Omega[1, 3];
    omega_cl_vp = Omega[1, 4];
    omega_vc_q = Omega[2, 3];
    omega_vc_vp = Omega[2, 4];
    omega_q_vp = Omega[3, 4];

    cor_p_a = R_Sigma[2, 1];
    sigma_p_a = Sigma[2, 1];
    eta_kin = col(eta_pd, 1);
    eta_kout = col(eta_pd, 2);
    eta_ic50 = col(eta_pd, 3);
    KIN = col(theta_pd, 1);
    KOUT = col(theta_pd, 2);
    IC50 = col(theta_pd, 3);

    cor_kin_kout = R_pd[1, 2];
    cor_kin_ic50 = R_pd[1, 3];
    cor_kout_ic50 = R_pd[2, 3];
    omega_kin_kout = Omega_pd[1, 2];
    omega_kin_ic50 = Omega_pd[1, 3];
    omega_kout_ic50 = Omega_pd[2, 3];
    for(j in 1:n_subjects){
      real r_0 = KIN[j]/KOUT[j];
      array[11] real params = {CL[j], Q[j], VC[j], VP[j], 0,
                               KIN[j], KOUT[j], IC50[j], imax, hill,
      x_ipred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
                              params, bioav, tlag)';
      for(k in subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]){
        if(cmt[k] == 2){
          dv_ipred[k] = x_ipred[k, 2] / VC[j];
        }else if(cmt[k] == 4){
          dv_ipred[k] = x_ipred[k, 4] + r_0;

      x_pred[subj_start[j]:subj_end[j],] =
                              params_tv, bioav, tlag)';
      for(k in subj_start[j]:subj_end[j]){
        if(cmt[k] == 2){
          dv_pred[k] = x_pred[k, 2] / TVVC;
        }else if(cmt[k] == 4){
          dv_pred[k] = x_pred[k, 4] + r_0_tv;

    pred = dv_pred[i_obs];
    ipred = dv_ipred[i_obs];

  for(i in 1:n_obs){
    if(cmt[i_obs[i]] == 2){
      real ipred_tmp = ipred[i];
      real sigma_tmp = sqrt(square(ipred_tmp) * sigma_sq_p + sigma_sq_a + 
      dv_ppc[i] = normal_lb_rng(ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp, 0.0);
      if(bloq_obs[i] == 1){
        log_lik[i] = log_diff_exp(normal_lcdf(lloq_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp),
                                  normal_lcdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp)) -
                     normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp); 
        log_lik[i] = normal_lpdf(dv_obs[i] | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp) - 
                     normal_lccdf(0.0 | ipred_tmp, sigma_tmp);
      res[i] = dv_obs[i] - pred[i];                                                                             
      ires[i] = dv_obs[i] - ipred[i];
      wres[i] = res[i]/sigma_tmp;
      iwres[i] = ires[i]/sigma_tmp;
    }else if(cmt[i_obs[i]] == 4){
      dv_ppc[i] = lognormal_rng(log(ipred[i]), sigma_pd);
      if(bloq_obs[i] == 1){
        log_lik[i] = lognormal_lcdf(lloq_obs[i] | log(ipred[i]), sigma_pd);
        log_lik[i] = lognormal_lpdf(dv_obs[i] | log(ipred[i]), sigma_pd);
      res[i] = log(dv_obs[i]) - log(pred[i]);
      ires[i] = log(dv_obs[i]) - log(ipred[i]);
      wres[i] = res[i]/sigma_pd;
      iwres[i] = ires[i]/sigma_pd;

3.6 Session Info

R version 4.1.3 (2022-03-10)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19044)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
[6] methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] cmdstanr_0.5.3        posterior_1.3.1      
 [3] loo_2.5.1             tidybayes_3.0.2      
 [5] bayesplot_1.9.0       gganimate_1.0.8      
 [7] forcats_0.5.2         stringr_1.4.1        
 [9] dplyr_1.0.10          purrr_0.3.5          
[11] readr_2.1.3           tidyr_1.2.1          
[13] tibble_3.1.8          ggplot2_3.3.6        
[15] tidyverse_1.3.2       patchwork_1.1.2      
[17] mrgsolve_1.0.6        collapsibleTree_0.1.7

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] matrixStats_0.62.0   fs_1.5.2            
 [3] lubridate_1.8.0      progress_1.2.2      
 [5] httr_1.4.4           data.tree_1.0.0     
 [7] tensorA_0.36.2       tools_4.1.3         
 [9] backports_1.4.1      utf8_1.2.2          
[11] R6_2.5.1             DBI_1.1.3           
[13] colorspace_2.0-3     ggdist_3.2.0        
[15] withr_2.5.0          processx_3.8.0      
[17] tidyselect_1.2.0     prettyunits_1.1.1   
[19] compiler_4.1.3       cli_3.4.1           
[21] rvest_1.0.3          arrayhelpers_1.1-0  
[23] xml2_1.3.3           scales_1.2.1        
[25] checkmate_2.1.0      ggridges_0.5.4      
[27] digest_0.6.30        rmarkdown_2.17      
[29] pkgconfig_2.0.3      htmltools_0.5.3     
[31] dbplyr_2.2.1         fastmap_1.1.0       
[33] highr_0.9            htmlwidgets_1.5.4   
[35] rlang_1.0.6          readxl_1.4.1        
[37] rstudioapi_0.14      farver_2.1.1        
[39] generics_0.1.3       svUnit_1.0.6        
[41] jsonlite_1.8.3       googlesheets4_1.0.1 
[43] distributional_0.3.1 magrittr_2.0.3      
[45] Rcpp_1.0.9           munsell_0.5.0       
[47] fansi_1.0.3          abind_1.4-5         
[49] lifecycle_1.0.3      stringi_1.7.8       
[51] yaml_2.3.6           grid_4.1.3          
[53] parallel_4.1.3       crayon_1.5.2        
[55] lattice_0.20-45      haven_2.5.1         
[57] hms_1.1.2            magick_2.7.3        
[59] ps_1.7.2             knitr_1.40          
[61] pillar_1.8.1         reprex_2.0.2        
[63] glue_1.6.2           evaluate_0.17       
[65] modelr_0.1.9         vctrs_0.5.0         
[67] tzdb_0.3.0           tweenr_2.0.2        
[69] cellranger_1.1.0     gtable_0.3.1        
[71] assertthat_0.2.1     xfun_0.34           
[73] broom_1.0.1          coda_0.19-4         
[75] googledrive_2.0.0    gargle_1.2.1        
[77] ellipsis_0.3.2      

  1. Note that I’ll fit the data from the Torsten simulation. Either would be fine, but I want to fit the same data whether I’m fitting with pure Stan code or with Stan + Torsten.↩︎

  2. You could also write the model inline in a string, but I think that isn’t good practice in general, and especially when the model is hundreds of lines long.↩︎

  3. We actually do this with the dv curve, since we want a prediction interval, which involves residual error, but simulated DV curves (with residual error) are ugly, see above.↩︎

  4. These parameters are the macro-parameterization of this model - clearance, central compartment volume, inter-compartmental clearance, and peripheral compartment volume, respectively. I have chosen to use \(V_c\) and \(V_p\) for central compartment volume and peripheral compartment volume rather than \(V_1\) and \(V_2\) or \(V_2\) and \(V_3\) to reduce any confusion about the numbering (since \(V_2\) is the central compartment in a two-compartment depot model but the peripheral compartment in an IV model in NONMEM)↩︎

  5. You’ll notice that I wrote down the ODE as if there is first-order absorption. This is to emphasize that the central compartment is the second compartment in Torsten’s setup, and we will have to make sure \(CMT = 2\) for our dosing and observation records. Since there is no absorption, we just leave it out of our model and set it to 0 when using Torsten’s analytical solver↩︎

  6. For a typical statistical model, we would write the centered parameterization like this: \[\begin{align} Y_{ij} \mid \theta_i &\sim Normal\left(\theta_i, \sigma^2\right) \notag \\ \theta_i &\sim Normal\left(\mu, \omega^2\right) \notag \\ \end{align}\] The non-centered parameterization would be \[\begin{align} Y_{ij} \mid \eta_i &\sim Normal\left(\theta_i, \sigma^2\right) \notag \\ \eta_i &\sim Normal(0, \omega^2) \notag \\ \theta_i &= \mu + \eta_i \notag \\ \end{align}\] For our PK model, we would write the centered parameterization \[\begin{align} C_{ij} \mid CL_i, V_{c_i}, Q_i, V_{p_i}, \; \mathbf{\Omega}, \; \mathbf{\Sigma} &\sim Normal\left( f(\mathbf{\theta}_i, t_{ij}), \; \sigma_{ij} \right) I(C_{ij} > 0) \notag \\ CL_i \mid TVCL &\sim Lognormal\left(\log(TVCL), \omega^2_{CL}\right) \notag \\ V_{c_i} \mid TVVC &\sim Lognormal\left(\log(TVVC), \omega^2_{V_c}\right) \notag \\ Q_i \mid TVQ &\sim Lognormal\left(\log(TVQ), \omega^2_{Q}\right) \notag \\ V_{p_i} \mid TVVP &\sim Lognormal\left(\log(TVVP), \omega^2_{V_p}\right) \notag \\ \end{align}\]↩︎

  7. In practice, the correlation matrix is parameterized as the lower triangular factor of the Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix for numerical stability.↩︎

  8. In practice, the multivariate-normal \(\mathbf{\eta}\) is created by sampling from a multivariate standard normal and multiplying it by the standard deviations and Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix. \[\mathbf{\eta} = \begin{pmatrix} \omega_{CL} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \omega_{V_c} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \omega_{Q} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \omega_{V_p} \\ \end{pmatrix} \mathbf{LZ}\] where \(\mathbf{L}\) is the lower triangular factor of the Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix and \(\mathbf{Z}\) is a vector of standard normals.↩︎

  9. Note that this code below also simulates a dense grid that we could look at for visualization purposes, but I go ahead and filter those out since I’m only going to fit the data observed at the nominal timepoints given above↩︎

  10. The reason I do this here is to show that we don’t need a grid of time points or the same number of observations per subject. Stan is flexible and can work with whatever dataset you have.↩︎

  11. In Stan we actually calculate the log-posterior density (up to a constant). Taking some liberties with notation, this means the likelihood can be written as \[\begin{align} \mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\theta \, | \, \mathbf{y}}) &= \prod_{i=1}^{n_{subj}} \mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\theta_i \, | \, \mathbf{y}}) \notag \\ \implies log\left(\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\theta \, | \, \mathbf{y}})\right) &= \ell(\mathbf{\theta \, | \, \mathbf{y}}) \notag \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^{n_{subj}}\ell(\mathbf{\theta_i \, | \, \mathbf{y}}) \end{align}\] Hence reduce-sum instead of reduce-prod.↩︎

  12. Torsten also implements group integrators that support parallelization through Message Passing Interface (MPI). We won’t go into that here due to the difficulty of setting up the MPI, but there will be information in the Github repo that might be able to help you set it up and write your models with the group solvers.↩︎

  13. Be aware that there is overhead to this parallelization. If you use \(M\) threads-per-chain, the speedup will be \(< Mx\) and could potentially actually be slower, depending on your machine’s architecture and the computational complexity of the likelihood. In general, the more computationally intensive the likelihood calculation is, e.g. solving ODEs, the more speedup the within-chain parallelization will provide↩︎

  14. We did this so that if for some reason the assay changed, the LLOQ might change. There’s no real reason for this to be the case, but I wanted to show that the LLOQ doesn’t have to just be one number - each observation just needs to be associated with an LLOQ.↩︎

  15. A model like our single-individual example that assumes exponential error has support over \((0, \, \infty)\), so truncation is not an issue. In that case, M3 and M4 are equivalent↩︎

  16. For observed data with this truncated distribution, we need to “correct” the density so it integrates to 1. Division by \(1 - F(\cdot \, | \, \cdot)\) has this effect. For the censored data, the numerator is similar to the M3 method, but we must also account for the fact that it must be \(>0\), hence \(P(0 \leq c_{ij} \leq LLOQ) = F(LLOQ) - F(0)\). The denominator is corrected in the same manner as for the observed data.↩︎

  17. In any case, I recommend this book to all NONMEM users. It is a phenomenal reference that puts all of the important elements of NONMEM in one place rather than spread across a ton of user guides.↩︎